【music.jp】music.jpにて『十字架 ~映画「学校の怪談 -呪いの言霊-」 Ver.~』の着うたフル(R)、シングル、もしくは他楽曲とのシングルバンドルのいずれかをダウンロードいただき、ご応募いただいた方の中から抽選で5名様にB2サイズ「当選者のお名前&直筆サイン入りポスター」をプレゼント。※ポスターの絵柄は「十字架 ~映画「学校の怪談 -呪いの言霊-」 Ver.~」の絵柄となります。応募期間:5/21(水)~5/27(火)まで
(music.jp)When you download earthier a song or truetone full version (R) of “Cross-Movie (Ghost Stories in School- a cursed spirit of language)- Ver.”or bundle the song with other composition song and enter at music.jp, you might win a poster with autograph and your name/B2 size. ( total 5 people)*picture of the poster will be “Cross-Movie (Ghost Stories in School- a cursed spirit of language)- Ver.”Application period: 5/21st (Wed) to 5/27th (Tsu)
http://musq.jp/0_kf【ドワンゴジェイピー】ドワンゴジェイピーにて『十字架 ~映画「学校の怪談 -呪いの言霊-」 Ver.~』のシングル、着うたフル(R)のいずれかをダウンロードいただき、ご応募いただいた方の中から抽選で5名様にB2サイズ「直筆サイン入りポスター」をプレゼント。※ポスターの絵柄は「十字架 ~映画「学校の怪談 -呪いの言霊-」 Ver.~」の絵柄となります。http://r.dwango.jp/8G010U84
http://musq.jp/0_kf(Dwango.jp)When you download earthier a song or truetone full version (R) of “Cross-Movie (Ghost Stories in School- a cursed spirit of language)- Ver.” and enter at Dwango.jp, you might win a poster with autograph/B2 size. ( total 5 people)*picture of the poster will be “Cross-Movie (Ghost Stories in School- a cursed spirit of language)- Ver.”http://r.dwango.jp/8G010U84
東方神起 LIVE TOUR 2014 ~TREE~ 東京ドーム公演 当日引換特別先着販売決定!
TOHOSHINKI LIVE TOUR 2004-TREE-in Tokyo Dome/ Special Advance Ticket Sale (recieve your ticket at the door on the day)
このたびは「東方神起 LIVE TOUR 2014 ~TREE~」公演に非常に沢山の皆様からご応募を頂きましたことを、まずは心よりお礼申し上げます。ステージセットを組んだ上で、実際に現場検証を行ったところ、5/20(火)、5/21(水)、5/23(金)、5/24(土) 東京ドーム公演の機材席が開放出来ることになりました!5/19(月)21:00より、当日引換特別先着販売を受付スタート致します!
First of all, we have to thank you all sincerely that so many people applied for the performance"TOHOSHINKI LIVE TOUR 2014-TREE-".Since we've checked the scene after the actual stage had been set up , we found out we could let go of the seats that was initially ocuppied for equipment for audience in Tokyo Dome on 5/20th(Tsu) 5/21st(Wed)5/23rd(Fri) 5/24th(Sat)!We'll start selling Advance Ticket (recieve your ticket on the day) at 9:00pm on 5/19th(Mon) .
今回、販売させていただく『ステージサイド席・ステージサイド体感席』および『見切れ席・見切れ体感席』は一部演出でメンバーや映像が見えないお席となります。また、音が聞き取りにくい、機材音が気になる可能性がございますが、より多くのお客様に「東方神起 LIVE TOUR 2014 ~TREE~」にご参加していただきたい思いから、追加席として販売を決定しました。※見えない、聞き取りにくい、気になるという感覚は個々に差がありますので、予めご了承ください。
“Stage side seats or stage side Taikan(very edge) seat”and “partly cut off seats or partly cut off Taikan(very edge) seat” are the seats sometime you might partially miss the member and a motion picture when they are performing.There might be a possibility you can’t pick up the sound very well or noise of the equipment will bother you in those seats.But we decided to sell even those seats because we would like as many audiences as possible can come to join us.*Please note that how you feel would be very depends on the individual. (it might not be issue to some people, it might be annoying to some people)
Don’t you wanna have dangerous and thrilling affair with good-looking guys? Is the person who you’ll fall in love a butler or your boss?◆story◆One day, you (who are ordinary citizen) will turn into celebrity all of the sudden.You’ll fall in love with the guys like a butler and your boss after they keep hitting on you.◆how to play◆This app. is love drama app. which you are desired by all the good-looking guys and you’ll find the very special one for you then you’ll grow love with him.◆dramatic image◆There are so many images that heat the story up.
