Amazon confirms its acquisition of 2lemetry, an Internet of Things has acquired 2lemetry, a startup with a system for sending, receiving, and analyzing data from Internet-connected devices.“We can confirm that Amazon has acquired 2lemetry, and we look forward to continuing to support 2lemetry customers,” an Amazon Web Services spokeswoman told VentureBeat in an email. She would not tell VentureBeat how the team or technology would be integrated into Amazon. (TechCrunch originally reported on the deal.)
Amazonがモノのインターネットスタートアップ2lemetryの買収を認めるAmazon.comは、インターネットに接続されたデバイスのデータの送受信や解析を行うプラットフォームを有するスタートアップ2lemetryを買収した。Amazon Web Servicesの広報担当者はVentureBeatに対し「Amazonが2lemetryを買収したことは確かです。2lemetryの顧客へのサポートは引き続き行っていきます」とメールで答えた。 VentureBeatには、2lemetryの組織や技術がAmazonへ統合された経緯については明らかにしていない。 (TechCrunchが独自に詳細を報じている)
Patients getting radiation to the head may need a mask. The mask helps keep the head from moving so that the patient is in the exact same position for each treatment.After simulation, the radiation oncologist then determines the exact area that will be treated, the total radiation dose that will be delivered to the tumor, how much dose will be allowed for the normal tissues around the tumor, and the safest angles (paths) for radiation delivery.The staff working with the radiation oncologist (including physicists and dosimetrists) use sophisticated computers to design the details of the exact radiation plan that will be used. After approving the plan, the radiation oncologist authorizes the start of treatment.
患者の頭部に放射線を照射する場合、マスクが必要なことがあります。マスクで頭部を固定できるため、照射のたびに同じ姿勢をとることができます。 シミュレーションを行った後、放射線腫瘍医は正確な照射範囲や腫瘍に照射する総線量、腫瘍周囲の正常組織に対する許容線量、安全性が最も高い照射角度(放射線の通り道)を決定します。放射線腫瘍医とともに働くスタッフ(物理士や線量測定士など)が、精巧なコンピュータを使い照射計画の詳細について綿密にデザインします。計画が承認されれば放射線腫瘍医によって治療が開始されます。
Tell My Friends: A Social Music Service That Aims to Kill Music PiracyNow for all those who’ve been downloading music illegally, here’s an alternative way to get the music you want. Singapore-based startup, Tell My Friends (TMF), is a service that allows you to purchase music for less than S$2 (US$1.60) per song, and earn some cash from them as well.So how does it work? All you need to do is to purchase the song you want, share a unique purchase referral link on your favourite social networks, and earn when friends and extended networks share your link. At the end of the day, you could possibly earn a profit from that song you bought.
Tell My Friends:音楽著作権侵害の防止に役立つソーシャルミュージックサービス今まで違法に音楽をダウンロードしてきた人たちへ。好きな音楽を手に入れたいならこれを使えばいい。シンガポールを拠点とするスタートアップのTell My Friends (TMF)では、1曲2シンガポールドル(1.60米ドル)以下で購入でき、さらにそこから報酬を得ることもできるサービスを行っている。その方法とは?好きな音楽を購入するだけで、あとは好みのソーシャルネットワークにユニークな購入紹介のリンクをシェアし、そのリンクが友達や拡がったネットワークによってシェアされると報酬を得ることができる。曲を購入したその日に、その曲に対する利益を得ることができるかもしれない。
Designers, developers and domain experts shared their experience, current developments and where they believe serious games are heading. Presentations were made by representatives from companies such as Crytek (South Korea), Digitalmill (US), Eduwealth (Singapore), Littleloud Studios (UK), MOH Holdings (Singapore), National Institute Education (Singapore), Playware Studios (Singapore), Ranj Serious Games (Netherlands), Rockmoon Pte Ltd (Singapore), Serious Games International (UK) and yours truly from Hummingbird Interactive.
デザイナー、開発者、専門家たちが、それぞれの経験や最近の動向、シリアスゲームの今後について意見を交わした。企業の代表によるプレゼンテーションも行われ、Crytek(韓国)、Digitalmill(米国)、Eduwealth(シンガポール)、Littleloud Studios (英国)、MOH Holdings(シンガポール)、National Institute Education (シンガポール)、Playware Studios (シンガポール)、Ranj Serious Games(オランダ)、Rockmoon Pte Ltd(シンガポール)、Serious Games International(英国)などが発表を行い、Hummingbird Interactiveからは私が行った。
Education, e-learning and training were popular topics as always, however there was a particular interest in serious games applications for health. Several speakers including Ben Sawyer (co-founder of Serious Games Initiative and DigitalMill who also recently spoke at Games for Health 2012 US) and a representative from MOH Holdings both noted that the health sector is experiencing a major paradigm shift.
