■How long will it take before you have a prototype? A beta? A versionyou can charge for?■If you're already incorporated, when were you? Who are the shareholdersand what percent does each own? If you've had funding, how much, at whatvaluation(s)?■If you're not incorporated yet, please list the percent of the companyyou plan to give each founder, and anyone else you plan to give stockto. (This question is as much for you as us.)■If we fund you, which of the founders will commit to workingexclusively (no school, no other jobs) on this project for the next year?■For founders who can't, why not? What level of commitment are theywilling to make?
■Do any founders have other commitments between January and March 2011inclusive?■Do any founders have commitments in the future (e.g. finishing college,going to grad school), and if so what?■Where do you live now, and where would the company be based after YC?■Are any of the founders covered by noncompetes or intellectual propertyagreements that overlap with your project? Will any be working asemployees or consultants for anyone else?■Was any of your code written by someone who is not one of yourfounders? If so, how can you safely use it? (Open source is ok of course.)
■創業者のうち、2011年1月から3月まで(3月も含む)にその他のことに専念すべき人はいますか。■創業者のうち、将来的にすべきことがある人はいますか。(例:大学卒業 大学院進学)そのある場合、それは何ですか。■現在の居住地はどこですか。YCから資金を調達した場合、会社の拠点はどこになりますか。■あなたのプロジェクトと重なる非競争契約や知的所有権契約の対象となっている創業者はいますか。創業者のうち、従業員やコンサルタントとして他の誰かのもとで仕事をしている人はいますか。■コードの中であなた方創業者以外の人物によって書かれたものがありますか。ある場合、それを支障なく使用できますか。(オープンソースのコードの場合は当然、問題はありませんが。)
I have a question to ask.I installed the software and have been testing how it works. I have a problem. Even if I set the number of ticket inventory to 100 in the setting, buyers can buy more than 100 in total. How can I stop the system from handling orders that exceed the number of inventory? I'd appreciate it if you give me screenshots to help me understand better the procedure. Thank you for your support as always.
一度このオーダーは、11月末納品ができるか確認お願いします。 その納品が難しい場合は、ご連絡下さい。なぜなら納品が遅い場合は、キャンセルするか もしれません。 また、ミニマムに達していない商品の修正オーダーは、月曜日にご連絡します。
I need you to confirm that the delivery of the order will be completed at the end of November. Please let me know If it's impossible to deliver the items. I need you to know in advance that if the delivery is delayed, there's a possibility that we cancel the order. Regarding the order that doesn't meet the minimum order requirement, I'll change it to follow the minimum numbers and let you know on Monday.
This product consists of three bracelets and one ribbon and costs 580 yen. Is it possible to add a ribbon for each bracelets, and sell each combination of a bracelet and ribbon at 200yen? Let me confirm the minimum order. Is it 30 pieces per one type in one color? I recognize that the number of items ordered in last order is smaller than 30. How do you cope with it?
From a parent's point of view, the most important and exciting thing about language acquisition is probably just that it allows their children to talk to them. But exactly what does it take to be able to talk? And how do children get from the point where they can't do it to the point where they can? Most children start producing words some time between the ages of eight and twelve months or so, and many children have ten words in their vocabulary by the age of fifteen months. Things gradually pick up speed from that point on. Whereas an eighteen-month-old child may learn only one or two new words a day, a four-year-old will pick up as many as twenty. (That's more than one per waking hour!)
How does this happen? Adults don't pause between words when they speak, so how do cildren figure out where one word ends and another begins? How do they learn to make words plural by adding the suffix -s and to put verbs in the past tense by adding -ed? Why do we find errors like eated and goed? Why do children say things like I can scissor it and I sharped them? By themselves, words are just empty shells, and there's no point in learning a new word if you can't also learn its meaning.Children are remarkably good at this too - so good in fact that they are often able to learn a word's meaning the first time they hear it used.
for instance, a child who sees a horse running in a field and hears her mother say "horse" typically figures out right away that the word refers to the animal, not to its color, or to its legs, or to the fact that it's running. What makes this possible? Meaningful word are the building blocks out of which we create sentences, our princip;al message carriers. Most children begin producing sentences some time between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four months, at about the point where they have vocabularies of fifty words or so. First come two-word utterances like Mommy here and That mine, then longer telegram-like sentences that are missing little words like the and is as well as most endings .
