【特典会参加方法】下記対象商品のいずれかをご購入の方に、特典会参加券(整理番号付き)をプレゼントいたします。※電話予約可能(商品の販売・参加券のお渡しは、12/11(木)の昼以降となります) 【対象商品】SKY-HI 12月12日発売ニューシングル「スマイルドロップ」・CD+DVD (Type A) AVCD-83042/B ¥1,944(税込)・CD+DVD (Type B) AVCD-83043/B ¥1,944(税込)・CD AVCD-83044 ¥1,080(税込)
[How to participate in the special event]We will provide the special event ticket (with serial number) when you purchase any of the products mentioned in below.*We will also take a phone order. (If you make a phone order, the sale of the product with the ticket will be done from the afternoon of Thursday 11th December onward.[The products applying to the event]The brand-new single of SKY-HI, "SMILEDROP" to be released on 12th December・CD+DVD (Type A) AVCD-83042/B ¥1,944(incl.Tax)・CD+DVD (Type B) AVCD-83043/B ¥1,944(incl.Tax)・CD AVCD-83044 ¥1,080(incl.Tax)
[Important reminders]*No photograph and recording of the artists because of copyright protection*No sit-in around the venue. Please do not leave luggage or a picnic blanket to secure spaces. Once we notice them, we will take them away, Please note that we notice any action to disturb other customers, we may ask you to leave out of the venue or we have to cancel the event.*For security reasons, please do not piggyback in and around the venue
※会場周辺での深夜の泊まり込む行為は、近隣のご迷惑となりますのでご遠慮ください。※特典参加券 の紛失、盗難、破損などによる再発行はいたしかねます。大切に管理、保管をお願いいたします。※当日は、新聞・テレビなどのマスコミ・メディアの撮影が入り、お客さまが映り込む場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。※当日は、会場スタッフの指示に従ってお楽しみください。
*Please do not stay the night over around the venue due to disturb the neighbours.*We are not in a position to reissue the ticket for any reason. Please keep it with care.*In the day of the event, there are the crews of newspaper, TV and mass media. Please note that you may be captured in the photos and the films.*Please follow an indication of the staff to enjoy the event.
「MUSIC FACTORY CHRISTMAS PARTY」ゲスト出演決定!番組プロデュースのクリスマスパーティーが開催!ゲストはKREVA、三浦大知!MUSIC=音楽をキーワードに、リスナーのみなさんと共に創っていくJ-WAVE週末土曜のプログラム“Mercedes-Benz MUSIC FACTORY”。この番組がプロデュースするクリスマスパーティーの開催が決定しました!トーク&ライブあり、DJプレイあり、ドリンク&フードサービスも楽しめるスペシャルパーティー!
It is confirmed that they will join in "MUSIC FACTORY CHRISTMAS PARTY"!The Christmas party will be organised by the program! The guests are KREVA and DAICHI MIURA!“Mercedes-Benz MUSIC FACTORY” which is the J-WAVE radio program on Saturday. The theme of this program is MUSIC and this program wants the listeners to be involved in. This program will organise the Christmas party! You can enjoy the artist's talk, live performances, DJ playing music, food and drinks. This party is so special!
ゲストは番組テーマ曲「Drivin' Love」をナビゲーターのグローバーとともに歌うKREVA、そして三浦大知!この公開収録イベントにJ-WAVEリスナー120組240名様をご招待!皆様のご応募、お待ちしています。オシャレして集まって最高のクリスマスパーティーにしましょう!
Guest is KREVA who sings the theme song of the program "Drivin' Love" with GROVER who is a navigator of the program. And the other guest is DAICHI MIURA!We will invite J-WAVE listeners 120 pairs of 2 persons to this radio program recording!We look forward to your applications.Let's have an excellent Christmas party by dressing up!
倖田來未フレグランス 発売2周年記念!!2nd anniversary BOX販売決定!!この度、倖田來未フレグランスの発売2周年及び販売10万本突破を記念した特別ギフトセットを、特に人気のある『LOVE NOTE』と『NUDE NOTE』の2種類で製作!内容はそれぞれ香り別に、「香水+ロールオン+練り香水」のセット!さらに!!2012年の香水発表時に多くの応募を頂いた、ウエスティンホテルTOKYOの宿泊プレゼント企画を特別復活します!!!!!
