hjoar 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
hjoar 英語 → 日本語

The Little People Happy Sounds Home is a busy, colorful home filled with sounds, just like the real thing, only in this miniature version it’s your child who’s in charge of all the action. And, there’s plenty of it! This Fun Sounds Home has three “floors” so it’s easy for kids to play either sitting or standing. Each area has a “switch” your little one easily activates to hear lots of different songs and realistic sounds. As children move the figures up and down the stairs around and create different stories in every room, they’re improving finger dexterity. Plus, 12 charming sing-along songs in 5 different styles will help them role-play, teach them language and keep them engaged for hours.


The Little People Happy Sounds Homeはまるで本物のような音が多く収録された色鮮やかで賑やかな家です。この家では全ての行動はお子様次第、様々なことができます!

hjoar 英語 → 日本語

We have been ready to ship since July 16, but never heard from you until last night. Please see the attached packing slip with information of what we are going to ship today.

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hjoar 英語 → 日本語

I was here four years ago and I remember at the time that the talks weren't put online.And I think they were given to TEDsters in a box, a boxed set of DVDs, which they put on their shelves, where they are now.And actually, Chris called me a week after I'd given my talk and said,......"We're going to start putting them online.Can we put yours online?"And I said, "Sure."And four years later, as he said, it has been seen by four, well, it has been downloaded four million times.So I suppose you could multiply that by 20 or something to get the number of people who've seen it.And, as Chris says, there is a hunger for videos of me.Don't you feel it?



hjoar 英語 → 日本語

So, this whole event has been an elaborate buildup to me doing another one for you, so here it is.Al Gore spoke at the TED conference I spoke at four years ago and talked about the climate crisis,......and I referenced that at the end of my last talk.So I want to pick up from there because I only had 18 minutes, frankly.So, as I was saying,......you see, he's right.I mean, there is a major climate crisis, obviously, and I think if people don't believe it, they should get out more.But I believe there's a second climate crisis, which is as severe, which has the same origins, and that we have to deal with with the same urgency.And I mean by this, and you may say, by the way, "Look, I'm good."


だから、このイベントをわたしは入念に準備してきた、そして今がある。アル・ゴアはTED会議でわたしが4年前気候危機について話したことを述べた、・・・・・そしてわたしは前回の自分の講演の最後の部分について話した。18分しか時間がないので今回はそこから話を続けたい。 そういうわけで、わたしが言っていたように、・・・・ほら、彼は正しかっただろう。つまり、明らかに大きな気候危機があって、もし人々がそれを信じていないなら尚更逃げたほうがいいと思うんだ。でもわたしは同じくらい厳しく、同じ起源を持ち、そして同じ緊迫性をもってわたし達が対処しないといけない2回目の天候危機があると予想している。そして、ついでながら、これにより、きみたちは言うだろう、”見ろよ、すごいだろう”。