monagypsy 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

1. Explosive growth in an industry
2. Talented entrepreneurs who will be driving the vision

Once these two criteria are met (on top of its other criteria, etc), Innovation Works is happy to provide funds to let the entrepreneurs develop their products, market it at low cost, gather data, and improve the product. If the product proves to be good, Innovation Works may invest in the start-up again.

Lee is skeptical that Chinese fresh graduates with little experience can be good entrepreneurs. Of course, his remarks caused quite a big reaction from the moderator and the crowd. The moderator listed a lot of examples of drop-out/fresh from school entrepreneurs, including Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg.



これら2つの基準に見合えば(他の基準のトップである)、Innovation Worksは事業家が製品を開発し、低コストで市場に出し、データを集め、製品を改良させる為の資金を喜んでを提供する。商品が良いと証明すれば、Innovation Worksは再びそのスタートアップに投資するかもしれない。

Lee氏は中国人の少し経験のある新卒は良い事業家であるというのに懐疑的である。もちろん、彼の意見はモデレーターや大衆から大きな反応があった。モデレーターはSteve Jobs屋Mark Zuckerbergを含む中退/新卒事業家の多くの例をリストアップした。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

"South Korea is an explosive market for smartphones and social mobile games and DeNA is excited to collaborate with Daum to deliver Mobage Korea to South Korean gamers. Mobage Korea will deliver great games to local audiences, while also helping developers around the world quickly and easily deliver their contents to an increasingly global audience."

Meanwhile, GREE (DeNA’s competitor) recently announced a new global gaming platform that will “leverage OpenFeint and GREE assets and will bring together Western and Asian mobile social markets with a goal of reaching over one billion users.”

That sounds a little vague but we were told that more information will come in December.


「韓国はスマートフォンとソーシャルモバイルゲームの爆発的な市場であり、DeNAはMobage Koreaを韓国のゲーマーに届けるためにDaumと協力することに興奮している。Mobage Koreaはローカルオーディエンスに素晴らしいゲームを届け、また世界中のデベロッパーが素早く簡単に彼らのコンテンツを増え続けるグローバルなオーディエンスに届けるための手助けをする。」



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

I still remembered Chinese media raved about the service with unbroken string of reports saying how much people adored and addicted to Kaixin001’s games – especially Happy Farm – that some addicts even set up alarm to wake them up in the dead of night so they could harvest(or stole) their virtual neighbors’ “digital” crops before the owners themselves do so.

Kaixin001 had its peak in 2008 and 2009, while now is suffering from drastic traffic drop that the site saw its traffic has plummeted 65% over the past 18 months.

Qihoo 360 also reportedly tried to invest in Kaixin001, while the Beijing-based company turned down the offer.


どれだけの人がKaixinoo1のゲームに熱狂し、夢中になっているのか伝える絶え間ないレポートと共に、中国のメディアがサービスについて熱心に説いていなのを今でも覚えている-とりわけHappy Farmにおいて-ゲームの中毒者は真夜中に目覚ましをセットし、彼らの仮想隣人が彼らの「デジタル」穀物を収穫する前に、収穫(もしくは盗む)者もまでいると伝えていた。


伝えられるところによれば、Qihoo 360もKaixin001に投資しようとしたが、北京ベースの会社はそのオファーを拒絶したと言う。、

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

The most important factor for Conway is the team. “We start with the people first. We think the ideas that entrepreneurs start with evolve and change dramatically from the beginning and sometimes end up unrecognizable, so we believe in investing in the people,” he says.

Conway makes a lot of small investments too, a tactic commonly known in the industry as the “spray and pray” strategy. He is then able to make additional investments in the companies that perform the best. Since he invests in most of the best early stage startups, and is able to spread his money around, only a portion of his portfolio needs to succeed for him to continue earning.


