monagypsy 翻訳実績

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monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

They also agreed that what happened in Asia would stay in Asia. ”If we want to do crazy business models, it stays here in Asia,” Gwertzman said.

They also chose not to bring in talent via acquisition as many other gaming companies like Zynga have done in China (although Gwertzman said Zynga’s XPD Media deal was probably one of the smarter acquisition decisions).

“A lot of companies acquire to get into Asia,” he said. “There are a couple problems though. There’s no guarantee the culture of the company will match yours. Also, if they came in as a group, they can leave as a group.”



彼らはまた、Zyngaが中国で行ったような多くの他のゲーム企業として買収を通して才能を取り入れる事を選択しなかった。(しかしGwertzmanは、ZynganoXPD Media取引は、おそらく最も賢明な買収決定の一つであっただろうと述べた)。


monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

>Or, instead of a joint purchase site, will it be an aggregate site that gathers all

No, this is not an aggregate site. It is a standalone website. In the first phrase of our website is not open at the public and end-users. We will have a B2B website only opened for our contracted travel agents. They use coupons from our website to enhance their travel packages or re-sell to their customers.
In our second phrase, we will open our website for end-users. A normal user will be able to purchase coupons directly from our website.
(We're also making progress. Hence, I would imagine that it'd be possible to collaborate together.)




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Baidu Launches Android-Based Mobile OS

This morning, Baidu – at its annual Baidu World event in Beijing – launched its Android-based mobile OS, dubbed Baidu Yi (pictured above).

As it builds upon Google’s Android OS, it’ll have all the same core features, such as integrated voice search. But of course Baidu also has lots of its own apps ready for Baidu Yi – there’ll be Maps, Yue (a reader app), Shen Bian (like Google Places), and Ting (its music app).

Baidu also has some good Android apps that have been available for a while that it can now integrate into its new Baidu Yi platform, such as its input-method editor (IME) for typing or hand-drawing Chinese characters.



今朝、Baidu-北京においての例年のBaidu Worldイベントで-は、Baidu Yi(上記写真)という名のAndroidベースのモバイルOSを発表した。

GoogleのAndroid OS状に構築されていることから、統合的なボイスサーチのような全て同様のコア機能がある。しかしもちろん、BaiduはBaidu Yiのために用意されたたくさんの独自のアプリも持つ-Maps、Yue(リーダーアプリ)、Shen Bian(Google Placesのような)、Ting(ミュージックアプリ)などである。

Baiduには、しばらくの間利用可能で、今はタイピングもしくは手書きの中国語のためのインプットメソッドエディター(IME)のような、新しいBaidu Yiプラットフォームに統合することがきる、いくつかの良いAndroidアプリもある。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Google Trike In Malaysia For Upcoming Street View, Asking Users Where To Snap

Google has brought in the Google Trike to take pictures around Malaysia for an upcoming Google Street View project in the country. This is a combined effort between Google and Tourism Malaysia and the search engine is quick to survey citizens to find out which are the best spots.

The Google trike (picture above) will be doing all the work to collect “360-degree panoramic” images of Malaysia’s most interesting places. Here’s how Google describes the trike:

"The Google Trike is a mechanical masterpiece comprising three bicycle wheels, a mounted Street View camera, and a very athletic cyclist in customized Google apparel."






monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Well, maybe not quite as described, as seen from the images provided by @amanfirdaus (who tipped us about this news – thanks!), the guy riding the trike isn’t wearing a Google apparel.

Prior to this introduction. There are already many voices across the web urging Google to introduce Street View in Malaysia. Interestingly, wrote last year that Google Street View has already captured a tiny part of Malaysia, that being the city of Johor Bahru in Malaysia, snapped from Singapore across the river. Surely, that isn’t enough. But we’re glad that Google is all set to put at least a little more of Malaysia on Street View.


さて、@amanfirdaus (このニュースについて報告してくれた-ありがとう!)によって提供された画像から見る限り、あまり記述通りではない。車両に乗っている人は、Googleの衣装を着ていない。

この紹介に先立って。すでにウェブを越えてマレーシアにおいてのストリートビューを紹介するためにGoogleを支持する多くの声がある。興味深い事に、Streetviewfun.comは昨年、GoogleストリートビューはすでにマレーシアのJohor Baharu市、シンガポールから川を越えたスナップ写真などの一部を撮ったの記述した。もちろん、それだけでは十分でない。しかし、私達はGoogleがマレーシアのストリートビューを少しだけでも用意していることを嬉しく思う。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

99Bill Reveals a Square-like Mobile Payment Solution Named Kuaishua

99Bill, a popular online payment gateway service provider today revealed its mobile payment solution, Kuaishua (meaning quick swipe in Chinese) which enables everyone pay with credit card anywhere just using his/her mobile device. 99Bill’s VP, Bao Haiwei gave a demo today at its press conference, and like Square, Kuaishua’s reader also uses audio input of iPhone 4. It’s reported that the price for Kuaishua’s reader is not decided yet, but Bao told the media it would be rmb10.0 each with amount of rmb10.0 prepaid. Kuaishua’s the 2nd Square-liker service we’ve found in China, and the first is QFpay.



人気のオンライン支払いゲートウェイサービスプロバイダーの99Billは今日、モバイルデバイスを利用するだけで、誰もがどこからでもクレジットカードで支払いができるKuaishua(中国語で素早いスワイプの意味)というモバイル支払いソリューションについて明かした。99Billの副社長、Bao Haiweiは、記者会見に手そのデモを提供し、Squareのように、Kuaishuaの読み取り機もまたiPhoneのオーディオインプットを利用する。Kuaishuaの読み取り機はまだ価格が決まっていないと報告されているが、Baoはrmb10.0額面で、それぞれrmb10.0となるであろうとメディアに話した。中国において私達が見つけたKuaishuaの第二のSquareのようなサービスは、まずはQFpayである。、

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

China Mobile Taps Into Free Text Messaging Market With Feiliao

The crowded Kik-like service market is seeing fiercer competition as China Mobile, the largest operator in the world in terms of revenue and subscribers, announced releasing its own free text messaging product Feiliao (飞聊, means Flying Chatting in Chinese) on weibo.

According to the weibo post, Feiliao is based on Fetion, the largest and most profitable operator’s IM effort. Feiliao will support iOS, Android and Symbian with an imminent beta release.

As other Kik-like services, Feiliao will let users send free text messages for free, regardless what operators, mobile phones and mobile OS they are using.


China MobileはFeiliaoと共にフリーテキストメッセージへ参入

混み合ったKikのようなサービス市場は、収益と加入者において世界で最も大きなオペレーターのChina Mobileがweiboでのその独自のフリーテキストメッセージ製品Feiliao(飞聊は中国語で羽ばたくおしゃべりという意味)を発売する事を発表した事によって、競争がより激しくなっている。

