hhanyu7 翻訳実績

5.0 1 件のレビュー
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

How did you come up with the idea?

The idea had initially come from my friend and our CTO, Young Choi, who holds a PhD in Computer Science from University of Southern California. At first, he made a rehab robot but realised that it was not practical for personal and at-home use due to production cost, size, etc. However, his research showed that there clearly is a good market for affordable post-stroke care and rehab, and he wanted to pursue the research. I had experience setting up my own tech business both in Korea and the US, so he approached me to discuss the idea.



「アイデアは最初、友人であり弊社の最高技術責任者でもある、Young Choi氏からのものでした。彼はUniversity of Southern Californiaからコンピュータ・サイエンスの博士号を受けています。最初、彼はリハビリのロボットを作っていましたが、制作費や大きさなどから、それが個人や家で使用するには実用的でないと気づきました。しかし、彼の調査で、脳卒中後の手頃なケアやリハビリの市場は良いということがはっきり分かり、それで彼は調査を続行したいと思ったのです。私には韓国とアメリカで私自身のテクノロジー会社を設立した経験がありましたから、彼はそのアイデアを私に持ちかけてきました」

hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

The idea of delivering an affordable solution to help stroke victims get back on to their feet was particularly appealing for me because of my personal experience — I’ve lost my father to a stroke attack and also two of my uncles were confined to the care of their families because they couldn’t afford rehabilitation care. So I know how difficult it is having to let your loved one lose the ability to go through their day-to-day activities just because you can’t afford the rehab costs.

How big is the company now?

There are 45 people in our Korea and US office. We have experts in engineering, software development and rehab therapy as part of the R&D team, as well as an in-house hardware production capacity.





hhanyu7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Has NEOFECT received external funding, and if so, how much and from whom?

We have received US$5.8 million in total investment to date from various VCs including POSCO Venture Partners, DSC Investment, K Partners, SBI Investment and Sejong Investment. We also plan to raise again next year, most likely targetting the global market.

What’s the biggest challenge faced by the company?

We develop solutions for patients who are typically old, sick, depressed and unmotivated. It is a tough job convincing them that things can improve. Keeping them motivated through gamification elements and an easy user interface is, therefore, an essential part of our development.



「今日まで、POSCO Venture Partners、 DSC Investment、 K Partners、 SBI Investment および Sejong Investmentをはじめとする様々なVCから投資総額580万米ドルを受け取りました。最も高い可能性として世界市場を目標に、来年も資金集めを行う計画でいます」

