1. Own Your Voice, Don’t Share It.These days, we’re talking “word ownership” for online branding. Especially in hyper-competitive categories such as consumer electronics and auto, these emotive and topical keywords are the name of the game. But you’d better get there first — key terms such as “football” and “Valentine’s Day” are sure to be hot tickets in the weeks to come. Act fast, and the keywords will do the work for you. Have a smart contextual plan at the core of your strategy, and you’ll help your brand gain ownership of its voice around the web.
1 自分の意志を持ち、それを共有しない近年、オンラインでのブランド戦略において”意見の保持”というものが議論されている。特に非常に競合度の高いカテゴリー、例えば電化製品や車、においては、情緒的で話題性に富んだキーワードというのが最も重要である。しかしまずはそれを決定することが必要だ。”フットボール”や”バレンタインデー”などは数週間後にはよく使われる言葉となっているだろうからだ。即効性があり、広告主に利益をもたらしてくれるだろう。自身の戦略にはよく練られた状況に沿った核を持っておこう、そうすればインターネット上でのブランド戦略をめぐる動きの所有権を得る助けとなるだろう。
2. Resolve to Be Relevant.Relevance reigns in 2012. More than ever, people will be in the driver’s seat. Therefore, keep consumers’ desires, hopes and aspirations central to your marketing and you’ll stay on top. This is especially true of groups like Millennials, who are dominating the digital space. Matt Briton, CEO of social media agency Mr. Youth, says, brands must address five “need states:” utility, entertainment, information, rewards and recognition.In 2011, we also saw consumers become more spending-conscious as opposed to simply price-conscious. So, now is the time to make the strongest possible case for your product’s value.
2 関連性を第一に決定する関連性は2012一番の関心事だ。今まで以上に人々は支配的な地位に立つこととなる。従って、消費者の欲求、願いそしてあこがれを自身の宣伝活動の中心に置くことで首位に居られるだろう。特にY世代、デジタル世界の支配者、にとってはそれが正しいのである。ソーシャルメディア代理店のMr. Youthの代表であるマット・ブライトン氏は、ブランドは5つの必要要件:有益性、娯楽、情報、報酬そして認識、に注力すべきであると述べた。2011年、我々は消費者の意識が値段重視から消費重視へと移ったことを理解した。そして現在こそ、自身の製品の価値を高める最強の方策を作り出すときなのである。
Global warming is happening because humans have altered the Earth's atmosphere so the heat cannot escape from it. We need some heat, of course. Carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor retain enough heat from the sun to sustain life on Earth. But human activity has disrupted that balance. We've put carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere in massive amounts by burning fossil fuel, oil, gas and coal. We've cut down a lot of forests and use farming methods that add to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Now, there's too much carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in the air. Today, the atmosphere contains 32 percent more carbon dioxide than it did in the mid-1800s.
I want ◯◯, ◯◯, ◯◯ and ◯◯.I'd like to purchase 4 items in total.I really like them.How much would the shipping packing them altogether?Thanks in advance.
I really dont understand ..do you want it or dont you? Just let me know . thanks - Elizabeth
私にはまったくもって理解できません。あなたはそれが欲しいのですか、そうではないのですか? よろしく。エリザベスより。
We usually think of Japan as four five major islands (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Cat Island) and the smattering of small islands of Okinawa. But in reality, Japan is tons of different islands of all sizes.Case in point, I recently saw the picture above and was astounded to learn that it’s part of Japan. Say hello to the Japanese island of Aogashima.Aogashima (“blue island”) is Jurassic Park the setting for “Battle Royale” a tropical, volcanic island in the Phillipine Sea. Despite being over 200 miles away from the country’s capital, Aogashima is governed by Tokyo. In fact, a whole stretch of tropical and sometimes uninhabited islands called the Izu Islands are technically part of Tokyo.
Secret sends catered food truck for B.A.PSecret gifted same entertainment company family B.A.P with food truck.Secret touched the hearts of B.A.P and staffs by sending a food truck to the set of B.A.P's music video filming set on the 9th.Entertainment company TS Entertainment commented "Secret sent a food truck to the B.A.P members as well as advising them before the debut. They also wished them luck. B.A.P members who were worn out from the work and cold was very encouraged by the girls".
In order to receiving the item in this year, until when I have to ask you to ship it?
You told me that the quality of the sound is okay, but there are hum and noise badly. I have to have it repaired so please refund $300 to me.