By the age of three, the basics of sentence formation are in place and we find many sentences worthy of an adult - I didn't know that one stands up that way, Does that one get a button?, and so on. How does a child master the craft of sentence carpentry at such an early point? A whole different set of challenges face the child when it comes to the meaning of sentences. How, for example, is a child who can only say one or two words at a time able to make herself understood? How does she figure out that The car was bumped by the truck means the exact opposite of the truck bumped the car even though the words car, bump, and truck occur in the same order in both sentences?
Why doesn't The doll is easy to see mean that the doll can see well? And then there are speech sounds - the stuff of nightmares for adult language learners. Just how does a child go about distinguishing among dozens of speech sounds? And, equally important, how does she go about figuring out how to make those sounds and then assemble them into fluent melodies of syllables and words? What, if anyghing, does babbling have to do with all of this? Do children really produce all the sounds found in human language before learning to speak their own? All of which brings us to the ultimate question: how do children learn language?
なぜ、「その人形を見やすい」という文が「人形はよく見ることができる。」という意味にはならないのでしょうか。ほかにも話す時の音声の問題があります。これは大人の言語学習者にとっては、悪夢のような大変なことです。子供は何十もの音をどうやって区別できているのでしょうか。同じくらい重要な要素になりますが、どのようにそれらの音を自分で発声することができ、それらの音を音節や単語の淀みない流れに組み立てることができるのでしょうか。関係があるとすればですが、子供の片言の言葉はこれらのこと全てにどう関係しているのでしょうか。子供は本当に、自分で言葉を話すことを学ぶ以前に、人間の言葉に存在する全ての音を発することができるのでしょうか。これら全てのことが究極的な疑問へと我々を導きます。その疑問とは、子供というのはどのようにして、言語を学ぶのでしょうか。訳で分かりにくいかもしれない部分の補足です:The doll is easy to see 人形を見ようとする人にとって見やすい(見やすい位置にあるとか、簡単に見れる条件にあるとか)The doll can see well 人形自体が主語で、人形の目がモノをよく見ることができる。
Every time I'm asked that question, my first inclination is to respond by simply saying that I wish I knew. In a way, that's the most honest answer that anyone can give. The fact of the matter is that we still don't understand how children learn language any more than we have figured out how the universe works or why we can't all live for two hundred years. But that doesn't mean that we are completely in the dark. On the contrary, research in the last three decades has yielded many exciting and important findings that reveal a great deal about how language is acquired.
we got a new offer for the apartment for $800,000. The buyer is a couple, no kids. He works in IBM as an engineer and his wife is teaching. They are an honest couple and they really like the place. I like them as I think that they will take care of the place.I will proceed with the sale of the house as this is best and probably last chance to sell the house at such a price. Please agree with me.I will send over a new set of documents for you to sign. Please sign them and send it back as soon as possible. The process will take about 2 months and you can still stay here when you come in November.Looking forward to hear from you soon.
I asked him to give an additional discount on every item, but his company didn't accept it. His company returns every item of the other companies that are canceled or complained about, but this time, if you accept only half of the items to be returned, he'll try to sell the rest responsibly. I'm afraid to say this but this is all we can do. As for payment, I confirmed with him and he told me that there's no problem with the following.
Hello. My name is Sato. I'm in charge of A. This is the first time for me to write to you. I've accepted orders for A at the exhibition. I'm sorry to bother you but would you please send me some photos of color variation of each models? I also need to know the due date of placing orders and the minimum order. If you have any materials for the press or presentation materials, I'd like you to send them to me.
