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Interview With Pony Ma of Tencent: Startup, Geek and Entrepreneurship

ony Ma, started as a developer and now is the founder and the CEO of Tencent, the No.1 Chinese Internet company.

At TechCrunch Disrupt Beijing, we got the chance to chat with Pony at the backstage right after his talk with Sarah Lacy of TechCrunch. Instead of talking about Tencent which we may hear a lot from different media, our talk focus on doing startups and entrepreneurship. As Pony said,

"An opportunity like this could allow me share my ideas with people, including those details that may not be interesting to journalists but of particular interest to entrepreneurs."


TencentのPony Maのインタビュー:スタートアップ、ギーク、事業家精神

デベロッパーとして出発したPony Maは今、中国でナンバー1のインターネット会社Tencentの創始者、またCEOである。

TechCrunch Disrupt Beijingにて、私達はPonyがSarha Lacyと共にTechCrunchで話した直後に、バックステージで彼と話すチャンスを得た。異なるメディアから多くを聞き及ぶであろうTencentについて話す代わりに、私達の話はスタートアップと事業家精神に焦点を当てた。Ponyが言うには、

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

As a founder, how do you define a good entrepreneur? What’s the spirit of entrepreneurship?

" I think first and foremost is to have a good team. In the very beginning, you may be able to write a good program by yourself. But soon enough, it will be developed into a team. Then it will become a bigger team with hundreds of people. Its structure will become increasingly complex. For how to manage the organization with continuously growth, the relationship with your shareholders, your partner, and among the whole team is very important, I think. Therefore, a successful entrepreneur needs to have, or learn and develop such ability.




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We recently looked at an infographic detailing all the Facebook-luvin’ nations in Asia and saw that the Asia-Pacific region has 26 percent of the world’s users of the biggest social network. Of course, that too has the potential to surpass the US to be number one.

Focusing on India seems like a wise strategy, as more of India’s huge populace gets online and gets into social networking. Facebook, for its part, has been clued into this for some time already, having launched its ‘Facebook for every phone’ initiative earlier this year, to ensure that its SNS works on over 2,000 kinds of feature phones.




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That’s especially important in nations – like India and the Philippines – where so many people use cheaper phones and 2G/GPRS – or, indeed, SMS – to post status updates and photos.

Vaughan Smith said of these shifting trends:

" We expect that majority of people in India who have phones would use Facebook as the most important thing on their phone, because that’s what we see in other markets. Which means we will have more Facebook users in India than we do in America.

More than twice as many people login to Facebook from mobiles than desktops, globally. Usage is switching and the same is happening in India."



Vaughan Smithはこれらのトレンドの変移について述べた:



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Sina and Tencent Weibo Are Like Countries [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Infographic of the Day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.

Earlier this week we reported on the latest massive user number updates from Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo. And while we’re a little bit suspicious of these self-reported user counts, the numbers are still pretty amazing.

So, we thought we’d have some fun with them and see how they compare to the populations of different countries! The results are below. Enjoy!

(For those curious, we made this infographic with Cacoo, who we have written about before).


SinaとTencent Weiboは国のようである[インフォグラフィック]


今週の初め、私達はSina WeiboとTencent Weiboからの最新の莫大なユーザー数をレポートした。そして、私達がこれらのセルフレポートのユーザー数の集計に少し疑いを持っているとはいえ、それでもその数字は驚異的である。



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A Chinese Start-up Adds Social Fun To Travel

Specialist social media can be super-useful in their specificity – and Tong Xing (‘Journey Together’ in Chinese) is a prime example of this. It’s a light-weight social network for people who want to make a plane, train, or taxi ride with another interesting individual in order to brighten-up their travels. If that isn’t niche, then I don’t know what is.

Tong Xin has an iPhone app already (though, disappointingly, no Android version) which allows users to search by flight or train numbers – or specific locations – in order to see who else is making that exact same trip on the same day.



スペシャリストソーシャルメディアは、彼らの特殊性において非常に有益である-そしてTong Xing(中国語で「共に旅しよう」の意味)はこの最高の例である。それは、旅行を輝かしいものにするために、飛行機、電車、タクシーを個々で楽しみたい人々のためのライトなソーシャルネットワークである。

Tong Xinはすでに、ユーザーが誰が同じ日に同じ旅をするのか知るために、フライトナンバーや列車番号ーもしくは特定のロケーションーによって検索することができるiPhoneアプリがある。(しかし残念な事に、Androidバージョンはない)。

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Hotel Finder, Uses LBS To Help You Find and Book Hotels in China

Hotel Finder (aka Jiu Dian Da Ren) is a hotel booking mobile app for China with over 30,000 hotels in its database. The app, developed by Ikamobile, is targeted at mobile users only with no desktop application.

So what’s so special about it? Nothing much really, but the app is gaining a lot of steam in China. For example, a LBS and e-commerce panel I attended last week kept pointing to Hotel Finder as a successful example of an app which has integrated LBS with e-commerce. The app, as I learned from a Ikamobile rep, has attracted more than 1 million downloads so far.


LBSを使用するHotel Finderは、中国でのホテル探しや予約に役立つ

Hotel Finder(別名Jiu Dian Da Ren)は、30,000以上のホテルデータベースを持つ中国のためのホテル予約モバイルアプリである。Ikamobaileによって開発されたそのアプリは、モバイルユーザーのみをターゲットとしており、デスクトップアプリケーションはない。

それでは、その何が特別であるのか?それほど特別ではないが、そのアプリは中国において大きく成長している。例えば、先週私が出席したLBSと電子商取引のパネルでは、LBSと電子商取引を統合したアプリの成功例として、Hotel Finderがしきりに示されていた。私がIkamobileの代表から知ったのは、アプリはこれまでに100万ダウンロード以上がアタッチされていることである。