教育やeラーニングやトレーニングはいつも人気のトピックであるが、シリアスゲームの健康に関するアプリに高い注目が集まっていた。先日のGames for Health 2012 USでスピーチを行ったSerious Games Initiative and DigitalMillの共同設立者Ben Sawyer氏やMOH Holdingsの代表者なども健康分野では大規模なパラダイムシフトが起こっていると指摘した。
In Syria, the UN Security Council has condemned the massacre of 108 civilians and says Syria must show it wants peace.In Italy, Pope Benedict calls for an investigation in Vatican City over the leaks of secret documents alleging corruption in Vatican contracts.In Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has defended plans to gradually wind down military operations by the end of 2014.Tropical Storm Beryl moves towards the southeast US coast, prompting tropical storm warnings.Also in the US, an elderly woman's skydiving adventure goes horribly wrong as she refuses to leap.
Report: Asia Now Has 1 Billion Web Users, And This is What They Do OnlineAsia now has more than one billion internet users – or 1.016 billion, to be precise – who amount to 46 percent of the world’s total number of web users. More than half of those are in China. In addition, 623 million access the web via mobile phones. That’s the overview of the Asia-Pacific web scene depicted in a new report by the Asia Digital Marketing Association (ADMA), a non-profit organisation backed by corporate donors such as Google, Microsoft, and CNN.
レポート:アジア10億人のウェブユーザーのオンラインの利用状況現在、アジアのネットユーザー数は全世界の合計の46%となる10億人(正確には10億1,600万人)を超えた。その半数以上は中国人である。また6億2,300万人は携帯電話からアクセスをしている。Google、Microsoft、CNNといった企業から支援を受けるNPOのAsia Digital Marketing Association (ADMA) による最新のレポートからアジア太平洋のウェブシーンについての概要をお届けする。
President Obama says NATO is united behind a plan to have the Kabul government take command of its security by 2014.Chicago police say 90 people were arrested and eight officers were injured before and during the NATO summit.A privately owned US company launches a rocket on a mission to the International Space Station, where no private company has ever gone before.Rescuers save a boy trapped for hours on the edge of a 90-meter waterfall near Seattle, Washington.Actor Brad Pitt arrives in Cannes to promote his new movie, "Killing Them Softly."
オバマ大統領は2014年までのカブール政府への治安権限移譲に向けてNATOによる結束を表明しました。シカゴ警察によりますとNATOサミット前や期間中に90人が逮捕され、警察官8人が負傷しました。米国の民間企業が国際宇宙ステーションでの任務に向け、民間企業としては世界で初めてロケットを打ち上げました。ワシントン州シアトル近郊の90mの滝の縁で、何時間も身動きがとれなくなっていた少年が救助隊によって救出されました。俳優のブラッド・ピットが新作映画「Killing Them Softly」のプロモーションのためカンヌに到着しました。
Soldiers in Yemen somberly march in the National Day parade one day after a suicide bomber killed at least 96 troops.In Syria, a bomb explodes in a Damascus restaurant, killing five people.A train crash in southern India kills at least 25 and injures dozens more.In Italy, firemen rescue art from churches hit by a strong earthquake in the Emilia-Romagna region.In the US, a privately owned company launches a rocket on a mission to the International Space Station,......where no private company has ever gone before.In Japan, Tokyo Skytree, the world's tallest broadcast tower and second tallest building, opens to the general public.
FriendPix resembles Fotobook, an app I reviewed last year, which I think has since disappeared. FriendPix is free to download only on Google Play for now. An iOS version is in the pipeline.The app was launched just two days ago but founder Taisuke Oe says that he is seeing very active usage so far. FriendPix was developed by Hemplant, an app development firm, and Taisuke revealed that it is currently raising funds. You can give FriendPix a try here. Happy stalking, folks!
昨年レビューを書いたFotobookはそれ以来見みかけなくなったが、FriendPixはそのFotobookに似ている。FriendPixは現在のところGoogle Playでのみ無料でダウンロードできる。iOS版は製作中である。アプリは2日前に発表されたばかりだが、設立者の麻植泰輔氏はこれまでのところ利用が盛んに伸びていると語っている。FriendPixはアプリ開発会社のHemplantが開発した。また麻植氏は現在、資金調達中であることも明らかにした。FriendPixへはこちらから。これでチェックして写真を楽しもう!
In the US, marchers clash with police outside the NATO summit in Chicago that is focused on Afghanistan.In South Korea, US, Japanese and South Korean officials meet in Seoul as North Korea is said to be preparing its third nuclear test.In Yemen, a suicide bomber kills 63 at a military parade rehearsal in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa.Many historic sites are feared damaged after a massive earthquake in northern Italy.A rare annular solar eclipse is observed in many parts of the world.