・フィルムパックの装填は正確に・タブの引き出しは真っすぐに・処理温度を確かめて■ネガ部とポジ部を引き剥がすまでの時間は次表に従ってください。 25℃の時、最良の仕上がりが得られます。確実を期すためにも15℃未満の場合は保温庫の使用をおすすめします。※処理温度に関しては一覧表ファイルを入れておきます。・落としたフィルムは使わない・現像ローラーはいつもきれいに・撮影光源の色温度に気をつけて・色反射は補正して・フィルムの保存温度は10℃以下に
・Install film pack correctly.・Pull the tab straight out.・make sure the temperature when you are proceeding.・please follow the time about when you can strip negative part from positive part listed chart below.You can get the best result when it's 25℃.・For the best result, we recommend to keep it in warmer if the room temperature is below 15℃.・We included the file regarding of temperature for procedure guide.・don't use the film if you drop it.・please keep your developing roller clean always.・be careful for color temperature of light sauce.・correct reflected color・keep all the films cooler place below 10℃.
Auditions for YTG's Summer Show6月18日, 11:00–15:00 at JDS StudiosRehearsals will be weekday daytimes, 2-3 times a week, beginning the last week of June.Show will be the weekend of August 15 – 17.We will create the script together in rehearsals with the director! We're looking for dancers, storytellers, musicians, poets, etc. All are welcome to join the auditions, as are actors, of course.Do you have the urge to create and be part of a group that does stage work? Then you should come & audition for us.Please prepare a 2 minute audition piece. It can be a dance, a story, a gymnastics routine, a poem, or just a monologue. You may also be asked to do some group improv work or other theatre activities.SIGN UP BELOW!
YTGサマーショーのオーディションについて6月18日 11時‐15時 日本時間 スタジオにて6月の終わりの週からリハーサルを平日の昼間 週2-3回始めます。本番のショーは8月週末の15日‐17日となります。リハーサル時に監督と一緒にスクリプトを作っていきます。俳優を始め、ダンサー、語り手、ミュージシャン、詩人なども同時に募集しておりますのでぜひオーディションに来て下さい。創作意欲旺盛でステージ関係の仕事をしたいと思っている人は、ぜひオーディションを受けにきてください!当日、ダンス、物語、体操演技、詩、モノローグなどオーディション用の作品(2分間)を準備してきてください。また、当日グループでの創作ダンスや舞台演技をするよう聞かれる場合もあります。下記より申し込んでください。
"ユンホ主演ドラマ「野王~愛と欲望の果て~」購入者イベントの三次販売に関しまして、イベント主催者の意向により、14日にご案内致しましたイベント対象商品三次販売に関して、特典内容及び販売期間を変更とさせていただく事となりましたので、ご案内申し上げます。 先日のご案内において、「野王~愛と欲望の果て~」通常版DVD BOX I 及び IIでの単体購入をイベント追加対象とすることをご案内させて頂きましたが、多数のお客様から頂いたご意見を真摯に受け止め、
We have to announce that there are some changes on its period and rewards of the third event sale for "YAO-AI TO YOKUBOU NO HATE" (Wild King-after Love and Greed) main cast: Yunho from the former announcement made on 14th due to sponsor's intention.Although, we've announced that the single purchase of "YAO-AI TO YOKUBOUNOHATE( Wild King-after Love and Greed) DVD BOX I or II would be also eligible for event items, we've got too many opinions about it
全員の身長が180cm以上という8人組男性音楽グループ。SOLIDEMOとは、SOLID=超かっこいい EMO=女々しい(emotionalの略語)という2つの単語を組み合わせ「最高にクールで女々しい奴等」という意味を持つ。クールで品格のある一面を持ちながらも時に女々しい恋心を歌う、その2面性からSOLIDEMOと命名。『メイド イン ジャパンのアーティストがアジアで活躍する』ことを目標に、2014年4月16日シングル「THE ONE」でメジャーデビュー。
It's a musician group consists with 8 guys who are all taller than 180cm.SOLIDEMO is a made-up word combined SOLID(cool) and EMO(emotional =sissy) togather means coolest sissy guys.They are named SOLIDEMO because they possess cool dignity side, but on the other hand, sometime show emotional side by singing sissy love song.They did major devue with a single "THE ONE" on Apr. 16th 2014 to conquer our goal "Made in Japan Artest will be active in all over Asia".