I have things to make sure about the item you've sent the other day.You sent all of them to me?I mean, the transporting company told me that there are some problems.The first problem is the fact that they can't find out the package include ○○&◆◆.The second one is that there is only one package to to sent to me.Here's the detail.the other day, I asked the company to check the shipping status, so I told them the tracking numbers and the details of the package.Next day, they told me that There should be another tracking numbers in accordance with the details of the packages.Therefore I contacted UPS and I got 3 other tracking numbers, and I told the numbers to the transporting company.The numbers are as follows:11111222233334444The company replied and said "Two of the tracking numbers are not to send to you, and already has been delivered to someone. In addition, there is no packages include ○○&◆◆."Judging from the situation, the package with ○○&◆◆ seems to be delivered to a wrong person.If they can't find out where it is, I think you should make a refund to me.Do you have any clue about where did you send the package?If you want to know the wrong address and name, the company will tell it to you.
I know I was rewarded by you. And I'm so happy for that, and frankly speaking I would like to work for you throughout my whole odesk life.Anyways If you want to make it $4/40, I would have to consider this to work with you.
Please let’s solve the deal in a friendly way and to continue ourbusiness in a long-term basis. I do leave the judgment to you and Irespect it because our reputation is quality and my business is tofind good people.Your cooperation to my company is to assist the underprivileged Pakistan women who grow sesame in small lands and my company is their onlycare taker which provide them the sesame bulbs, training andmarketing.
Having looked into this for you, we can see that the sizing for this particular coat ranges from size 38- 46. For your given chest size, you may need a slightly larger size (e.g. size 40 or 42).We would recommend taking a look at the U.S. sizing chart located just above the size button.Please let us know if there is anything further that we can assist you with.
OK since you bought several items from us.But normal we only offer free shipping for package over 10 items
My warehouse just advised that, although they showed your fight sticks as in stock, when they went to pull them for shipment, they were not there. They have been reordered and another shipment is due within the next 10-14 days, or possibly sooner.In accordance with my company policy, if an item is out of stock, I will backorder for up to a maximum of14 days. If I am not able to complete your shipment by August 24th, I will cancel your order at that time and issue a full refund plus an additional 5% refund of the purchase price (one unit only) for any inconvenience.
ディスクの透明の部分にキズがあるのにVery Goodは間違ってるでしょう説明にキズがあるなんて書いてないよ。返金に応じられないならpaypalのクレームにエスカレートします。
If the disc has some scratches on the surface, you cannot say it is in very good condition. There was no explanation about the scratches in the item description. If you are not going to make refund, I'll make a complaint to paypal.
We took this action because it has come to our attention that the item you listed does not exactly match the one shown on the detail page. As per our policies, sellers must list their items against detail pages for products that exactly match their item. Please note this includes brand, manufacturer, UPC, edition, binding, quantity, packaging, color, etc.For more information, please search on “Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions” and “Product Detail Page Rules” in seller Help. If an appropriate detail page is not available for your item, you are welcome to create a catalog page for it using our Create A Detail Page service.
我々がこの行動をとったのは、あなたがリスト化した商品が詳細ページのものと一致していない事に気がついたからです。我々の規則では、販売者は自身の商品を試製品の詳細ページのものと完全に一致させてリストにしなければならないのです。この規則にはブランド名、メーカー名、UPC、製造版、つくり、量、パッケージ、色などの記述も含まれる事に注意してください。より詳細な情報は、販売者ヘルプで“Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions”または“Product Detail Page Rules”と検索すればご覧いただけます。もしもあなたの商品に対する適切な詳細ページがご利用いただけない場合、我々のCreate A Detail Pageサービスを使用して目録ページをご作成ください。
I don't really understand your English phrasing. I have not offerd nor will I offer a 50% refund. You may return the item for a full refund, or I will offer a partial refund of $50 to satisfy you. If you return it and I can prove by serial number that it is the same fan that I sent, I will refund the full amount, and I am confident that I can resell it for at least $195.00 if not more.I you do file a claim with eBay, you will have to return the fan anyway. So, why don't we work this out with a $50 refund now? I am trying to be reasonable and work with you on this issue
Dont know who you talked to but apparently it wasn't Gibson. No way can you have someonegive you that idea in a later of days. It took my father and I 0 years to know what h Guitar was. So what was fake? Color? Head? Body?
I sent your item with UPS At your end someone did not want the package and it was refused.Then it was returned to me which is not allowed.There is no returns simply because you change your mind.I am not in the bussiness of selling only to reverse the transaction. There has to be a valid reason to mutually agree for a return,like the item didn't work. Please read the UPS manifest on top: THE RECEIVER DID NOT WANT THE ORDER AND REFUSED THIS DELIVERY.