モノクロの写真は1992年(平成4年)に渋谷センター街の入り口で撮影されたものである。この当時事務所が渋谷にありセンター街には行きつけのお店がありよく通った。でもいつからか街の雰囲気が悪くなり足を向けなくなった。1997年6月には台風で旧アーケード看板が倒壊 死者が出る事故が起こり現在のものに変わった。カラーの写真は2012年6月に撮影されたものである。右端を歩いている男性、同じような姿勢で歩いているが偶然である。
This monochrome picture was taken in 1992 at the entrance to Shibuya Center District.Back then, my office was in Shibuya and some of my favorite shops were in Center, so I was going through there a lot. However, since a while, the town's atmosphere became worse and I stopped going there.In a typhoon in June 1997, the old arcade's signboard was destroyed. Accidents in which people died were happening and it changed into what it is today. The color photo was taken in June 2012.It's coincidental that the men walking on the right side was with the same posture.
モノクロの写真は1985年(昭和60年)に新宿中央公園脇で撮影されたものである。まだ、都庁は建っておらず広い空き地があった。都庁の竣工が1991年 23年もたち特殊な形状の建物のため雨漏りがひどく直すのにも1000億円もかかるらしい「こんなビルたてやがって!」と当時の都知事の石原さんは怒っていた。(よく怒る人だけどテレビでその姿を見ているとなぜか笑えてしまうのは私だけだろうか。最近あまり出てこないからちょっと寂しいけど)カラーの写真は2012年1月に撮影されたもの。
This monochrome photo taken in 1985, in Shinjuku Central Park.The Tokyo Government Office building has not been yet erected, there was a vast empty space in its place. The building was finished in 1991. It has been 23 years since then already, due to the buildings peculiar shape, rain was leeking inside through the roof, it is said that it took 100 000 000 000 JPY to fix it. The governor at that time, Mr Ishihara was mad - "What kind of a building they made!". (He's constantly mad, but I wonder if I was the only one who found seeing him like that in TV funny for some reason. He's not in the spotlight much lately, I kind of miss him) The color photo was taken in January 2012.
al85701まるでファンタジー映画のような世界観。ビジュアル系バンド Mix Speaker's,Incモンスターかと思う見た目とは違いポップで聞きやすい楽曲は要チェック!一曲一曲が物語のような世界観で何度みても飽きさせない。海外からのオファーも多い。毎回こだわりのあるコンセプトで世界観を表現! 物語性のある世界を衣装と楽曲で表現!ツインボーカルが珍しい!絵が得意でホームページなどの絵を担当!小悪魔担当!白い天使のイメージが強いが筋肉がすごい。
al85701Aesthetics taken straight from a fantasy movie.Visual-kei band Mix Speaker's,Inc.Their appearance - not the usual, monstrous one - and poppy, easy to listen to tunes are a must-see.Each of their songs is a story-like world, which isn't boring no matter how much you look at it.They receive many offers from overseas as well.Each time, they present an aesthetic based on a polished concept.They create tale-like worlds with their costumes and tunes.Their double vocal is a rarity.Since he's good at drawing, he's in charge of the pictures on their website.The little devil role.His impression of a white angel is strong, but his muscles are amazing too.
The reaction of visitors to the exhibition is favorable.I'm getting a lot of questions.In TP71, private visitors who came to enjoy the circuit and shop owners supporting it responded positively.They're bothered by the mud and water being there in case they used the circuit. You can produce silver caps as well, right?Customers who came privately to enjoy the circuit are constantly concerned with air pressure, so I think that they're the perfect customer base as the Japanese market's early adapter group.I hope you reply as soon as possible.
Thank you. This is Miyajima from Hiroshima's world heritage site.Jason did go, didn't he?Lisa, someday let's go there together with your baby. Maternity life. Be careful with your health everyday.
Thank you for contacting me. I understand. This week's Friday is fine then, please send the $150 as a refund. Please go through the refunding process at PayPal.
進捗状況は気にしないでくださいね。お気遣いを本当に有難うございます。私の本職は映像撮影なので写真撮影は苦手なんです(笑 YouTubeの動画もpライベートなのでかなり適当に撮影してますしねlolFrickrの画像はExif infoの項目を見てもらえれば使用したカメラや設定情報を見れると思います。写真撮影は趣味なので下手なので恥ずかしいですlol編集はコツさえ覚えればiPhoneで撮影した画像でも十分に綺麗な写真に仕上げることが出来ると思います。
Don't worry about our state of progress. Thank you for your consideration.My profession is video recording, so I'm not good at photography. My Youtube videos are set to Private, I'm shooting them rather unseriously.If you check the Exif info of my photos on Flickr, you can see the camera I'm using and the settings I use.Photography is only my hobby, so I'm bad at it, it's embarassing.Concerning editing, as long as you learn the basics, you can edit the images you took on an iPhone to be sufficiently good looking.
