monagypsy 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

The aggregator is just a part of the big plan. OfferGrid Exchange also distributes its aggregated deals through publishers — bloggers, mobile apps, etc. — to help publishers monetize their traffic through its white label service. For example, a gadget blog could syndicate gadget deals which serve the interests of gadget lovers.

The investment will help OfferGrid Exchange to focus on publisher relations and to monetize their traffic. Deepankar, Co-founder & CEO of OfferGrid remarked:

With our offering, we intend to address this requisite gap and look forward to connecting with interested deal suppliers and web or mobile publishers to empower the consumer to shop from wherever he is.


アグリゲータは大きな計画の本の一部である。OffeGrid Exchangeは、パブリッシャー-ブロガー、モバイルアプリなど-がそのホワイトラベルサービスを通して彼らのトラフィックをマネタイズできるよう、その収集した取引を通して配布もする。例えば、ガジェットブログはガジェット好きに応えるガジェット取引をブログを通じて供給できる。

投資は、OfferGrid Exchangeがパブリッシャーとの関係と、彼らのトラフィックのマネタイズに集中する助けとなる。OfferGridの共同創始者でありCEOのDeepankarの所見:


monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

4 Mistakes Behind Groupon’s Failure in China

Guest author Julia Q. Zhu is a leading expert on international e-commerce in China and the Asia Pacific region. She formerly held multiple management positions for Alibaba Group, China’s largest e-commerce company. Prior to Alibaba, Julia worked for iResearch in Beijing, China’s equivalent to ComScore. Follow Julia on Twitter @juliaqzhu.

Groupon (NASDAQ:GRPN) is plagued with a host of problems leading up to its IPO. In the first half of 2011, the company spent an unsustainable $432 million on marketing, $392 million out of the $681 million in liabilities currently owed to its vendors, according to Yipit’s data.



ゲスト作家のJulia Q. Zhuは、中国とアジア太平洋地域における国際的な電子商取引のエキスパートの第一人者である。彼女は以前は中国の最大手の電子商取引会社Alibaba Grouでいくつもの管理職を担っていた。Alibabaの前には、Juliaは中国のComStoreと同等の北京のiResearchで働いていた。Twitter@juliaqzhuでJuliaをフォローしよう。


monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Its triple-digit growth has slowed, leading to a potential 50 percent decrease in its valuation. And we haven’t even started to talk about Groupon’s soon-to-be failed joint-venture,, launched in partnership with China’s internet giant Tencent.

Just two months ago at the end of August, Groupon closed 13 of its Chinese locations and fired over 400 full-time staff. Groupon is just the latest example of a Western Internet company to fail in China. Regardless of whether we look at Google’s defeat at the hands of Baidu, or eBay’s failure to compete effectively with Taobao, in the case of Groupon we can see four typical mistakes Western Internet companies make when entering the Middle Kingdom.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

I hope that we can continue our upcoming activities in best possible way. As per our accounting department, attached please find the invoice for your due payment. The total invoice value is $ 7,070 responsible for 1010 grams of sesame (net weight). As per the TNT bill (attached herewith), we paid for TNT $ 1750 just for transportation & clearance charges.
In this case, as you are our most valued and respected official agent and that we value your personality, enthusiasms and willingness for promoting the Afghan sesame in to the Japanese market, therefore we give you a most suitable discount as below.
$ 1750 is the TNT transportation charges we added to the price of sesame.
Due amount $ 5,285.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

If you refer to the attached invoice billed by our accounting
department, they charged you 6 dollar per gram. According to the
foregoing discount figures, we have given you 2, 5 dollar discount per
After the discount made herein, the amount of 3540 USD were deducted
from the total invoices value.
To be honest with you we have not gotten any profit even we made lose.
Considering the highest quality of our sesame, the cost of
containers, packing, logistics, staffing...etc. I hope you are
satisfied with this. Shall you have any concern, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
Please note that due to communication problem and the way that we
understood you, we packed the sesame as per your request.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

According to our records, you haven't responded to rick31f's notification regarding payment for item movie Easy Rider?, the radical customized Harley-Davidson® Panhead Motorcycle..This unpaid item case was opened on 2011-11-15 08:03:48.0.

If you've already resolved this situation through email or paid for the item, please let us know by responding through our Resolution Center.

To avoid receiving an unpaid item strike, please resolve this situation within seven days of the date the notification was sent to you. An unpaid item strike will result in loss of feedback privileges for this transaction. See eBay's Unpaid Item Policy for more information.

Thanks for your help in resolving this issue.


私達の記録によると、あなたはrick3ifの 映画Easy Rider?のようにカスタマイズされたHarley-Davidson®パンヘッドモーターバイクへの支払いに関する通知に返答されていません…この未払いのアイテムは、2011年10月15日8時03分48秒まで受け付けられていました。




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

It's a 125xxx with the original pads (original resonators, too, which are plastic) and the original case. There is basically no wear at all. The pearls show very little use, as well. They are concave and sharp as they would have been from the Selmer factory. Even though the pads are ~50 years old, it plays very well. It has by far the most and resonant altissimo. Of the several professional players who have been in the shop to pick up horns in the last month, this has been in each player's "Top 3" tenors. The price is $10,500 with the current pads, or $11,500 with our overhaul (brand new pads). We are asking more because it is the only horn above 100xxx that is in such great condition.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

Inspired by the concept of SXSW (South by Southwest) that happens annually in Austin, Texas, Masanori Hashimoto, the co-founder and CEO of Fukuoka-based tech company Nulab, wanted to hold such an event in Japan. His many friends and angel investor Taizo Son have joined forces to help, and the event finished with great success. There were more than 1,200 attendees, which is quite a remarkable number for the first-time event.

Panel discussion on Asian startup scene:

On day two of the event, I had an opportunity to moderate a 45-minute panel discussion with Taizo Son, Willis Wee (of our own Penn Olson), Serkan Toto (of TechCrunch), and Gang Lu (of Technode) who joined from Shanghai via Skype.




イベントの二日目、私は45分間のパネルディスカッションをソン・タイゾウ氏、Willis Wee氏(私達独自のPenn Olson)、Serkan Toto氏(Tech Crunchの)、Skype経由で上海から参加したGang Lu氏(Technode)と共に統轄する機会があった。