MariNyanyi Creates and Distributes Indonesian Children SongUnlike when I was little, children nowadays prefer teenage or adult songs with a theme unsuitable for them. One of the reason is there are no qualified song for children sung by child singer.Apparently, there’s a song writer concerns about this issue. Djito Kasilo, who works as strategic planner, creates MariNyanyi (lets sing in Indonesian), a website which provides a lot of songs for children. These songs are available to be played directly in MariNyanyi and free to download. Djito even hopes there’s someone willing to download the songs, put them in a CD and give them away to schools and orphanages.
MariNyanyi インドネシア語の子供のための歌を制作し配信私の子供の頃と違い、今の子供たちはティーンエイジャーや大人たちが歌う子供にはふさわしくない内容の歌を好んでいる。理由のひとつとして、子供が歌っている子供向けの歌で適したものがないことがあげられる。この問題を危惧しているソングライターがいるようだ。ストラテジック・プランナーのDjito Kasilo氏は子供のための歌を多数提供するサイト、MariNyanyi (インドネシア語で歌おう)を立ち上げた。これらの歌はMariNyanyiのサイト上で直接聞くことができるし、無料でダウンロードもできる。Djito氏はさらにダウンロードした歌をCDにして学校や児童養護施設に贈ってくれる人がいればと願っている。
Polish fans have high hopes of a home victory and a festive soccer tournament as the Euro 2012 party starts in Warsaw.
SquareCrumbs Helps Teachers Conduct Outdoor Learning Trails with StudentsPrior to developing The Remember App, the three-man team we wrote about last week has also developed another application called SquareCrumbs. In short, SquareCrubs is a mobile HTML 5 app which facilitates outdoor learning between teachers and their students.
野外学習の生徒を指導する教師に役立つ SquareCrumbs先週紹介した3人組チームは、Rememberアプリの開発より以前にSquareCrumbsというアプリも開発していた。簡単にいうとSquareCrumbsはHTML5モバイルアプリで、教師と生徒の野外学習を手助けするものである。
The free BibbyCam app has 20 image-altering filters, and users can craft their own out of a number of preset options. The resulting photos can be shared directly to Pinterest or Twitter, or just saved to your BlackBerry as a memento. It has grown to 80,000 users around the world, and has been selected by BlackBerry’s maker, RIM (NASDAQ:RIMM), as a featured ‘Carousel’ app.
フリーのBibbyCamのアプリには20の画像変換のフィルターがあり、数あるプリセットオプションを使ってオリジナルの画像を作ることができる。出来上がった写真はそこからダイレクトにPinterestやTwitterでシェアできるし、自分のBlackBerryに思い出として保存するだけでもいい。ユーザーは世界中で8万人にまで増え、BlackBerryを製造するRIM (NASDAQ:RIMM)もメインの「回転木馬方式」アプリとして選んでいる。
With over 6,500 professional in more than 15 countries, and over 400 in Singapore surveyed, the research revealed that of the 59 percent of Singaporeans who reported frequently keeping a to-do list, 47 percent of respondents noted that they wrote out their to-do lists by hand and 47 percent made their to-do lists on electronic devices.The remaining six percent reported storing their lists in alternative places, like “In my mind only,” “Piles of files,” or other locations like whiteboards or chalkboards. Globally, 50 percent of those who jot down to-do lists do so by hand, while 45 percent create them electronically.
15か国以上の6,500人を超える人とシンガポールの400人以上のプロフェッショナルを対象に行われた調査では、To Doリストをよく作っていると答えたシンガポール人は59%で、そのうち47%の人がTo Doリストを手書きで作成し、47%の人は電子機器を利用して作成していることがわかった。残りの6%は「頭の中にだけ」や「山積みのファイル」といった思い思いの場所にリストを保存したり、ホワイトボードや黒板などに記録していると答えた。世界的には50%の人が手書きでTo Doリストを作り、45%はコンピュータを使ってリストを作るとなっている。
・yes sir, i can t give you the tracking before monday, im am not at home at this moment.i will give you tomorrow.i will have new models this week ,i will tell you・hi sir i hope you have reiceved your packages.packages of 8E7 are in the customs in paris airport.don t worry , they are checking if the pairs are fake or not, so no problem.i can have for you new models ,tell me if you are interrested:
It may need a few adjustments and lubrication.The pad cups, keys and levers have some tarnish and scratches and will need to be polished. The bell and neck are in good shape. The bell has a few smaller dings/dents but nothing too bad.Please look at all of the pictures to judge the condition for yourself. There is a Bundy Hard Case included. The case needs cleaning but overall good condition. No Mouthpiece Included. Remember, the clarinet will need to be checked over and could use cleaning.
In China, E-Commerce Offers New Opportunities for Physically ChallengedA Xinhua report today brings some good news from China’s e-commerce space, where reportedly many physically disabled people are finding more ways to work and make a living.Citing sources at China’s Taobao e-commerce platform, more than 30,000 disabled people are managing online stores on The service initiated a job program last year for call center jobs that disabled people could do from home.
Hello, No, these are refurbished items as the ones you purchased in the past. Please let me know if you still want them, and I will send you two separate invoices.Thank you. Harris