Could you introduce me to a Japanese please.
Federal law restricts the sale of Acupuncture Needles to or on the order of qualified practitioners of acupuncture as determined by the states.
英語が苦手なので翻訳していただきました。 Opening the Heart とWave 1 の合計が$3649.80で良いのですか?残りの在庫があるCDの合計が$3037.70で良いのですね?私が最終的に支払う金額の合計は$6687.5で良いのですか?WAVE4の値段ははどちらかの金額に入っているのですか?
As I am not good at English, I have asked for some help translating.Is it correct that Opening the Heart and Wave 1 cost $3649.80 in total, and the remaining CDs you have in stock costs $3037.70 in total?Is it correct that I shall eventually pay the whole sum of $6687.5?Is the price of WAVE4 included in either of the total amounts?
The price of $4557.13 is after I have taken Wave 1 and Opening the Heart off. We are now in backorder for Wave 4 (Japanese) as well. So if I take the Waves 1-6 and Opening the Heart off it would be $3037.70. Your backorder would be $3649.80.
$4557.13という金額は、Wave 1とOpening the Heartを除いた分です。Wave 4 (Japanese)も入荷待ちです。ですから、Waves 1-6とOpening the Heartを除くと、$3037.70となり、入荷待ち分は$3649.80です。
The Opening the Heart (Japanese) and Wave 1 (Japanese) are on backorder at present and would have to be shipped when available. The remaining of your order would be $4557.13, plus shipping charges. The Opening the Heart will cost $1826.00 and the Wave 1 charges will be $303.90 respectively when they are in stock. Please let me know how you would like to proceed with your order.
Opening the Heart (Japanese)とWave 1 (Japanese) はただいま入荷待ちで、入荷後の発送となります。これら以外のご注文品のお見積もりは$4557.13と配送料になります。Opening the Heartが入荷しますとお値段が$1826.00、Wave 1は$303.90となります。今回のご注文はどのように進めればよろしいでしょうか。ご連絡お待ちしております。
I have this morning tried to refund you the £135 for the missing jacket. I have been informed by paypal that because you have put a hold on the transaction (it is under review) the money is not available to refund against. They have said that you must inform paypal that you have received 6 of the jackets and make the payment then I can refund you for the missing jacket. Please contact paypal from your own account as I can not refund you till you do this
The second copy is on its way to you as we speak.
I am resident in Japan.I would like to order this item; when will you be able to deliver it to Japan?Do I need to pay for the shipping cost to Japan?If so, how much would that be?
Facebook’s Gamer Status API Lets Developers Track High Monetizing UsersAugust 10th, 2011Around the time of the deadline for mandatory migration to Facebook Credits, Facebook quietly added a new “Gamer Status” API that allows developers to identify which of their users monetize the best. Facebook automatically offers these users a 20% discount on Credits purchases, but developers who’ve been whitelisted can use the Gamer Status API to track those users internally or, potentially, offer them targeted experiences.
Prior to the mandatory migration of all Facebook Games to Facebook Credits as their sole payment method, several incentives were offered to encourage developers to switch early and use Credits as their premium in-game currency. These incentives can be accessed by developers whitelisted though Facebook’s Credits Special Incentives program.
すべてのFacebookゲームに対して、Facebookポイントを唯一の支払い方法とする強制移行が行われる前に、ゲーム内仮想通貨としてFacebookポイントを早期導入することを開発者に促すため、いくつかのインセンティブが設けられた。これらインセンティブは、FacebookのCredits Special Incentives Supportページを通じてホワイトリスト登録された開発者に提供される。
Those with access can call $ret = $facebook->api_client->users_getStandardInfo($user_id, array('gamer_status')); to determine a user’s Gamer Status. Those tagged with a Gamer Status > 1 are users that monetize above average, including lucrative whales. The API respects user privacy by not sharing any details about their actual purchase history, just the fact that the make many purchases.
内部情報へのアクセスが許された開発者は、$ret = $facebook->api_client->users_getStandardInfo($user_id, array('gamer_status'))を呼び出すことで、ユーザーのゲーマー・ステータスを判定できる。Gamer Status > 1とタグ付けされたユーザーは、収益性が平均以上であり、特上の課金ユーザーかもしれない。ユーザーのプライバシーを守るため、APIでわかるのはこのユーザーがたくさん購入するという事実だけで、具体的な購入履歴は一切開示されない。
However, Facebook forbids developers from using the Gamer Status API to increase prices above their normal level for high monetizing users. Facebook also explicitly says, “You may not use gamer_status for any purpose other than internal and administrative purposes related to the operation of your game. For example, you may not use this information for marketing purposes.”
