Thank you for the clearance email. I checked on Japanese Amazon and found a hit for ASIN B0792R42J7. There is a problem, though. A Chinese seller is selling it and "registered trademark" is written there. I think other sellers have read that so nobody lists the item. I can't buy the item only to confirm whether this Chinese seller really has a registered trademark. In case it's a false claim, I'd like to have him remove that sentence about the registered trademark.
I'm sorry for the late reply. Please let the payment be made through a bank transfer. Due to Japanese bank regulations, you can only send below $9000 daily, so I'll divide it into two transfers. Please tell me the bank account number. I'm looking forward to when the ordered jewelry arrives.
I'm sorry for replying late. I tried to talk to various nursing companies whether they had any people who could serve as attendants for overseas trips, but they all denied me. Therefore, I can't go to Hongkong in January. Even though it was a chance to meet you, it's frustrating not to be able to use this opportunity. Though it would be easy for a healthy person to go to Hongkong, I don't have any other choice to accept I'm handicapped and on a wheelchair. I'd like to apologize profusely to you.
Thank you for contacting me. I'll attach the documents from August to October. As for the documents about import VAT, you can have C88 printed at UPS. It should arrive tomorrow or the day after, I will email you immediately. Best regards.
①Registration Questions②Credit Card Verification Process③Declared Values and Sending Receipts④Hours of Operation⑤Membership Questions⑥Package Arrival and Login Process⑦Packages on Hold⑧Packing and Shipping Questions⑨Payment Questions⑩Personal Shopper Orders⑪Shipment Delivery and Claims⑫Shipping Rates and Carrier Options⑬Account Settings⑭For Merchants and Affiliates⑮Need More Help? Send a message
Hello. About two years ago, I inquired with you about parts once. Because of my wife's sudden illness, we stopped being in touch. I'm sorry for that. I won't give up on my dream of sewing boots with a Puritan stitcher. Please let me order a parts list and a service manual.
当社からお客様へ発送方法のご提案です。Aは購入枚数(重量)の都合上、単独で発送しますが、B,C & Dは、同梱発送でよろしいでしょうか?もしよろしければ送料の合計金額を約半額に割り引き出来ます。商品はオハイオ州時間の11月13日24時(日本時間11月14日14時)に、日本から発送予定ですので、もしB,C, & Dを個別発送ご希望でしたら、それまでにご連絡ください。ご連絡がなければB,C, & Dを同梱発送し、送料を割引させていただきます。ご検討の程、宜しくお願い致します。
This is a proposal of shipping methods for our company. A will be sent separately because of the number of units bought (and their weight). Would it be alright to send B, C and D together? If so, it would be possible for you to pay about 50% less for shipping. The goods are to be shipped at midnight on November 13th (Ohio time), or at 14:00 on 14th Japan time. If you'd like B, C and D shipped separately, please write back to me before that time. In case you don't, we'll send B, C and D together, at lower shipping costs. Best regards.
Thank you for inquiring. I'm sorry it's so hard to understand. In Japan, hickory stripe is associated with thick materials like denim, so we have a disclaimer in place saying it's not denim. The material we use for the exterior is a bit thinner, softer cotton stuff, we don't use hard, thick jeans-like material. In the end, we use a soft, light material which looks like hickory stripe - that's what that note means.
Thank you for the reply the other day. When I presented the invoice, it became possible to buy, thankfully. I would like to order extra 40 units, would that be possible? Also, in case I had it sent to MyUS in America, and if I had it sent to Japan, would the shipping fee be any different? Best regards.
現在、新しい商品の製造を検討されているユーザーに対して、提出する書類の準備を行っています。最新のHeavy Metals, Dioxin, PCBの分析レポートの英文版を送ってください。---藻由来の商品の資料を送っていただき、ありがとうございます。サンプルをFEDEXで●●●へ50gを10缶分送っていただくことは可能でしょうか。
At the moment, I'm readying the documents to present to the users who are considering production of new articles. Please send me the English version of the newest analysis report on heavy metals, dioxins and PCB. Thank you for sending the documents on articles made from algae. Would it be possible to send samples through FEDEX to XXX - ten cans, 50g each?
I understand the circumstances. By the way, the I didn't get the delivery notice so I can't pick up the package.
I would like to purchase the same items I bought the other day. If I chose DHL as the delivery method, what would the total price be? Also, if I placed the order now, when would it arrive? I would be glad if you could tell me about the payment methods when replying, too. If possible, I would like to but it at a bit lower price. I would be very glad if you took that into consideration as well.
