monagypsy 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Wonderful find for the avid collector~! Original 1/8 scale Pocher kit Ferrari Testarosa over 22" LOng This is from a climate controlled environment.It has never been stored in heat or cold....I have a large collection of models I hate to part with,but must.It is partially put together,and as you know on Pocher kits the paint was somewhat originally bad.I thought about fixing,but decided not to...All parts seem to be there with the exception of the front suspension hold down....It weighs approximatly 13lbs......I am the original and only owner of this kit.....I am selling as is no returns,so please keep that in mind before bidding....This is a very rare piece!


熱心なコレクターのために素晴らしい商品です!オリジナル1/8スケールPocherキットFerrari Testarosa長さ22インチ。こちらは、気温管理された環境で所有されていました。熱さや寒さの中で保管されていませんでした…私は手放すのがつらい莫大なモデルのコレクションを所有していますが、手放さなければなりません。商品は不完全に組み立てられ、ご存知のようにPocherのキットのペイントは元来粗悪です。修理することも考えましたが、そうしないことにしました…フロントサスペンションが抑えつけられている事を除けば、全てのパーツはあるべきところにあるようにみえます…重さはおよそ13ポンドです…私がオリジナルで唯一のキットの所有者です…私は返品不可で販売していますので、入札される前にそれをご考慮ください…これは本当に珍しい商品です!

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

4. Why should anyone join SixReps? What are the benefits for users and fitness centers?

Members can gain a lot of benefits by joining

SixReps goal is to create a social network for fitness enthusiast. Most people has three goal with their body. They’re doing exercise to lose fat, build muscle
or just want to stay healthy. The barrier is mostly about knowledge. We provide member a place to share their knowledge about fitness, dieting, etc.

We even build a fitness database that member can use as a reference. In SixReps, members can also share their results: For example sharing their before and after photo. Why would you build your muscle without anyone noticing?





monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Never removed from box outfit for Barbie, Julia, PJ or Stacy. It is still sealed in the plastic with all the beautiful graphics on the back of the box. It is #1463 called Lovely Sleep-Ins and includes the nightgown, matching negligee with fur trim fuzzy, slippers, booklet and matching hanger. The box is in perfect condition and preserved by a wrapping of plastic. It is from 1969 and comes with a Julia doll dressed in a nightgown and matching negligee with fancy tiers of ruffles. The outfit is marked Julia 1968 on the tag. Both doll and outfit are in excellent condition. The knees bend and hold The eyelashes are full and there are no splits or missing fingers.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

Dear Mr Kajihara

Thank you for your e-mal of 21 April regarding your account with us.

I was sorry to learn of the difficulties you encountered when viewing
the account online. In order to protect customers' interests, our e-mail
service is for general enquiries use only. Therefore, we are unable to
disclose any account-related information at this stage, but hope you can
appreciate the situation.

To check your account status, you can consider sending us a signed
letter for the enquiry. Please include in your letter the following

- Your name and your account number
- Your enquiries about your account, eg the account status
- Your mailing address
- Your account signature






-アカウントについてのお問い合わせ事項 アカウントステイタスなど

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Please mail your letter to Banking Correspondence, Customer Service,
HSBC, 9/F Tower 2 HSBC Centre, 1 Sham Mong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. We
will process it within 6 business days.

If you have any other questions, please call our Personal Banking
Hotline on [852] 2233 3000.

Yours sincerely
Shirley Siu
Customer Communication Officer
Personal Financial Services

Your feedback is important to us. Please let us know if our service
meets your requirements or if we need to improve. Simply send a return
email to us giving us a rating of:
Excellent - if we completely met your requirements and our reply was of
a good standard
Good - if we met your requirements
This e-mail is confidential.


あなたの手紙を、こちらの住所までお送り下さい。Banking Correspondence, Customer Service, HSBC, 9/F Tower 2 HSBC Centre, 1 Sham Mong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong。6日以内に処理されます。

何か他にご質問がお有りなら、私達のパーソナルバンキングホットラインにお電話ください。[852] 2233 3000

Shirley Siu


monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

You are bidding on a lightly formerly enjoyed condition, year 1985 production, Dunhill sandblasted "Cumberland" series finish classic "Chubby Billiard" shaped pipe that is stamped as a shape number "4106". This pipe is a Group 4 in size. This is a classically shaped Dunhill pipe with perfect engineering. This one promises to perform like a dream!

The overall balance feels very nice as does the hand feel. The draft is nice and easy and a pipe cleaner will pass to the bottom of the bowl.

I lightly but carefully cleaned, sanitized, rejuvenated, and polished this beautiful pipe both inside and out. This took not time at all, since this pipe was in mint condition to begin with


あなたが入札しているのは、少し使用されていた状態の1985年製造、Dunhill砂吹き「Cumberland」シリーズフィニッシュクラシック「Chubby Billiard」型パイプです。型番号「4106」が銘記されています。このパイプはグループ4サイズです。これは、完璧なエンジニアリングと共に、クラシックな型のDunhillのパイプです。夢のような作動をお約束します!



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Sina Weibo Launches English iPhone App Interface

Sina Weibo , China’s wildly popular microblog platform, has just updated its iPhone app with an English interface [iTunes link]. As Sina Weibo continues to grow (100 million users so far), it will be interesting to see if it could successfully bring in non-Chinese users.

Well, at least Tom Cruise joined, even before the English iPhone app version was introduced. We can expect more celebrities to jump onto the bandwagon with this new English interface. China, after all, is a huge market and Sina Weibo provides the perfect channel for celebrities to keep in touch with Chinese fans.


Sina Weiboが英語のiPhoneアプリインターフェイスを発売

中国で広く人気のあるミニブログプラットフォームのSina Weiboは、英語のインターフェイス[iTune Link]のiPhoneアプリをちょうど更新したところだ。Sina Weiboが成長を続けているように(1億ユーザー以上)、それもまた、中国語圏以外のユーザーも取り込むことができるか興味深いところだ。

中国は、何と言っても巨大なマーケットで、Sina Weiboはセレブリティが中国人のファンと交流を持つためにうってつけのチャンネルを供給している。