To celebrate its second anniversary of Kumi Koda's fragrance products, the second anniversary BOX will be released!!In order to celebrate its second anniversary of Kumi Koda's fragrance products and also to celebrate its over 10,000 unit sales, the special gift sets with the most popular products "LOVE NOTE" and "NUDE TONE" will be launched.Each gift set contains "Perfume+Roll-on+Paste perfume" per fragrance!Additionally,The special promotion of Westin Hotel TOKYO special stay for which we received a lot of applications at the launch of the perfume in 2012 will be back again!!
2012年、“LOVE”をテーマに香水を製作する倖田來未がそのイメージを表現する空間として選ばれたウェスティンホテル東京。今回は発売2周年及び10万本突破を祝し、またお客様への感謝の気持ちを込めて、” 倖田來 未 presents ~ 愛と香りに包まれる宿泊プラン 2014 version~”をお届けします!当日お部屋には、倖田來未から世界に一つだけのスペシャルなアイテムと直筆メッセージ付き!
KUMI KODA chose Westin Hotel TOKYO in 2012 for the space to express the image of her perfume which theme was "LOVE".This time, in order to celebrate its second anniversary and its over 10,000 unit sales, we present a special stay plan "KUMI KODA presents-the stay with love and perfume 2014 version" to thank customers!You will find the special gift with her message written by her in your room!
先日、到着した「SLDR HOT MELT, TOE SCREW, TOE PLATE (with Hole)」の売れ行きがすぐに完売しました。URLWEIGHTはまだ在庫があるため、「SLDR HOT MELT, TOE SCREW, TOE PLATE (with Hole)」のみ購入をしたいのですが、可能でしょうか?数量は5個欲しいです。ネジもお願い致します。こちらの商品はツアーバンでストックされていた商品でしょうか?それとも、アメリカで市販されている商品でしょうか?
The stocks "SLDR HOT MELT, TOE SCREW, TOE PLATE (with Hole)" arrived the other day have already sold out.URLSince there are some stocks of WEIGHT here, I would like to purchase only "The stocks "SLDR HOT MELT, TOE SCREW, TOE PLATE (with Hole)". Is it possible?I need 5 pieces including screws.Was this product in the stock at the tour van?Or is this product sold in the market of the US?
価格に変更が無いことは了解しました。回答していただき、ありがとうございます。商品の配送方法ですが、下記の私のFEDEXアカウントナンバーを使って発送することは可能ですか?FEDEXでの国際配送が可能な場合、必ずInternational Economyで配送をお願いできますか?もし、私のFEDEXアカウントを使って配送ができなければ、USPSを使って配送をしてください。休みの日にまでメールに返事をしてくださったあなたに感謝します。
I noted that there was no change in the price.Thank you for your reply.Regarding the shipping method, can you ship it with my FEDEX account number as mentioned below?If you can arrange the international delivery by FEDEX, please use International Economy service.If you can't use my account of FEDEX, please arrange the shipment by USPS.Thank you very much to reply to me before your holidays.
The Import price of SP is a cost rather than CS.In case of SP, J is required to pay to vendors.In order to judge if the import price of SP is proper, you need to check the actual price paid by J to the vendors.If the price shown in the invoice for import and the price paid to the vendors are the same, it says that the price shown in the invoice for import is proper one.This point has already mentioned at the previous customs audit.We should avoid the same remark at the next customs inspection. Therefore currently we are considering how we can check the date of the payment and the payment price.
Do you know about "Raku ware"?This is a pottery. It was invented by the ingenuity of Sen no Rikyu. It is often in the form of "tea bowls" which represent the aesthetics of "Rikyu's Tea Ceremony". This pottery has been produced in Kyoto and has been aged in the Japanese Tea Ceremony.A long time ago, the founder of this studio, Kichinosuke Sasaki was so impressed by the aesthetics of Rikyu that he moved from Kyoto Rakuchu to the front of Kiyomizu temple of Higashiyama in "1905". There he established the tea ceremony Raku ware studio "SHORAKUGAMA".Then now, it has been moved to Kameoka of north-west of Kyoto for over 100 years.
