Is possible to purchase through Japan credit card?And, I have the address of the transfer company in Florida, but is direct shipment to Japan also possible?
Please let me know the sender's address.The postage will be around 17 dollars.I will pay the postage, but please confirm whether the refund amount is 1217 dollars?
HelloI am currrently residing in Japan, so send the delivery to Japan address.Here is the address.XXXXXXThis is the same address which is also registered with PayPal.
3.Mは必ずBB系の材質で製作してください。 日本の試作品ではBBCを使用しました。 BBC相当の材質がもっとも望ましいです。 乾燥剤も入れます。色の指定はありません。 詳細は明日発行予定の仕様書を確認願います。
3. M should always be produced on mechanical properties of BB system. We have used BBC in the Japan prototype BBC Material's is most desirable. We have already set the drying agent. There is no need to specify a color. For more information, please check specifications of tomorrow's issuance schedule.
I am sorry to say, but I will confirm it once again.Its about the glass details I contacted yesterday, I confirmed that its not the Sappire glass but its organic glass.Sorry for misleading and the inconvinience caused.So, please let me know whether to cancel the order, or proceed to the delivery.Product is now ready for be shipped anytime.Thank you.
I think regarding this issue, there is problem from both sides.About A its damge of both outer surface and packing, while in case of B packaging is the only big issue.Thanks for resolving the issue immediately through your courteous support this time, I am very much pleased.In the claims, 2 issues I also have suffered damage.Its expensive.Thanks for your sincere support.
I have US adddress but, sending to Japan address will speed up the delivery, so is it possible to do so?And I have one more querry, do you have still in stock M and L size?Can I buy them?I want to buy a 2 sets of M and L sizes if you have any stock.Can I have a discount on direct purchase?
Hello, I checked the mail.Thanks a lot for your humble reply.It gives me pleasure to purchase items from such a wonderful person like you.I will use it carefully.
Some days back, I had purchased three items with each of 80 points, and the postage upto Japan was 39.5 pounds.This time also I want to purchase 3 items, so are they for same price?
Bun and Pete memostand prototype.These they they don't use memostand much, but I tried creating it.Pete's hair and legs is planned to be attched later.
あなたのプライベートなコレクションであれば、希望通りのコミッションで、お受けしましょう。最高入札価格をお聞かせください。私のオークション代行は、通常30%(ミニマムUS$45)で提供しています。もし、私のサービスが割高とお考えでしたら、他の安い日本人を探してください。 失礼、書留の場合は5.5ドルが上乗せされます。
If it is your private collection, lets take it with under optional commission.Let me know the best bidding price.My auction representative publishes it at 30%, that is minimum of 45 dollars.But if you find my service more expensive, you are free to find a reasonable Japanese person.Impoliteness will cause you extra 5.5 dollars.
新品のStihl 211 chain saw 16in.barと新品のStihl211-C-BE chain saw 16in.barを購入することは可能ですか?もし購入できるならいくらですか?安くしてくれるのであれば、複数買うつもりです。
Can I buy a brand new Stihl 211 chain saw 16in.bar and Stihl211-C-BE chain saw 16in.bar ?And if yes, what will be the price?If you could give be me in resoanable rate, I may buy it in large quantity.
How long does it take if we claim repairs to FedEx?And do we get the full amount back after we claim?
Is that it might be conceivable theorotically, I carefully entered address several times, but each time, it was entered incorrectly.If that is so, I am really sorry.I never guessed that you will not be able to resend new invoice to me.I will question ebay for this.
①新品の電池も装着しました。電池のみでの運用です。②Alignはいずれの方法でも No Respons になって動きません。③日本の代理店に状態を説明したら、中の基盤かモーターの不良ではないかとの返事をもらいました。
1.Brand new battery has been installed. It is a battery-only operation.2.Either way Align does not work and doesn't give any response.3.When inquired with the Japan agencies, they said that may be there is an internal problem in infrastructure or malfunctioning of the motor.
I have purchased 2 items from you.As I have purchased both at a time, will I get any discount?I will be really happy if you could do so.Thanking you in advance.
Though you have delivered us bowl, but it is chipped from inside and is dust mixed.I am sorry but I would like to return all the items.Please revert back.
私はwebstore .comを使ったことがありません。 husqvarna 365 24bar brand newを2つとも買うので、ペイパルで私あてに$1060の請求書を送ってください。
I have not used webstore.comI will buy 2 brand new Husqvarna 365 24bar, so please send appropriate bills od 1060 dollars at my paypal address.
I am interested in this item.But is this item damaged or broken?If possible, please let me know the condition of item in detail.
Thanks for contacting us.Please send it with the most safest method..I am ready to pay 50 dollars for that.I feel really happy and secured when I purchase the items from a faithful person like you.