Apple Inc. posted a 70% surge in quarterly earnings, eclipsing the profit reported by Interna-tional Business Machines Corp., in the latest sign that CEO Steve Jobs’s gamble on consumer gad-gets is paying off. The maker of iPhones and Macintosh computers reported a profit of $4.31 billion in the September quarter, while IBM had earnings in the same period of $3.59 billion, up 12% from a year ago. Apple’s results-which make it the second-most profitable U.S. technology company after Microsoft Corp.-illustrates how consumers are now driving much of the technology innovation, a flip-flop from when big tech companies such as IBM led the way in developing innovative technology.
Apple社は四半期所得において、International Business Machines社のレポートを上回る70%の増収益を発表した。これはCEO、Steve Jobs氏の消費者向けガジェットへの賭けが成果をあげていることを今まさに示しているものである。このiPhoneとMacintosh computerのメーカーが9月の四半期で43億1000万ドルの利益を発表した一方、IBM社は同期間に35億9000万ドル、前年比12%増を発表している。Apple社のこの業績はアメリカのテクノロジー業界においてMicrosoft社に続き第2位の収益を誇り、このことは現在消費者がいかに技術革新を大きく後押ししているかを、そしてIBMのような大きなテクノロジー企業が革新的な技術展開でトップに上った時からのめまぐるしい変化を示している。
Our staff can offer a big effect when you require the worker of a skilled, new project and a sudden personnel recruitment, a special ability, and the technology, Our company has a lot of experienced staff, and meets diversified needs. We can undertake store operations and various events totaly or partiality.And we can support business (store) plan, marketing, recruitment, training for employees, advertisement, and working out employees' schedule .
We have contacted your credit card issuing bank to initiate payment for your order. According to security protocol, your bank is not authorized to divulge any information; therefore we cannot verify your address and identity. We request that you kindly SCAN and email copies of: 1) Government issued Photo I.D.2) Both sides of your credit card- please block out the middle 8 numbers of the card.Please include the name, address, and telephone number associated with the card if you have not already done so.We guarantee that the information you send will held confidential. Once we have verified the data with the bank and processed payment for the order, the information will be destroyed.
On the total amount they have to pay the order, including shipping costs (these are also in the item description) to Japan, I will give them an invoice through Ebay.
日本への送料(商品説明に記載されています)を含むご注文合計金額 をもとに作成したインボイスをEbayを通じてお送りします。
Sina Launches a Chat/Messaging App Built On Top of WeiboSina (NASDAQ:SINA) has unveiled its brand-new chat/messaging mobile service called, Weiyou – aka Weibo Messenger – to the public. So far it only has an Android app; but surely an iPhone version will appear soon.The app works similarly with other instant messaging apps, like QQ and Gtalk. But something special about Weiyou is that it is built specifically for users on Sina Weibo, China’s smash-hit microblogging platform. The messages are sort of direct/private messages between users, and supports both text and voice messages.
シーナ社がWeibo上にてチャット/メッセージアプリを開始シーナ社(ナスダック上場)はWeiyou(通称Weibo Messenger)と呼ばれる新しいチャット/メッセージモバイルサービス、を公開した。 現時点では、Android対応のアプリのみだが、近々確実にiPhone向けアプリも公開されるだろう。このアプリはQQやGtalkといった他のインスタントメッセージアプリとよく似た機能をもっているが、強みはSina Weibo(中国でスマッシュヒットとなったブログ投稿のプラットホーム)上で展開されるということであり、ユーザー間のテキスト、音声のダイレクトメッセージをサポートしている。
Privacy policy** Ltd. recognizes the importance of private information handled as an entrepreneur well and promotes the activity to the protection of private information management system established in our company every day. Our company observes Private Information Protection Law and declares the following policy of what should be done as an entrepreneur who handles private information.
1. Copy of the merchant invoice or receipt2. Photos of the damaged item3. Photos of inside and outside of box4. Damage Report from your local DHL5. If unable to obtain a Damage Report, then an itemized repair order or damage statement from a certified technician6. Completed and signed Claim Form (attached to email)Please be aware that we can only file a claim up to the declared value of the damaged item(s). DHL only allows 30 days for us to submit the claim from the date your shipment was sent. Please provide us with the necessary documentation at your earliest convenience and a claim will be filed immediately.
1. 送り状か領収書のコピー2. 被害を受けたアイテムの写真3. 箱の内側および外側の写真4. あなたのエリアのDHLが発行した損害報告書5. 損害報告書を入手できない場合は、認定技術者による修理依頼書または損害申告書6. 必要事項をすべて記入・署名済のクレーム用紙(メールに添付されています)被害に対する返金額はその商品の公示価格が上限となることをご了承ください。また、DHL社では、出荷から30日以内のクレームを受け付けます。なるべく早いうちに必要書類をお送りいただければ直ちに処理させていただきます。
And the normal repair process will take about 5-7 business days upon receiving your unit.Before shipping the unit to Garmin, please make sure that you have completed the following :1. Fill out (Typing, please) the attached RMA Form2. Return the device with the RMA form to the following address: Please send in the unit with an RMA number on the outside of the package. (The valid period of this RMA form is 30 days.)