非常に明朗な会計でとても助かります。1 各社の電話番号について〜と〜と〜の電話番号を教えてください。BLに記入させて頂きます。2 配達先についてそちらで荷受をしてもらってから、最終的に配達して欲しい場所は下記になります。3 お届け日についてコンテナは6日にマニラに着く予定です。実際に最終配達先に配達できる見込み日はいつになりそうでしょうか?また、BLはどのタイミングでお渡しすれば宜しいでしょうか?たくさん質問してすみませんが宜しくお願いします。
The accounting is done in a very clear way, it's a great help. 1. On phone numbers of each company Please tell me the phone numbers of X, Y and Z. I'll enter them into my BL. 2. On the delivery address After you receive the goods, the place I'd like you to deliver them to in the end is as follows. 3. On the day of delivery The container is supposed to reach Manila in 6 days. When would the estimated day of delivering it be? Also, at what timing should I give you the BL? I'm sorry for asking so many questions. Best regards!
ご返信ありがとう。DE IT FR ESで販売をしたいのでこれらの国のVATナンバー取得を希望いたします。VATGLOBALからようやく連絡が来ました。5~7月の申告は既に完了しているとのことでした。またポータルサイトへのログイン情報も教えられました。ログイン情報をあなたにお伝えすればよろしいですか?
Thank you for replying. I'd like to sell in DE IT FR ES, so I would like to acquire VAT numbers in those countries. VATGLOBAL finally replied. The report for May to July is already completed, it seems. I was given a login for their portal site too. Should I give you that information?
わたしたちは●●●の日本国内のマーケティングを検討しています。マーケティングのために●●●の下記を準備してもらえませんか。・●●●グレード一覧表・規格書・製造工程表・アレルゲン情報・MSDS・Non GMO証明書・Non BSE/TSE Statement・重金属とダイオキシンの分析表(最新版)・栄養分析表・試験成績表・残留農薬分析表・販促用パンフレット・最新の●●●のサンプル(50g×10本をFEDEXで送ってほしい)
We're considering marketing XXX in Japan. For the needs of that marketing, could you prepare the following? - XXX grade list - specification - a chart of the manufacturing process- information on alergens- MSDS- Non GMO proof - Non BSE/TSE Statement- an analysis table on heavy metals and dioxins (the latest one)- nutrient analysis table- exam result card- analysis table on pesticides - promotional pamphlet - the latest XXX sample (10 times 50g, please send it via FEDEX)
Hi, my item won't arrive no matter how much I wait, so I felt like it's about time I contacted you again. It's a mystery to me why it didn't. I waited for so long, so more than a refund, I'd like you to send it again. Please. If possible, I'd like to use the shipping method one position higher, fast shipping with tracking. As for the extra money needed for shipping, if you tell me your PayPal address, I'll pay that way. Best regards.
Recently, I've been expected a big order from one of my customers. At the moment, since I'm in the middle of negotiating with the customer, I'm not certain that order will happen. How many units of XX do you have in stock at the moment? In case you have none, please tell me how much time it would take until you do. I'm very grateful for you responding even to this reckless request of mine. When our next business discussion ends in success, I will contact you again. The business discussion I talked about the other day went well, so I'd like to order 100 packs of XX. Unfortunately, the business discussion I talked about the other day ended in failure, so I'l place an order some other time.
- In case of a special order, would be price be the same? - How much time will it take before it's shipped? - Could I use an individual coupon code, "XTRA10"?
I'm contacting you because a new bag was released. I'll introduce you to a very beneficial campaign, available only for some of our customers. We're taking preorders for the following items again. Under this link, you can apply a discount coupon when purchasing. I contacted you because we started taking preorders for some new items. We'll be selling them 10% off to only a limited percentage of customers. I have a lot of connections when it comes to bags. We didn't have enough goods, I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenence. I'll allow myself to send the items we didn't have enough of by special delivery.
I'm sorry, I was stressed for a moment there too. On the 31st, I'm going to Guangzhou, so I will make the payment before then. I want to pay with my wife's account this time. If you give me the PI, I'll arrange the transfer on Monday. At the moment, I still have a stock of 1200 units at my house. So, I'd be glad if I could get 1000 around the middle of November and another 1000 around a week after that. They're selling very well, but the demand is still only for 2000 units a month. In the future, I will increase the number of outlets and grow my sales some more.