monagypsy 翻訳実績

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monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

"What about our joint-venture with Tencent in China? Did you read the article that Gaopeng’s CEO has kidnapped the first born children of all our employees and is putting them to work building a laser beam he’ll use to slice the moon in half? It turns out that that one isn’t true either. China is definitely a different market, but every month we inch closer to profitability. As has been our strategy in launching other countries — Germany, France, and the UK, included — our China growth strategy was to hire quickly and manage out the bottom performers. So far, that strategy has improved our competitive position in China from #3,000 to #8.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Or check out these June 2011 statistics from group-buy deal aggregator DaTaoTuan. appears only once; in the column indicating the number of deals offered, which is not a reflection of market share or sales numbers.

But if you want the most recent data, it comes from this Hitwise report for the first week of August, 2011 (7/31-8/6). Once again, note that does not appear in the top ten.

Now, it’s possible that Mr. Mason has seen more recent numbers than those from a couple weeks ago. But it’s pretty hard to imagine that Groupon could have jumped several steps up in market share while simultaneously firing hundreds of employees and closing 13 branches.





monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

What made you launch the service?

"A couple of years ago, I just planned a tour to Bangladesh with my mates in the NPO in order to see how social entrepreneurship is doing in developing countries. We had great success in the tour, and could even see Dr. Muhammmad Yunus, the Nobel Prize Peace winner and the founder/CEO of the Grameen Bank, a Bangladeshi micro-finance and community development bank.

I felt that planning a tour and carrying it out with my mates brought on a great sense of unity. A tour arrangement does not have to be a speciality of only travel agents. I thought that the joy of arranging a tour could be shared by individuals too."



「数年前、発展途上国においてどのようにソーシャルな事業化精神が行われているのか見るため、私はNPOの仲間とバングラデシュへのツアーを計画しました。私達はツアーにおいて大きな成功をおさめ、ノーベル平和賞受賞者でバングラデシュのマイクロファイナンスと地域開発銀行であるGrameen銀行の創設者でありCEOのDr.Muhammmad Yunusに会うことすらできた。


monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

How do you monetize it?

We just launched the service less than a year ago, and we are still in the alpha version focusing on engaging users. We’re now planning to launch an information resource hub specializing in self-planned travel experiences, that is expected to receive attention from many potential users and bring them to our main portal site. Currently our service is provided completely free. But we may have a business model that allows us to earn revenue by accepting advance booking for tours on the site, instead of tour planners collect the travel expenses. Also we just would like to explore possible business partnerships with travel agents and travel enthusiast groups such as




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Is there any plan for the international expansion?

I expect we’ll make it available in Asian countries. Japanese people may feel better in using products and services having an Asian flavor. Similarly I think Asian people may feel better using Asian-made web services compare to those from Western countries. Through our experience-sharing platform, we expect to have Asian travel enthusiasts on the planning side, and many European travelers on the participant side.

There are lots of travel resources online — Lonely Planet, Global Trotters, Michelin, and lots more. If you are tired of checking the conventional travel websites, give Trippiece a try. I’m hoping its English version will be available very soon.




Lonley Planet、Global Trotters、Michelin、など他にもたくさんのオンライン旅行リソースがある。あなたが型通りの旅行ウェブサイトをチェックする事に飽き飽きしているなら、Trippieceを試してください。もうすぐ英語バージョンも利用できるようになります。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

NO reserve Auction for a very rare & HTF PINK VEST for the European St. Moritz & Primi Freddi outfits & a Mattel Best Buy Jumpsuit. They look great together. All original & both are vintage by Mattel. Vest is very crisp & clean. NO holes, NO repairs. Seams are all intact. All 3 rows of decorative ribbon trim are intact. Lining very pink & clean. Fur is very white, but textured like a vintage teddy bear. Vest has a center back seam “dart”, but this is how it was factory made & should not be considered a repair. I have compared to others, & this is correct. This piece was also never tagged. Pink Tricot Knit Jumpsuit very bright & clean.


最低落札価格の設定されていないとても珍しいオークションです。ヨーロッパ市場のみ限定販売のEuropean St. MoritzもしくはPrimi Freddiと呼ばれる洋服と、Mattel社のジャンプスーツです。全て共に素晴らしく見えます。全部オリジナルで、両方ともMattelによるオリジナルでビンテージ商品です。ベストはとてもパリッとして綺麗です。穴も開いていません。修理もされていません。縫い目は全て無傷で損なわれていません。三段の飾りリボンの全ても損なわれていません。ライニングもピンクで綺麗です。毛の部分は真っ白ですが、ビンテージのぬいぐるみのような手触りです。ベスト二は背中の真ん中に「ダーツ」がありますが、これは工場でもともとつけられたもので、修理の跡ではありません。他の物と比較してみましたが、ダーツがついています。タグはついていませんでした。ピンクのトリコニットのジャンプスーツは、鮮やかで、きれいです。