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In First Financial Report Since IPO, Tudou Posts $8 Million Net Profit

Tudou (NASDAQ:TUDO) and its CEO Gary Wang may have had a rocky road to their IPO, but since then things have been going pretty well. Sina bought into the company to the tune of 9 percent, they partnered up with former competitor LeTV, and they even got the rights to Cars 2, which is a Pixar movie even if it is empirically the worst one Pixar has made. Now the company’s Q3 financials are showing some more good — and rather surprising — news: profit!

That’s surprising because just a few months ago, some experts were saying Tudou wasn’t expected to report a profit until 2013.



Tudou(NASDAQ:TUDO)とそのCEOのGray Wangは、IPOに至るまでは苦難の道であったが、それからは、極めて順調に進んでいる。Sinaは大枚9%もの会社の株を買いこみ、彼らは元競合相手のLeTVと提携した。そして実証的にPicarの作った中で最悪の映画だとしても、そのCars 1の権利さえも得た。今、会社の第3四半期の財政は、さらに良い-そして驚くべき-ニュース:利益を示している!


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All those 645 cities together comprise China’s urban spread, and account for just over 611 million of its populace.

More Fun Than TV

The study found something of a milestone in the internet’s growth in China:

"The latest index shows internet overtook all other media as the most engaging. It has the highest engagement score of 77, followed by television with an index score of 73, and mobile with the score of 68."

That greater preference for the web is even more pronounced in China’s largest cities:

"The engagement index of tier one [city] consumers is 82 for internet versus 77 for TV, while tier five consumers indicated index scores of 76 for internet and 73 for TV."








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But remarkably, some smaller cities surpassed megacities in terms of its peoples’ online usage, although those were mostly sporadic.

Nationwide, the average amount of time spent online was 163 minutes, with those in China’s four megacities spending more time doing so, and being more likely to do it daily.

On Weibo, On Mobile

The report’s authors claim that “one in four Chinese urbanites aged 15 to 64 are now on Weibo.” Indeed, last week’s updated stats from China’s two major microblogging platforms, Sina (NASDAQ:SINA) and Tencent (HKG:0700), seem to back this up. Breaking it down by location and age, we get a clearer picture of the impact of Twitter-esque social media:






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Some of you might remember which we covered about three months ago. The e-commerce start-up was founded by Tian Qiuyan, Angeline Tham, and Chan Chiou Hao in July 2010 and was already gaining steam back then.

It now boasts 40,000 loyal users in Singapore – and with the new funding, plans to expand its business regionally.

First stop? Malaysia. And it will operate a similar penny auction e-commerce model on a separate Malaysia domain — Check out our previous coverage here to understand more about its business model.

For folks who wish to get the latest gadget at a cheap price, you can check out And damn, another lucky guy has just bought a Nintendo Wii for just S$39.85…


あなた方の中には、私達が約3か月前にSold.sgについて取り扱った事を覚えている人がいるかもしれない。eコマーススタートアップは、Tian Quiyan、Angeline Tham、Chan Chiou Haoによって2010年7月に創設され、すでに勢いよく進んでいる。




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Besides bank defaults and credit downgrades, 2011 will be remembered for the rise of social media democracy in countries traditionally ruled by autocratic governments — most notably, the Arab Spring. The wave of protests that began in Tunisia in December 2010 spread first to Egypt, then to Libya, Bahrain, Syria and Yeman, with protests of varying sizes across many more middle-Eastern countries.

In regions where official media has been heavily censored for years, the rise of personal access to the Internet and social networks has meant that populist movements now have a voice that can reach the outside world.

Social Media as a Tool of Change





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Before 2011, ad-hoc events organized by social media had largely been entertaining and quirky, often put together by arts groups such as Improv Everywhere, which staged flash mobs in Grand Central Station. And let’s not forget the social media craze planking.

Soon, however, Twitter hashtags, Facebook groups, YouTube videos and Flickr streams would be employed by the masses in countries where censorship had traditionally blocked anti-government voices. Representatives of populist discontent were able to adopt and adapt new methods of communication to reach each other and outside sympathizers, often at terrible risk to their own lives and the safety of their families.


2011年以前、ソーシャルメディアに組織されたアドホックイベントは、しばしばグランドセントラル駅でフラッシュモブを行ったImprov Everywhereのようなアートグループによって構成され、愉快で風変わりな物であった。そして、ソーシャルメディアで流行のプランキングも忘れないでおこう。

しかしながら、Twitter ハッシュタグ、Facebookグループ、YouTube動画、Flikcrストリームは、慣例的に反政府の声をブロックする検閲のある国々の庶民によって使用されるようになった。人民主義的不満の代表者たちはお互いや、外の世界の支持者達とコミュニケーションを取る新しい方法を取り入れる事が出来、自分自身や家族が命の危険にさらされることもあった。

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Social media democracy began to take on a new meaning; a collective voice was now able to document its struggle for the first time.

After opposition to Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi turned bloody, NATO intervened to lend rebels military support in the escalating civil war, and to help to protect civilians. On both sides of the struggle, the control of information became a major tool for encouraging or intimidating civilian uprisings. After Colonel Gadaffi’s death, photographs flooded social media, a further triumph for social democracy and the fall of a despotic, censorious regime.

Mob Rule: The Darker Side of Social Media





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Social media not only played a role in riot organization, but also in the prosecution of hundreds of participants who either incited violence via social media, or who were photographed and videoed taking part in such violence. Some in the UK government and press claimed social media had enabled the riots. However, people used the same tools to organize clean-up operations and to contribute community support.
Human Spirit Triumphs
As demonstrated by the countries affected by the Arab Spring and London riots, social media has been one of many important tools used by people to affect change. As with any strategy, social media lends itself to both moral and amoral uses – it is the intention behind it that matters.



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Sina Weibo Reaches 250M Users

Sina Weibo claimed over 250 million users in its conference call for financial results dated September 30, 2011.

However, the Chinese portal site losses US$ 336.3 million in Q3 largely due to lousy investments even though Q3 revenue reached US$ 130.3 million, increased 20% year over year.

Charles Chao, Sina CEO talked about Weibo saying:”Half of our weibo users have upgraded to the new Version 4.0 since its launch in this September and we witnessed a fast user growth. Now we’ve shifted and sharpened our focus on adding more social features to weibo to enhance user traction.” He also mentioned that Sina’s advertising revenue recorded $ 100 million for the third quarter.


Sina Weiboは2500万ユーザーに到達

Sina Weiboは2011年9月30日付の財務業績のための会議電話において、2500万人以上のユーザーに達していると主張した。


SinaのCEOのCharles ChaoはWeiboの言い分について話した:「私達のWeiboユーザーの半分は、今年9月にローンチした新しいVersion4.0にアップグレードしており、その急速なユーザーの増加を見ている。今、私達はユーザーけん引力を向上するためにWeiboによりソーシャルな機能を追加することに焦点を当てるようシフトし、強化している。」彼はまた、Sinaの広告収益が第3四半期で$1億を記録した事にも言及した。