Thank you for your message.I know it was the first time.To be honest, I sent the products in a strong package.You said that you didn't want to pay postage costs.And then refused to accept the shipment.It is against eBay policy.I also gave your money back via PayPal.You will know it if you check.I packed the goods firmly and all I want from you is to make a transfer again.Do you understand?I will make a claim through PayPal once again.If it cannot change your mind, it's okay. I can take the burden.Please look forward to the shipment.
Did you receive the guitar you ordered?Are there any problems with the condition or musical performance?We are happy if you liked it!Should you ever need a guitar, please contact us again!Thank you very much.
We are sorry that the products you ordered have not be delivered yet.We gave you a money return. We would be very grateful if you could change your review.Thank you in advance.
I would like to tell you about the compensation.I sent the products using EMS and in the case of damage, the compensation is covered by insurance.Also, I went to the post office to which you delivered and there is a necessity of filing a damage report.Sorry for troubling you, but could you help me to receive the compensation?The post will not give me a compensation unless at least one month has passed since I requested it.I do not want you to wait so I will give you the money in advance, however, I would like to ask you to complete the procedure with the post.Customs and postal fees are not subject to compensation, so I would like to make it up to you.I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart for disappointing you. I know you have been waiting for that product.I am very sorry.
A few weeks ago I sent the following e-mail to Michael, but I didn't know the total sum of expenses even after.I wanted to send the check as soon as I know the total sum, but some time have passed already and since I am worried, I contacted.If 2500 dollars is fine for now, I can send the check right away or maybe I should wait?Please tell me what you decided.
I'm leaving the country for vacation and want to bring the watch...is it possible for you to send it faster so I can bring it? How much if it's possible...thanks
休みに国を出る予定があるが、時計を持って行きたいです。持って行けるようにもっと早く送ってくれませんか。可能だったら、いくらですか。 有難うございます。
I am writing to inquire about the recent order. The new joystick set arrived, but it is not BBB, but CCC double clutch. I would like to have the BBB, could you send it to me? Please make sure that it has a push. Right after I will send the non-conforming article back to you. I am looking forward to your reply
AAAのnanacoカードが当たる「イトーヨーカドー SUMMERフェスキャンペーン」が6月1日よりスタート!6月1日より毎月AAAのnanacoカードが当たる「イトーヨーカドー SUMMERフェスキャンペーン」がスタートします!
Get Nanaco card AAA at "ITO YOKADO SUMMER Fest Campaign", starting on 1st of June!Starting from June 1st, every month you can get a Nanaco card AA at "ITO YOKADO SUMMER Fest Campaign".
キャンペーン期間中、イトーヨーカドー各店舗にて、食料品・衣料品・住まいの品、2,000円(税込)以上お買い上げいただくと、抽選でAAAのnanacoカードや8月に行われるa-nation island・a-nation stadium fes.のチケットが当たります!!「イトーヨーカドー SUMMERフェスキャンペーン」詳細はこちら!http://www.itoyokado.co.jp/special/summerfes2015/index.ht是非チェックしてください!!
During the campaign period in every ITO YOKADO store for every purchase of food, drinks and home articles equal to or exceeding 2000 yen (with tax) you can participate in a lottery and win Nanaco card AAA or a ticket for a-nation island・a-nation stadium fes. held in August.Details on the ITO YOKADO SUMMER Fest Campaign here!http://www.itoyokado.co.jp/special/summerfes2015/index.htPlease check it out.
TOKAI SUMMIT ’15オフィシャルHP:http://tokai-summit.net/【公演に関するお問合せ】サンデーフォークプロモーション:052-320-9100(全日10:00~18:00)
TOKAI SUMMIT ’15 Official Home Page: http://tokai-summit.net/Inquiries regarding the performanceSunday Folk Promotion: 052-320-9100 (Every day 10:00-18:00)
Inquiries regarding the performanceSunday Folk Promotion: 052-320-9100 (Every day 10:00-18:00)
6/6(土) 名古屋「music」リリースイベント詳細発表! ※イベント内容は予告なく変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。※雨天の場合でもイベントは実施予定ですが、荒天及び強風など実施が危険と判断された場合、または会場の設備故障や天災、交通ストライキなど不可抗力の事由により、公演実施不可能と判断された場合はイベントを中止もしくは中断・変更致します。その場合でもご購入頂いた商品の払い戻し一切行いませんので予めご了承下さい。
June 6th (Sat.) Nagoya [music] Release Event Details* The event plan may change without notice. Please check in advance.* The event will be held even if it rains, however, it may be cancelled or postponed in cases such as dangerous storm, strong wind, building damage, natural calamities, strikes or other unavoidable events. If the event is cancelled or postponed due to the above mentioned reasons, the money paid will not be refunded. Please take it into account.
【イベントに関するお問い合わせ】エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ株式会社0570-064-414 (平日11時-18時)
Information regarding the eventApex Music Creative K.K.0570-064-414 (Weekdays 11:00-18:00)
2. Regarding the products from producers that we have not previously handled, we will contact the respective companies and will sell on Amazon.co.uk only these products which we obtained a selling permission for.Should you have any doubts regarding this, please let us know.Based on that, could you restore our selling account by e-mail, please?Thank you very much.
We are very sorry for having sold your product without permission.In order to prevent the future violations of the selling rights on Amazon.co,uk, we plan to introduce the following policy:1. When handling a new product, we will compare it with existing products we have handled so far and check whether we have used products from that producer.
2. It is a rule that every product that is sold at Amazon.co.uk and comes from a new producer cannot be sold without obtaining consent from the producer's parent company.Should you have any other doubts, please point them out.Also, based on that, could you restore our selling account?Best regards,
国連が生まれたのは昭和20年、第二次世界大戦が終わった直後のことです。当時のアメリカのルーズベルト大統領とイギリスのチャーチル首相の話 し合いをきっかけに51カ国でスタートしました。日本の加盟は昭和31年で、80番目の加盟国です。国連が作られたとき反省材料とされたのか国際連盟です。その議決方式やアメリカの不参加などが障害となって、第二次世界大戦を回避できなかった教訓から、国連では戦勝国側に強い権限が与えられました。
United Nations was established in 1945, following the end of the Second World War.It emerged from a talk of American President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill and was inaugurated by 51 countries.Japan joined the UN in 1956 as the 80th member state.UN was formed as a replacement for the League of Nations which was criticized for its decision making process and non-participation of the United States. Learning from the experience of unavoidable Second World War, the construction of the United Nations gave great power to the victorious nations.
I also started doing business 5 years ago and I run and manage a shop there.I own many selling channels, but the main site with the biggest amount of sales is listed below.I am a member of the wholesale site listed below and it is my main supplier. I can buy up the necessary amount of products beforehand from this wholesaler and store it. I can send them out one by one upon each order.I use Japanese Post for shipment. For high priced articles, please attach a tracking number.The planned turnover is around one million.
We are very sorry. At this moment, the products you requested are out of stock.We contacted the producer and learned that if the order is made right now, the products will be delivered around October-December.We follow the build-to-order policy and send the products after the payment is confirmed. If you don't mind waiting until the time mentioned above, we will prepare a quotation.We are looking forward for your kind consideration.
Are the products you mentioned my products? And are you looking for a brown Petit Noe?If you wanted to purchase my products, I will send the invoice again.I will also cancel the order of the yellow Petit Noe. If there is anything else you are interested in, please let me know.Please refer to my page.I offer various colours.I have green and blue ones too.If there is no successful bidder, the products will be stocked again automatically.If they are sold, they won't.