kaokfdosjfi 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 スワヒリ語 中国語(繁体字)
kaokfdosjfi 英語 → 日本語

We're sorry to tell you that the item isn't available for purchase anymore. We removed the listing because it likely fell into one of these three categories:

This is disappointing for everyone, but sometimes it's an action we have to take to protect you as a buyer.

Important: If you won the item and haven't paid for it yet, you don't need to complete the transaction. If you've already paid for the item, we encourage you to contact the seller to get more information about the transaction. If you don't receive the item, your purchase price plus original shipping may be covered by the eBay resolution process:

We're sorry for the inconvenience. eBay still has lots of other great deals.






kaokfdosjfi 英語 → 日本語

I am sorry for the delay getting back to you. We close early on Friday, and we are closed on the weekends. We were also closed on Monday and Tuesday of this week. However, I am back now and happy to help the best that I can. ☺

I spoke with shipping and they do have the box.

Please keep in mind that I do not see the items myself - they are handled by the warehouse and we are not allowed to go back into the warehouse. Shipping wanted to find out more information because not all Bedat watches are always in the same packaging, so he wanted to make absolutely certain he had what you were describing. There are different packagings that it could have been.





kaokfdosjfi 英語 → 日本語

This is as true for human beings as it is for inanimate objects. Manners- simple things like saying "please" and "thank you" and knowing a person's name or asking after her family-enable two people to work together whether they like each other or not. Bright people, especially bright young people, often do not understand this. If analysis shows that someone's brilliant work fails again and again as soon as cooperation from others is required, it probably indicates a lack of courtesy - that is, a lack of manners.
Comparing your expectations with your results also indicates what not to do. We all have a vast number of areas in which we have no talent or skill and little chance of becoming even mediocre.


生命のない物体にとって当たり前なことと同じように、人間についても言えることがある。”お願いします”、”ありがとうございます”などの言葉使いや、相手の名前を覚えること、相手の家族を気遣うことなどのマナーによって、互いのことを気に入っていよういまいが、別々の人間が一緒に働くことができるようになる。優秀な人たち、特に優秀な若い人たちの中にはしばしばこのことを理解していない人たちがいる。 もし、誰かのすばらしい仕事が他人から協力を要するたびに失敗するようであれば、それは礼儀、つまりマナーの欠如によると言えよう。あなたの期待することとあなたの結果を比べることでも、何をすべきでないかを言い当て得る。誰一人として、すべての分野で秀でているわけでもないし、二流になるチャンスすらない。