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Zynga confirmed the changes to me in a statement by Pincus:

“Owen is a valuable business partner. He’s made great contributions to Zynga and continues to be an important part of our team.”

Sources said the changes related to Van Natta around are not part of a recent controversy around a Wall Street Journal story about clawing back of some share options grants of early Zynga employees who had become less involved in the company. While the company cannot actually take back already vested shares owned by those staffers, the article has put a lot of scrutiny on Zynga and raised questions about how to cope with the kind of hyper-growth some Internet firms experience.




ソースは、Van Nattaに関する変更は、会社への係わりが少なくなる初期のZynga従業員のいくらかのシェアオプションの付与の回収についてのWall Street Journalのストーリーからの最近の論争には関連していない述べた。すでに付与されたそれらの従業員によって所有されるシェアは実際に回収することができないゆえ、記事はZyngaの精密調査をし、インターネット会社エクスペリエンスの急成長の類の対処方法についての問題を提議した。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

This year’s study paints a picture of brands being ever more keen to engage with consumers via social media, yet still not doing some things very effectively – such as failing to use video on social video-sharing sites, and not maintaining corporate blogs where more complex issues can be covered.

Without further ado, here are the ten key points…

Number of social media channels with corporate activity - BM is heartened that 81 percent of top Asian companies have a branded social media presence this year, compared to 40 percent in 2010. It means that a great deal fewer are ignoring this useful form of communication:





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Top social platforms used for corporate marketing and communications - That lack of deeper dialogue is shown by these platform stats. Microblogs – from Twitter to Weibo – are great for extending a brand’s reach, but there’s not too much more to it than that. Social networks such as Facebook or Renren give a bit more scope for this. But it seems to be coming at the expense of corporate blogs.

Video-sharing is strangely neglected in the region. Videos – especially informal ones that give insights – can be so useful, but Asian companies don’t seem to have figured out that magic:




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Top global social platforms used for corporate marketing and communications - Engagement is up across the board here. BM notes:

" Twitter is emerging as the predominant social media platform used by corporations, although corporate Facebook pages have more “likes” than Twitter accounts have “followers”"

Levels of corporate activity on company social media channels - Here again we see the dearth of video-oriented output from brands, with so many seemingly inactive – or too infrequently updated. Across the region, 62 percent of social channels surveyed were inactive:





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Lee began by explaining that the investing landscape has changed. He attributes the boom in elastic cloud computing, social media marketing, and open source concept which brings the costs and time required for development and promotion. He said that with 1.5 million RMB (approximately USD $235,000), it allows founders to build a team to test out a product concept for about nine months. Lee explains that a typical team includes one CEO, one CTO, one user experience designer, and seven developers.

To Lee, the entrepreneur’s sweet spot is currently in the mobile Internet. For investors, the sweet spot is in early stage investing.