2. Concerning late shippingWe increased the number of people working in item sending from one to three.Due to this, our efficiency and speed increased.Thanks to this, we were able to resolve the problem of late delivery.In the future, we're planning to implement sending items to FBA.We're aiming to increase our sales even more.
繰返しますが、私たちはイーベイで利益を得なくては成りません。今回のミッションから毎回貴方に2・3個づつテーマを与えます。そのテーマをクリアしたら報酬を支払います。しかし難しく考える必要はありません。私の指示通りに仕事をすれば簡単にクリアできます。今回のテーマは1. 製品が売れたとき利益が35%以上取れるようにして下さい。2. アマゾン日本でアマゾン倉庫から出品している販売者が3人以上いること。3. タイトルは80文字を使い切るようにすること。以上の3テーマです。
I will repeat myself, but we must make a profit on eBay.From this mission on, you will be given 2-3 tasks each time.If you fulfill those tasks, you will be paid recompensation. However, there is no need to think hard about it.As long as you follow my instructions, they should be easy to fulfill.This time, the tasks are:1. If a product sells, please make it so you can reach over 35% of profit.2. At Japanese Amazon, there must be 3 or more sellers selling from Amazon's warehouses3. Use up all 80 available characters in the titleThe above three tasks.
I've only used it for a few hours, but I posted it as "used".I have the regular X, so I didn't get to use it much.It's almost brand new, at this price, it's very cheap.I'm happy that you received the package, but I'm still mad that customs took this much money. From now on, I'll be declaring the package's worth as lower. I'm sorry I spent too much money.Ah, Y is the one published in French, is it not?I could send you not just one volume, but the whole series. I've never read it, but it seems like 4 volumes are out, so this time, I'll try looking for it.
Thank you for the positive feedback.I only wanted to express my gratitude for your order.
Me too, last year, I had some boots sent from America and was made to pay X yen at the customs.If you're unlucky, because of a check at customs, you have to pay duty.Y is not the Y in Paris. The castle is Cinderella's castle, we have two kinds, the "Land" and the "Sea". I visit it each year, I recommend this place for sightseeing.I'm excited about the birthday, but it becomes unpleasant as you get older. When I was a teen, I wanted to be older as fast as possible, though. This time, I'm thinking of sending a book, is there a comic you would like?Belgian souvenirs should be alright, don't worry. I'm looking forward to it.
Concerning the inventory, I understand.Well then, please make it so that the sending from the factory is as fast as possible.Would February 18th be the soonest possible date for shipping?
al63001ロリータファッションが好きなら一度は必ず見ておきたい日本の名画。下妻物語ロリータファッションに興味を持った人には1度は見てほしい映画。ホリプロオフィシャルサイト -深田恭子- 『下妻物語』(しもつまものがたり、作品英称: Kamikaze Girls)は、嶽本野ばらによる小説、およびその小説を原作とした映画などの諸作品。物語は茨城県下妻市を舞台にしている。日本にロリータブームを巻き起こした伝説の映画。ロリータとヤンキーの友情物語
al63001If you like lolita fashion, there is one Japanese movie you should definitely see. Shimotsuma Monogatari.The one film I want people interested in lolita fashion to watch.HoriPro official site -Fukada Kyouko-"Shimotsuma Monogatari" (English title: Kamikaze Girls) is the title of a novel by Takemoto Nobara and a movie, among others, based on it. The story is set in Shimotsuma City, Ibaraki prefecture.It's a legendary movie that caused a lolita boom in Japan.A story of friendship about lolitas and yankees.
al62503カワイイ系ギャル代表と言えばLIZLISA身にまとっているだけでハッピーになれるブランドLIZ LISA公式サイト。新作紹介やショップイベントなど、リズリサの最新情報が満載!ネットショッピングもこちらから。個性派ギャルを目指すならOnespo!one spo ( 109を中心に出店するアパレルブランド )Honey Bunchiは、パリスヒルトンがプロモーショナルモデル兼一部ラインデザイナーを務める派手カワイイギャルブランド!
