aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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Traction leads to increased uptake

Q.L.L. has had over 4.5 million downloads to date. “At any given time, we have between 10 to 20 titles on the top 100 app list in the education category for both Google Play and the iTunes store,” says Lulu. She adds that having gained traction so far, Q.L.L. is able to push new titles without having to spend for marketing.

The teams apps earn money from a mix of different revenue models. “Based on our 300,000 active monthly users, we are able to monetize through a combination of mobile ads, paid apps and sponsored apps by Kbro Cable TV (the biggest taiwan cable TV with 1.5 million users), Sony TV, other smart TV boxes and tablet manufacturers.”



QLLが提供するアプリのダウンロード数は1日に450万以上だ。「いつでも、私たちはGoogle PlayとiTunes storeの教育カテゴリで10から20のタイトルをアプリトップ100のランキングに送り込んでいるのです」とYeh氏は述べている。同氏は、これまでに獲得した人気のおかげで、QLLはマーケティングに費用をかけずに新タイトルを売り出すことができることを付け加えた。

同チームのアプリは異なる売り上げモデルの組み合わせから利益を得る。「私たちのアプリを利用する毎月のアクティブユーザー数は30万です。これをベースとして、モバイル広告、有料アプリ、Kbro Cable TV(台湾最大のケーブルTV、ユーザー数150万)やSony TV、その他のスマートテレビボックスやタブレット製造業者からのスポンサードアプリを組み合わせることによって、マネタイズが可能となっています。」

kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Jews are smart and well-educated, have only 0.2% of world population, but they have 54% of Chess champions, 27% of Nobel Laureates in physics, 31% of Nobel Laureates in medicine, 6 Nobel Prize in recent years: 4 in Chemistry and 2 in Economy.

The consequence of all the achievement above is that it has become a growing trend for establishing major R&D centers of multinational companies in Israel. Right now, the big players include IBM, Cisco, Microsoft, Google, SanDisk. Therefore, we have no surprise to see that Israel is the NO.1 export country in Intellectual Property (IP) which is the greatest value that Israeli bring to the global industry.




kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Regarding the hot spots of Israeli innovation, we’ve been told they are Communication, Digital printing, Internet & Media, Green technology, Waste management, Water technology, Solar energy, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Medical devices.

Israel is small and lacking of all sorts of resources, and it’s surrounded by the sea and those so-called enemies. The only way to survive and become stronger is to innovate, said the officials from Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Well, if you have read about the history of Jerusalem and are also aware that the war sometime still takes place only ~80km away from Tel Aviv, the startup ecosystem this country is building is surely amazing.




kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

If you have a good idea, you don’t need a technical co-founder

Business founders have been receiving flak for not offering much to technical co-founders. Dropmyemail CEO John Fearon responds.

Recently, I read an article by Singapore-based entrepreneur Jon Yongfook talking about how technical-gifted developers get unsolicited idea pitches all the time. I also read another piece debating the appropriate time for entrepreneurs to get a technical co-founder.

I do agree that business minds should have something more than just an idea to secure co-founders.



創業者たちは、技術面を支える共同創業者に十分な報酬を提供していないとして激しい批判を受けている。Dropmyemail のCEO であるJohn Fearon 氏がこれに返答する。

最近、私はある記事を読んだ。シンガポールを拠点とする起業家Jon Yongfook 氏が書いたその記事には、技術面で才能を持つ開発者が頼んでもいないアイデアをいつもピッチすることについて述べられていた。さらに別の記事についても読んだ。そこでは、起業家が技術面を支える共同創業者を得るのに適切なタイミングはいつかについて討議されていた。


kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

But I also think that if the idea is that good, it’s worth taking the risk and going solo.

App ideas are a dime a dozen and while anybody can have them, not everyone can build them. This is in part why good coders are in high demand everywhere. Business people shouldn’t think the idea is the “hard” part and that coders are doing the “easy” part of building a product.

At the same time, I think it will be prudent to bear in mind, that to have a successful business venture, all sides will have to bring their A-game. A fantastically developed app with perfect UX and UI can easily slip through people’s attentions due to the myriad of options available in the market.





kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Technical folks pitch business people to be co-founders all the time as well. Sometimes, an all-technical team generates ideas lacking pragmatism. Developers talking about ideas from their standpoint have pitched me to help them along. They will get excited about starting a business (like yet another food picture app or group discount site), expect to receive government funding, and ask if I can make it a business.

Maybe I’m just too realistic, but I always think to myself — how can this be monetized? Will there be a return on investment? Why will anyone invest? How will there be any traction?