I have asked you to accept a few small misshipments here and there for 2010. They are insisting we give them an additional 10% discount on top of the 20% we already give them. Or we can return the overshipped garments at his expense. As you know, we have each of our factories separate out the units on order for Japan so we can ship direct from the factory. After the first season of doing this, which I believe was for 2009, every single factory complained about how tedious it is to take the time to pull out such small units from the orders. I have repeatedly told you that this is a major problem, and that they need to order at least 6 pcs per colorway.
Hello. I got back to my daily routine from Monday. Thank you very much for your cooperation and support during my business trip. I'll make the most of the precious experiences I got from the business trip and put my mind to my sales job from now on. Thank you for your continued support.
My name is Taro. I'm a recording director, architect, and I play the guitar and write music for a Jazz band called "Tokoroten." And...I'm pretty much addicted to chocolate.
6. Car rental company SIXT's German agency came up with a novel super-solution to get its rental deals seen by visitors at the Hamburg airport.What makes this so innovative is not just making very affordable use of an existing platform, the Wi-Fi network, but that its target audience (professionals) was arguably the group most likely to be accessing that platform.Besides being a case study in clever guerrilla marketing, this is a great example of using the tools already at your disposal.
10. Dutch agency Novocortex managed to get its online insurance client a ton of press -- and traffic -- with a simple guerrilla marketing campaign that went viral, and cost less than 1,000 euros.Using static paper "stickers," motorists were fooled into thinking their cars had been scratched. But the sticker is really an ad for the insurance company.The agency didn't stop there. It put videos of tricked drivers online and offered stickers to viewers so they could fool their friends.The stickers ran out after two days as the public willingly spread the message across the Netherlands, which, as we all know, is pretty much the Holy Grail of any marketing campaign.
10. ドイツの広告代理店Novocortexは、バイラルに広がったコスト1000ユーロ以下のシンプルなゲリラマーケティングキャンペーンを行い、クライアントのネット保険会社がメディアに多く取り上げられることに成功しました。また、多くのトラフィックも生み出しました。静電気の紙「ステッカー」を使用し、ドライバーたちに車が傷つけられたかのように思わせたのです。しかし、実際はこのステッカーはこの保険会社の広告なのです。広告代理店はこれだけでは終わらせません。だまされたドライバーのビデオをネット上で公開し、動画閲覧者が友達をだますことができるように配布したのです。このことはオランダ国内では人づてにどんどん広まったため、ステッカーは2日でなくなりました。我々にとってはこのような事態はマーケティングキャンペーンにおいては、Holy Grail(聖杯 究極の目標)であるといえるでしょう。
8.UNICEF took a very ordinary object -- a water vending machine -- and made it startling by filling it with bottles of disease-laden H2O to enlighten New Yorkers about how something we take for granted is not such a luxury in the developing world.While stopping passersby in their tracks with choices of malaria, cholera and typhoid-flavored "Dirty Water," the UNICEF staffers then got the message across that $1 is enough to ensure a child gets access to clean water for 40 days -- a simply bottled message that saw the donations roll in.It was a clever way to convey an issue, confronting those that live a life of luxury with stark realities from other parts of the world.
8. UNISEFは水の自動販売機というごく平凡なものを利用しましたが、病原菌をたっぷり含んだH2Oを販売機に入れることで衝撃を与え、ニューヨーカーに我々が当然だと思っているものは、発展途上国では簡単に手に入るものではないことを知らせました。マラリア、コレラ、腸チフス味の「汚水」を提示して、歩行者の足を止め、UNISEFの職員達が1人の子供が40日間きれいな水を飲むためには$1あれば十分であることを伝えます。ボトルに込められたシンプルなメッセージにより、募金が入ってきます。豊かな生活を送っている人々に、世界の別の場所で起きている現実と向き合わせており、問題を認識させるには巧妙な方法でした。