al62503LIZLISA, the representative of Kawaii style gyaru.The official site of LIZ LISA - the brand that will make you happy just by wearing it.It's full of LIZ LISA-related latest news on newest goods and events in shops. Shopping through the net is possible here as well.If you're aiming to be an original gyaru, check out Onespo.one spo (an apparel brand centered around selling in 109)Honey Bunchi is a showy Kawaii gyaru brand, that had Paris Hilton in charge of promotional modeling and line design.
al61903 圧倒的なヴァンパイアの世界観がここにある! Dのヴォーカル・ASAGIが描き続けてきたヴァンパイアストーリーをゲーム化!ASAGIは勿論、Dの各メンバーをモチーフにしたキャラクター設定にも注目。ASAGIの描くヴァンパイアストーリーを元にした楽曲も数多く存在。 薔薇と自然と動物をこよなく愛するDのヴォーカリストASAGIです!薔薇へのこだわりも強い。薔薇愛好家でもあり、左上腕部に薔薇のタトゥーを入れている。
al61903The overwhelming vampirical aesthetic is here. The vampire story told by D's vocalist, ASAGI will be adapted into a game.Note the characters, modeled after D's members, ASAGI obviously included.Songs with the vampire story created by ASAGI as a basis exist in large numbers.The vocalist of D, ASAGI - the lover of roses, nature and animals.He seems to put great emphasis on roses.As a rose enthusiast, he has a rose tattoo on his upper right arm.
al61902ASAGIがヴォーカルを務めるDは日本のみならずヨーロッパでライブを行うなど海外でも精力的に活動を行っている。 ティム監督から「宇宙的なヴァンパイア」というキャッチフレーズを贈られたというティムバートン来日時。「ダークシャドウ」のジャパンプレミア試写会後のパーティーにて。ASAGIの隣にはDのライブで使う旗を手に持つティムバートン。ティムバートンからASAGIに贈られた写真集はサイン入りの大変貴重なもの。
al61902D, the band in which ASAGI is in charge of vocal, gives energetic concerts not only in Japan, but also overseas - in Europe, among others.Director Tim gave him the title of "cosmic vampire".Tim Burton while visiting Japan.At the party following the Japanese premiere of "Dark Shadow".Tim Burton, next to ASAGI, with the flag used during D's concerts.The signed photobook that Tim Burton gave to ASAGI is a very precious item.
al61901ティムバートンも認めたヴィジュアル系ボーカリスト!Japanese Vampire ASAGI!日本のヴァンパイアと呼ばれる男の魅力とは? ASAGI(あさぎ、8月29日 - )、は日本のヴィジュアル系バンドDのボーカリスト。作詞、作曲も担当。血液型A型、秋田県出身。身長178cm、体重59kg。愛称は「あ様」。またDの音源をリリースするための自主レーベルである「GODS CHILD RECORDS」の創立者および代表でもある。
al61901The visual-kei vocalist praised even by Tim Burton.Japanese Vampire ASAGI.What's the appeal of the man called the "Japanese Vampire"?ASAGI (born on August 29th) is the vocalist of a Japanese visual-kei band "D". Also specializes in writing lyrics and composition. Blood type A, born in Akita prefecture. Height: 178cm, weight: 59kg. Affectionately called "A-sama". He's the creator and representative of the independent label releasing D's music, "GODS CHILD RECORDS".
al61804Innocent Worldはデザイナーの藤原ゆみがヨーロッパのクラシカルスタイルからインスピレーションを受け、上品で可愛らしい物作りを基本とし、新しい時代のお嬢様スタイルを提案するブランドです。見ているだけでも楽しいお菓子柄。着るだけでお出かけが楽しくなっちゃう。色々なブランドから出るお菓子柄をチェックしなくちゃ!
al61804Innocent World is a brand by designer Fujihara Yumi, offering new refined lady style, with high-class, adorable craftsmanship as a foundation, inspired by classical styles of Europe.The candy pattern is fun to just look at.Just wearing those clothes makes going out fun.Check out candy-patterned clothes from all kinds of brands.
al61803人気モデルも着こなすカワイイお菓子柄♪ミント×ピンクの組み合わせがロリータならでは!甘いお菓子とテディーベアの組み合わせ♪クラシカルなお菓子柄チョコレートモチーフのセットアップはクラシカルでお上品♪Innocent worldの、ベージュのジャンパースカートに茶色のチョコレートでお嬢様風♪
al61803The cute candy pattern, worn by popular models.The mix of pink and mint, characteristic for lolitas.The combination of sweets and teddybears.A classical candy pattern.The choclate-themed setup looks classical and refined.Innocent World's beige jumper skirt with brown chocolate will make you look like a classy lady.