Thanks for contacting GARMIN corp. I will be happy to set up a Return Material Authorization(RMA) for a warranty repair which does not cover failures due to abuse, misuse, accident or unauthorized alterations or repairs. Please be noted that the freight fee is USD$29 for returning to Japan by DHL after repair. Meanwhile, we will format all the data in your unit, so please back up all your necessary data from your unit before it is sent back to be repaired.Such repairs or replacement will be made no guarantee that users' own accessories (ex. screen protector membrane) will be returned in the original condition. Please remove your own accessories if you want to keep them.
GARMIN corpにご連絡いただきありがとうございます。弊社は修理保証(RMA)を提供致します。この保証は不正使用や誤用、事故、あるいは無許可の変更による不具合や修理には適用されません。なお、修理終了後日本にDHLでご返送する場合、送料USD$29が必要となることをご了承ください。また、弊社は修理の際、すべてのデータを初期化しますので、必要なデータは修理前にバックアップを取っておくことをお勧めします。なお、ユーザーの方ご自身で取り付けたアクセサリ類(例:スクリーン保護フィルムなど)が送付前のままの状態で返却されるという保証はありません。よって送付前にアクセサリ類は外してお手元に保存しておくことをお勧めします。
This item is backordered and will be available in 2 or 3days.As it become available, we will ship it with other goods immediately.
(1) ブロンズは、カリフォルニアの転送地点を経由して、現在日本の静岡県にある。”BRONZE STATUE EROTIC MARILYN MONROE SIGNED POMPON SEVEN YEAR ITCH SCULPTURE ART”とあるように、ブロンズにPOMPONのサインが彫られていればよかった。私はすでに、だまされているので、今はあなたを100%信用していない。
(1) Bronze is in Shizuoka Prefecture in Japan now, via the transmission point in California . The sign by POMPON should just have been carved by bronze as it was with "BRONZE STATUE EROTIC MARILYN MONROE SIGNED POMPON SEVEN YEAR ITCH SCULPTURE ART". Since I am deceived, I have not already trusted you 100% now.
I printed out your shipping label today, and your address still reads Japan.Can you update me with your address in San Leandro?
ご注文の出荷ラベルを印刷したのですが、まだ住所が日本のままとなっています。San Leandroの住所に更新していただけますでしょうか。
大変ご無沙汰しております。今年はNVMが60周年ということで、多忙な日々を送っていること、当社の加藤より聞いていますが、マイケル先生におかれましてはお元気で過ごされていることと存じます。今年は日本では様々な出来事が起こりましたが、先生方からは変わらぬご支援頂き、ありがとうございました。 来年も御愛顧を宜しくお願いします。先生はじめスタッフの皆様のご健康とご多幸を心よりお祈り申し上げます。追伸。加藤からも連絡があったと思いますが、臨床試験のスケジュールはいかがでしょうか?
I must apologize for my long silence.I hear from our staff, Mr.Kato that you are very busy because of the 60th anniversary of NVM 's foundation.Thank you for your continued supportalthough various things happened in Japan this year. We look forward to your continued patronage in the next year. Best wishes for you and your staffs' continued health and happiness!P.S.I'm sure this has probably been asked from Mr.Kato, how is the schedule of a clinical test?
Multiply Indonesia Cuts Delivery Fees to Zero, But for a Limited TimeMultiply, which was launched back in March of this year to bring social commerce to Indonesia, has cut its delivery fees to all across Indonesia to zero. The free delivery service promo is supported by JNE, a local delivery service.There are some conditions, however. The free delivery offer will be valid only for the ‘Buy Now’ – or in Indonesian, ‘Beli Sekarang’ – items, and only when using the Multiply payment platform. The minimum transaction will be IDR 100,000 ($11) and the maximum delivery fee that will be paid by Multiply is also IDR 100,000. The offer runs from November 11 until February 29, 2012.
Multiply Indonesia社は期間限定で送料を0に今年3月にソーシャルコマースをインドネシアに導入するためにスタートしたMultiply社はインドネシア全国内への送料を無料とした。この送料無料サービスのプロモーションは地元の配送業者、JNEの支援によるものである。しかしながらこの送料無料にはいくつかの条件があり、「今すぐ購入する」、インドネシア語では‘Beli Sekarang’を選択した商品かつMultiply社の支払いシステムを利用した場合のみ適用される。その最小取引額は100,000インドネシアルピア(11ドル)となり、Multiplyが支払う配送料も最高100,000インドネシアルピアである。このサービスは11月11日から2012年2月29日まで実施される。
Dear ****Good day.We inform you this cargo(PO#:2012/GK2/0735) which has already had hole in side of a boxwhen it arrived at OSAKA air port.Pls see attached below picture.By the way,"CLAIM NOTICE" that proves having had a damage will be issued in a week.Later,we'll send you it by E-MAIL.