(1) すみませんが、郵便局への電話ですが私は日本人で英語、特に電話での英会話には自信がありません。あなたの報から郵便局へ確認をとっていただけると嬉しいです。お手数ですが、宜しくお願いします。(2)一応探しているレコードなのですが、Vernon Wray / Wastedを探しています。それとUKですが、Colin Hareの1971年のアルバム、March Hareを探しています。いずれも安価であれば購入したいアイテムです。よろしくお願いします。
1. Excuse me, I'm calling to the post office, but I am a Japanese and I'm not sure I can speak English, especially when it comes to calling someone on the phone. I will be happy if you please call the post office and make some confirmations. It might take time, but please, help me.2.Well, it's on the records I'm looking for. I'm looking for Vernon Vray / Wasted. Also I'm looking for one English record - an album of Colin Hare (1971), which is called Mark Hare. If you be so kind to make it a bit cheaper, I'd like to buy these albums. Thank you very much.
What's about the pictures, the products are exactly as the products I have near me.There may be a possibility I'll be able to get the products of better quality.However, all of them are the things of 10 years ago, so there is a possibility that there will a bit aged things to appear on the market.As I've already said, because of some circumstances the store will have a day off.I will reserve them for you, so please think as long as you need. I'll be searching for them during the days off as far as I can and will check the market.If you find something you like, please contact me.
Please wait for the photographs for a little while.There has occurred a system error, and I cannot add photographs with "message column".Because of this I think I will display the products on eBay.(It seems like I can upload photos via eBay products display page, but the speed of the display page is slow, however).Can I ask you what kind of figure you are looking for?If it's something thick and pop, like you bought this time, we have a thicker kind of porcelain, and these are of course all maker's unique things.
今回、商品を購買したnaruterです。発送の準備をされていることと思うのですが、具体的にいつ頃発送されるのか教えていただけますか?また追跡ナンバーが付くようなら教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。
It's naruter, your customer. I think, the parcel is ready for sending, but could you please tell me when approximately you are going to send it to me? And could you please tell me if there is a tracking number on the parcel. Thank you.
Thank you very much for your understanding that I cannot use anything but PayPal. As you told me, I've recently made a payment with the help of my friends and family. Please, check it. I think your views on the politics are amazing, and I can understand an idea of that the country might have mistaken. Please, do your best.Then, please check the payment.
Roger, thank you for your warm comment . I'm again happy you've read my work.
先日は当店をご利用いただき、ありがとうございました。お客様へお知らせがあり、ご連絡させていただきました。本当に申し訳ない事なのですが、当店で発送ミスの可能性があり、ご連絡致しました。先日、ご購入いただいた、ESP PD-PS10 白と青の枚数を、私共は間違って発送しているかもしれません。もしお客様のオーダー数とは違うピック数が配達されましたら私までご連絡ください。大至急、対応させていただきます。お手数とご迷惑おかけしてしまい本当に申し分ありませんが、何卒、宜しくお願い致します
Dear customers, thank you very much for coming to our store.We are sorry to inform you that the delivery mistake of our shop might have occurred.Probably, we have sent the wrong number of ESP PD-PS10 (white and blue) bought yesterday.Please contact us if the number of sheets in your order and the number of them delivered are different. We will take immediate measures.Sorry for the caused inconveniences. Hope for your understanding and further cooperation.
レンズの検査を行いました。このレンズは正常でした。しかし、あなたの利用しているカメラが最新タイプです。その理由によりレンズのファームウエアアップデートを行う必要がありました。これらは修理ではなく日本や米国のタムロンやTAP-in Consolで行うことができます。すいませんが、私達は利用したレンズに全額返金をおこなっています。返品送料はあなたが負担していただけませんか?
We conducted a lens examinations, which showed, that the lenses are in normal condition.However, the lenses you are using are the of the newest type, and due to this reason it was necessary to carry out the firmware update.It can be done not by the repairing, but by the Japan or USA Tamron or Tap-in control.Unfortunately, we return all the money spent on the lenses we used.Could you please take all the postage costs for returning goods upon you?
季節の創作料理・北海道産ホタテ貝柱のカツレツ北海道産のホタテ貝柱を低温で揚げ、ジューシーなミディアムレアに仕上げた創作・かぼちゃ饅頭 トウモロコシ餡かぼちゃに旬の魚介類を包み込み、トウモロコシのすり流しを掛けた秋の一品
Seasonal creative cuisine•Cutlets made of scallops produced on HokkaidoIt is Hokkaido produced scallops fried with low temperature and then, when cooked, served medium rare•Pumpkin manjuu (steamed yeast bun with filling) and maize bean pasteIt is a dish made of seasonal marine products wrapped in pumpkin and then with maize paste added
It gallantly runs down 27km down the mountain slope!We can load your bicycle on the car and drive to the Fifth station on the way to the top of Mt. Fuji.It's the brand of mountain bicycles you can rely on.You can enjoy the nature and sceneries around Mt. Fuji in your own pace.Please enjoy the beauty of nature around Mt. Fuji.Experience the beauty of Kawaguchi Lake environs while riding the bike.How about stopping at the tourist facilities and small cafes alongside the lake shore?We also organized different routes around Mt. Fuji for you to enjoy th coming.It's the brand of mountain bikes you can trust.You'll experience comfortable cycling will world's one of the best mountain bicycle Cannondale.In our store you can not only take a bike, but we also have all the facilities for you to get dressed for a ride.