デビューシングルはオリコン・デイリーチャートで初登場5位を記録。デビュー前より、定期ワンマンライブ「SOLIDEMO LIVE」を中心に活動、音楽フェス「a-nation」にはデビュー前の新人としては異例の全公演出演を果たした。またアーティスト活動のみならず、舞台「私のホストちゃん」や「サザエさん アニメ&ドラマで2時間半SP」などの舞台やドラマ、「東京ガールズコレクション」をはじめとしたファッションショーや女性誌を中心にモデル出演するなど、幅広く活動。
Debut single ranked top 5 at the first appearance on ORICON daily chart.They'd regularly performed on one-man live show "SOLIDEMO LIVE" and they'd been also on stage through whole series of music festival "a-nation" which is very rare for new artists before debut.Besides of being active as an artist, they did shows, stages and TV drama such as " My host-chan" " Sazae-san anime & drama 2 and half hour special" and fashion shows including "TOKYO girl's collection" and models for magazines for woman.
デビュー以降は早くも海外展開が予定されており、5月には「THAILAND COMIC CON 2014」に “イケメン日本代表” として海外初ライブ、6月にもFIFAワールドカップブラジル大会開催期間中にブラジル・サンパウロのnakata.net cafeにてライブを行う。現在、フジテレビ系土ドラ「ファースト・クラス」、テレビ朝日系ドラマ「私のホストちゃんS」と、2つのドラマテーマソングを担当中。
They are already scheduled to go abroad since their debut.They will perform first live in "THAILAND COMIC CON 2014" as "IKEMEN(good looking guy) Japan representative" in May and second one at nakata.net cafe in San Paulo, Brazil during FIFA world cup Brazil in June.Their songs are currently used as theme songs for 2 TV series which are Fuji group TV drama "First Class" and TV ASAHI group TV drama" my host-chan S".
Thank you for your email. I am very sorry to hear that you wish to cancel your MyUS account based on brackets not being received at our facility and not being able to file a claim on your behalf due to the insurance not being purchased as required by the courier. What can we do to change your mind? We are always looking for ways to improve our services and look forward to serving your future shipping and shopping needs. Please let me know if there is any way I can be of assistance.
Thank you very much for being patient waiting for us to ship out.Our supplier contacted us that they can provide the marchandise you've been waiting for between 6/2nd to 6/8th.The date of delivery is rather late than unsual due to low inventory.You will get the merchandise around 7 days after we ship out.If you are in hurry you might chancel this order.
We accientally put a wrong item on display due to our system setting error.Our system is currently fixed.出品はオークションですか?その場合、put a wrong item on display をput a wrong item up for auctionに変更してください。後は同じです。
Thank you for confirming the 21 units of the hammock combo, mixed colours as discussed before. We look for your next email with the link and other details.10. How do the Parachute Nylon Hammocks hang?Remove the hammock from its pouch, locate the 2 "S" hooks and pull on them until the nylon material bunches together and slides to one end of the rope. Proceed to hang.
Thank you for your care.The item I want to order is currently out of stock.I wonder when it's back in stock?model number: 123I'll report you again.Thanks of you we opened exclusively hammock only showroom.Please check our facebook for the posting.We are planning to expand the business so please keep in touch with us.Best regards.
Thank you very much. I paid without any problem.I anticipate really great item!Would you please pack the merchandise very well and ship out as soon as possible.You have so many great items.I'll purchace from you again when I have any chance.
はい、いつも誠にありがとうございます。ベースの制作期間に3ヶ月も時間を頂戴しますので、勿論、分割でも問題ございません。頭金で$A、 カスタムオーダーでベースが出来上がってから残りの$Bと送料分をお支払頂ければ商品を発送いたします。
Yes. Thank you very much for your business.Of couse we will accept payments since taking 3 months to make just only the base part. When the custom ordered base is done, we'd like you to pay down payment $A first.Then we will ship right away when we recieve the rest of payment $B plus shipping cost.
I sent you an Invoice from Pay Pal to be able to send your Toy to JAPAN. I also sent you an Invoice to your E-Mail address. I have no way to change your shipping address you have listed with E-Bay.There is no way to change from your Portland, Oregon address E-Bay sends to me.I have your shipping address to JAPAN as:You will recieve an invoice directly from Pay Pal that you can pay for your toy. I will also ship to JAPAN, as "USED TOY RETURNED TO COUNTRY OF ORIGIN" . I have never had anyone I ship to JAPAN that way have to pay duty on your toy.