Developers could potentially target these high monetizing users with optimized offers or discounts on virtual goods. Because these users also receive discounts on buying Facebook Credits, they’re more likely to have a balance to spend. Developers can test to see whether offering discounts to these users leads to enough sales to offset the reduced prices. If so, Gamer Status can be used to increase revenues.
Gamer Status could also be used to drive retention. If paired with reengagement messages such as emails, developers may be able to lure previous users to start playing their game again with a signficant discount. Once these gamers have begun investing time in a game again, developers can return prices for them to normal. However, it’s currently unclear whether Facebook would allow these types of tactics given their policy statements above.
Cats are affectionate animals and they often sleep with people. Cats sleep in short periods, rather than a single long period like people. They quickly awaken, ready to do anything at anytime. They are particularly alert and active at night, what mice are awake and dogs are asleep. They see and hear far better than dogs, and cats clean themselves. Long ago, cats buried their waste outside, away from their territory. For these reasons, cats have become members of human society both as helpers and companions. The cat is here to stay.
いろいろとお手数をおかけして申し訳ありません。一度make offerを断っていただけないでしょうか?再度アドレスを変更したうえでmake offerをしたいと思います。それでも不都合があればその時点でmake offerを再度断っていただいて結構です。
I apologize for bothering you. Could you possibly turn down "make offer" once so that I can make offer again with a correct address? If this does not work, you can of course turn down "make offer" altogether.
When to Sunset and When to Stay With Social Games on FacebookAugust 8th, 2011The Facebook games ecosystem has evolved to the point where most social game developers put effort into planning the end of a game’s life cycle instead of just its beginning. Facebook’s Sean Ryan shares some insight with ISG on what developers are doing when a game reaches the end of the line.
Facebookのソーシャルゲーム、継続すべき時と退くべき時 2011年8月8日Facebookゲーム業界は、ソーシャルゲームディベロッパーの大半が、ゲームを生み出すこと以上に、寿命がきたゲームをどう終わらせるかについて、考える段階に来ている。ゲームが終わりを迎えるときディベロッパーがどのように対応するのか、FacebookのSean Ryan氏がISGに、その実態を明かす。
“We’re hitting a phase right now where games are two, three, and four years old,” Ryan tells ISG. “So we’re seeing different philosophies on what you do. A full sequel that is a different game? An expansion pack like we’ve seen with Zynga and Pioneer Trail, or Army Attack with the Desert Area? Or just let it go and watch it decline?”When to Let Go
ISGに対しRyan氏は、「リリースから2年、3年、そして4年が経過したゲームが存在する」と語った。「よって、違った対応を見ることができる。まったく別のゲームを続編としてつくるか。ZyngaやPioneer Trailに見たような、あるいはArmy AttackにおけるDesert Area追加のような、拡張パックか。それともただ放置して衰退させるか」放置すべき時
Even with games consistently releasing new content and monthly updates, we’ve seen several long-running games reach the point of sunset in the last four months after 2+ years on the Facebook platform. This point comes when the game drops below a financial performance point or when the developer hits an opportunity cost of resources spent maintaining the game that could instead be spent on developing a new game. The financial performance point varies by developer, but the most common “evaluation equation” we’ve heard from developers is LTV > CPI.
新しいコンテンツを継続的に提供したり、毎月アップデートを行っているゲームをとってみても、過去4ヶ月の間に、Facebookプラットホームに登場して2年以上が経過したロングランゲームのいくつかが衰退を迎えている。これは、ゲームがファイナンシャル・パフォーマンス・ポイントを下回るとき、すなわち新しいゲームを製作するためのリソースを今のゲームの維持管理に投じたために機会損失が発生するときである。ファイナンシャル・パフォーマンス・ポイントはディベロッパーによって異なるが、ディベロッパーに聞いたなかでもっとも良く使われている「評価式」はLTV > CPIだ。
That is, when a game’s lifetime value of users is greater than the cost per install of a user, the game is healthy. If its performance drops to a point where LTV < CPI, the game is dying.
これは、あるゲームにおいて顧客の生涯価値(LTV)がコスト・パー・インストール(CPI)を上回っているとき、ゲームは健全な状態にあるということだ。もしこのパフォーマンスがLTV < CPIまで下がると、ゲームは末期状態にある。