monagypsy 翻訳実績

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・Solving real problems: I didn’t see many copycat products presented in Bangalore. Many good ideas are targeted to solve specific problems in India. In other words, they create real value in society. There aren’t any bullshit products created just for the sake of being cool or just for the sake of riding popular technologies. In fact, I noticed that prior to my trip to India.

・Experience, communication: Many of these folks are very technically gifted, showing that there is a reason why Bangalore is called the Silicon Valley of India. They can communicate well in English and the pitches are clear and concise. This also means that their products can easily scale to other major markets including U.S and Europe.



・経験、コミュニケーション:これら多くの人々は、技術的に恵まれており、BangaloreがインドのSilicon Valleyと呼ばれる理由を示している。彼らは英語で上手くコミュニケーションでき、ピッチは明確で簡潔である。これはまた、彼らの製品がアメリカやヨーロッパを含む他の主要な市場へ簡単に拡大できることを意味する。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Last Friday, Ben and I were invited to chat to Jack and have a quick look at the impressive office. It really felt more like an American style office of a well funded start-up. When chatting to Jack, we were generously given coke, tea and a nice big juicy apple sitting on a nice comfy couch over looking Tsinghua and Peking University in the distance.

The workers themselves looked very comfortable, sitting in expensive ergonomic chairs with air inflated head rests. The group meeting behind us flashy new Mac Book Air’s, reviewing a screen.

Here’s some pictures to show you how DianDian’s office looks like. Check out the bunk beds for people to rest.



従業員自身も、空気膨張式ヘッドレストの高価な人間工学的な椅子に座り、とても快適そうに見えた。私達の後ろでは、新しいMac Book Airのグループミーティングがおこなわれ、スクリーンのレビューしていた。


monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

The real issue, of course, is investment. When the markets are good, investors aren’t as worried about their return, and they’re more likely to throw cash around — after all, everything is going up. But now, with the international markets in a state of rather extreme flux, some investors have less cash to play with, and many others are hesitant to take risks before things have evened out a bit. This isn’t a major concern for bigger tech companies, but investors willing to take big risks are the lifeblood of the startup community, and without them, many companies are facing a difficult future. As Chen Haozhi, CEO of a Chinese tech startup in the mobile touchscreen tech field, told Global Entrepreneur:


真の問題は、もちろん投資である。市場が良好なら、投資家は還付心配せず、更なる現金投入を行う-とにかく、全てが上向きになる。しかし今、極端な流れの国際市場の実情と共に、投資家の中にはより少ない金額での投資を行うなど、事が調整される前にリスクを取る事に躊躇する多くの要因がある。これは、大きなテク企業のための終了な考察ではないが、投資家は投資家が大きなリスクを取ることはスタートアップコミュニティーのせいめいせんであり、彼らなしには多くの企業が将来的に困難に直面する。モバイルタッチスクリーンテク分野の中国のテクスタートアップのCEOのChen Haozhi氏がGlobao Entrepreneurに話した:

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Returns are hard to find in this climate, even at the highest levels. Many investors may reasonably choose to wait for the market to warm up before backing any startups, since they generally pose a pretty significant risk as compared with more conservative investments. But how many Chinese startups have the cash to be able to weather a long winter without additional investment? Not too many. Things could get grim:

OK, they’re probably not going to get that grim. But many Chinese startups were born during China’s big tech boom, and they’ve never dealt with an investment market like this before. Winter is indeed coming. But how long it will last is anyone’s guess.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Sogou Launched Image-based Search

Sogou, the search engine curated by, launched its image-based search solution lately by which users can search images based on the pictures they uploaded.

According to Ru Liyun, the General Manager of Search Business Division of Sogou, the company has spent half a year and hundreds of thousands USD on the feature.

Usually, we search for a picture by input text keywords into search bar, while on Sogou image-based search, we could upload a picture or input an online picture’s URL as a reference to land more similar pictures.

Baidu released similar image searching functions in the Jan of this year.




Sogouの検索ビジネス部門のジェネラルマネージャーのRu Liyunによると、企業はそのフィーチャーに数十万USDを半年間に注ぎ込んだと言う。



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The difference between Sogou’s offering and Baidu’s, is that Sogou will use image recognition technology to analyze a picture’s topic to find more similar pictures that belong to the same topic.

But after my trial run, I thought there’re more to be expected from the fancy feature. Like, when I uploaded a picture of a cartoon character, I was expecting some other different pictures of it. However, what I got are just the same pictures with different sizes. As for Baidu, I tried in vain several times to upload a picture but only to find an error notice saying ”Sorry, failed in uploading picture. Please try again” before I decided to pull it out. It seems Baidu has discontinued the service.


