Eiko (gloria) 翻訳実績

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20 時間 / 週
gloria 英語 → 日本語

The German chancellor said the euro is far more than just a currency. It is the symbol of European unification and it has become the symbol for half a century of peace, freedom and prosperity.

The leader of Europe’s biggest economy stressed that if the euro fails, so will Europe.

In Italy, Prime Minister-designate Mario Monti began talks Monday to create a new government of non-political experts. The effort follows the resignation of Silvio Berlusconi and the approval by parliament of emergency austerity and reform measures.

But political analyst James Walston, at Rome’s American University, says the fact that Berlusconi has stepped down does not mean he has abandoned politics.



gloria 日本語 → 英語



Article 10. Term of This Agreement. The term of this Agreement shall be one (1) year from the Effective Date, provided, however, that if neither party gives notices of its intention to renew this Agreement to the other by two (2) months before the expiration date hereof, this Agreement shall be automatically renewed for additional one (1) year and will be renewed in the same manner for subsequent terms hereof.
Article 12. Matters not stipulated herein shall be discussed and determined by the parties hereto as the case may be. Special agreement 1) The key money to be paid by the Distributor to the Company A as set forth in the Article 3 shall be the consideration as a distributorship and shall not be returned to the Distributor under any situation in the future.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in duplicate as of the Effective Date first above written, and each party shall keep one original copy hereof.

gloria 日本語 → 英語

第6条 守秘義務:乙は、商品の特許内容に関する事項及び、これに付随する学術的、専門的な有形・無形財産権をみだりに外部へ漏洩してはならない。
第7条 契約解除:乙が次の各号のいずれかに該当した時はこの契約は自動的に解除されるものとする
(1) 乙が差し押さえ競売、仮処分の申し立てを受け、競売処分、租税滞納処分、その他公権力の執行を受けた時。
(2) 乙が破産、民事再生を申し立て、会社整理、又は会社更生手続き開始の申し立てをした時


3. The exceptional clause of the Article 4 shall be applied to international transactions.

Article 6. Confidentiality. Distributor shall not disclose any proprietary rights, regardless of whether it is in tangible or in tangible form, such as the contents of patents relating to the Product, academic or professional information relating to the Product to any third party.
Article 7. Termination. This Agreement shall be automatically terminated if : (1) seizure for auction or injunction is alleged against the Distributor and the Distributor is ordered any auction, collection of tax delinquency, or any other governmental enforcement; (2) the Distributor files application for bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation proceeding, liquidation or corporate reorganization.

gloria 日本語 → 英語

第4条 商品の受け渡しに関する確認:甲乙間における発注方法、納入場所、納品、検品及び所有権の移転、商品の受け渡し等に関する事項については都度甲乙協議の上とする。但し、外国との取引についてはLOI及びFCOの取り決めを順守する。第5条 支払条件:乙が甲より商品を仕入れる際は、商品代金先払いを原則とする。但し、大口受注等により納品を先行せざるを得ない時は、乙は、自己の責任に於いてあらかじめ甲の承諾を得るものとする


Article 4. Delivery of the Products. Both parties shall discuss to determine the shipping means between the parties, delivery place, delivery, inspection of the Products, transfer of the proprietary right, and the delivery of the Products on case-by-case basis. Provided that, as for transactions with foreign companies, payment shall be subject to LOI and FCO.
Article 5. Terms of Payment. When Distributor purchases the Products from Company A, payment of the price for the Products shall be made in advance. Provided that, in case that it is inevitable to prioritize the delivery, for example according to large lot order, Distributor may make payment after the delivery obtaining prior consent from Company A at Distributor's responsibility.
2. Payment shall be made by cash or bank transmission to the account designated by Company A.

gloria 日本語 → 英語

第1条 目的:甲及び乙は相互にその利害関係を尊重して、甲商品の販売促進に協力し公正な取引を行う事を目的とする
第2条 販売契約:乙は甲より商品を買い取り販売するものとし、その商品の信用の維持及び拡販に努めると共に、商品の性能・特質等について正しく顧客に説明しなければならない
第3条 権利金:乙は甲に対して甲商品の販売に当たり当該契約日迄に権利金を支払うものとする


A (hereinafter "Company A") and the distributor (hereinafter "Distributor") entered an agreement in connection with the basic terms and conditions of the transaction of the products provided by Company A as follows:
Article 1. Purpose. The purpose of this agreement is to have fair transaction between the parties hereto, each party respecting the other party's interests and cooperating in promoting Company A's products to each other.
Article 2. Distributorship agreement. Distributor shall buy and sell products from Company A and make effort to maintain and expand the fame of Company A's products, and shall explain correctly about the product's performance and features to the customers.
Article 3. Key money. Company A shall pay the key money to Company A duly before the conclusion of this agreement for distributing Company A's products.