I have already shipped the item you ordered by air to the US.It will be arrived at you around 2nd of December.If you don't accept it at arrival, it will be returned to me.When I receive it, I will give you a refund immediately.$12 will be charged as the shipping cost. So the amount will be the balance.
Hello,We are very sorry this time for your inconvenience caused by the undelivered mail.We arranged the shipment with a tracking number by SAL today.The tracking number is ●●●.When you are interested in Japanese products in the future, we will be happy to help with your shipping.Best regards,
Thank you for your inquiry.Please check the attached images. In addition to them, we display Mamiya products. Therefore please take a look at the product list as well. If you need any other products, please feel free to contact us. We will check the availability.Best regards,
ロンドンに続き、東京でも遂に開催!10月25日(土)〜11月3日(月•祝)まで10日間開催される「TOKYO DESINGERS WEEK 2014」にて、“世界初”の360°バーチャルリアリティ•ミュージックビデオの体験が出来る!各業界で話題騒然となっている最先端テクノロジー 「オキュラスリフト」を用い、360°の映像世界を体感できるVR(バーチャルリアリティ)ミュージックビデオ『Dance In The Rain』の制作を発表した倖田來未。
It is confirmed that "the world's first 360 degree virtual reality music video" will be displayed at "TOKYO DESINGERS WEEK 2014" for 10 days from 25th October (Saturday) to 3rd November (Monday/ Public holiday), after London!KUMI KODA announced the production of 360 degree virtual reality music video "Dance in The Rain" with the latest technology, "Oculus Rift" everybody's talking about.
The world's first 360 degree virtual reality music video with not only the 360 degree images but also with the stereophonic effect will invite audiences to the perfect virtual reality world. It was showed in London. And it will be showed in Tokyo soon! Experience here the world's first virtual reality music video!
“世界初” の360°バーチャルリアリティ•ミュージックビデオにロンドンっ子が大熱狂!未発表の新曲「Dance In The Rain」試聴もスタート!各業界で話題騒然となっている最先端テクノロジー 「オキュラスリフト」を用い、360°の映像世界を体感できるVR(バーチャルリアリティ)ミュージックビデオ『Dance In The Rain』の制作を発表した倖田來未。その作品が、英•ロンドンで開催されたアートフェス「TENT LONDON」にてデビュー。
Londoner was excited with "the world's first "360 degree virtual reality music video! A trial listening of the new song "Dance in The Rain" which is not yet released is started!KUMI KODA announced the production of 360 degree virtual reality music video "Dance in The Rain" with the latest technology, "Oculus Rift" everybody's talking about.This work debuted at an art festival "TENT LONDON" in London.
天地左右360°に広がる映像のみならず、サウンドも立体音響を用いることで、視聴者を完全なる仮想現実世界へと誘う世界初のバーチャルリアリティ•ミュージックビデオとなっている今作。来場した、アートに敏感なロンドンっ子からも「Amazing!」「So excited!」といった歓声があがり、数ある展示物の中でも特に際立った盛り上がりを見せました。日本では、10月25日から開催される「TOKYO DESINGERS WEEK」にて展示予定。是非チェックしてみてください!
This is a work that the world's first 360 degree virtual reality music video with not only the 360 degree images but also with the stereophonic effect will invite audiences to the perfect virtual reality world.Londoner who is sensitive to the arts said "Amazing!" or "So excited!" at the event. It was very well accepted among the displays.In Japan, it will be shown at "TOKYO DESINGERS WEEK" from 25th October.Please check it out!
To celebrate its second anniversary of Kumi Koda's fragrance products, the second anniversary BOX will be released!!In order to celebrate its second anniversary of Kumi Koda's fragrance products and also to celebrate its over 10,000 unit sales, the special gift sets of the most popular products "LOVE NOTE" and "NUDE TONE" will be launched.Each gift set contains "Perfume+Roll-on+Paste perfume"!Additionally,The special promotion of Westin Hotel TOKYO special stay for which we received a lot of applications at the launch of the perfume in 2012 will be back again!!
KUMI KODA chose Westin Hotel TOKYO in 2012 for a space to express the image of her perfume which theme was "LOVE".This time, in order to celebrate its second anniversary and its over 10,000 unit sales, we present a special stay plan "KUMI KODA presents-the stay with love and perfume 2014 version" to thank customers!You will find the special gift with her message written by her in your room!