지금부터 돌아갑니다.지금부터 갑니다.17:00경에 도착할 예정입니다.도착예정중간에 TASK1과 TASK2이 예정되어 있습니다.귀가시간은 19:00입니다.도착시간은 19:00입니다.순조롭습니다.늦습니다.조금 늦습니다.빨라집니다.조금 빨라집니다.
birds are hand crafted using hummingbird feathers. music box has a continual and intermitant mode as well as a stop. piece is in extremely good condtion, it cranks, and the birds chirp loudly and the beaks move and the tail moves up and down with the music. The chirping noise is made from meticulous bellows and internals. The delicate internals will be permanently damaged with over-winding. Never overwind a music box. I will try to post a video on you tube. Please ask if you have any questions, and happy bidding. The shipping is a little more expensive because it is so delicate, it will be shipped in two boxes with packing material between to ensure the music box is not damaged and includes insurance.
鳥はハチドリの羽で手作りされています。オルゴールには継続モードと鳴ったり止まったりするモードがあります。製品の状態は非常に良く、クランク状です。鳥のさえずり声は大きく、くちばしは動き、音楽に合わせて尾は上下に移動します。さえずりは繊細に作られたベローズと内部から出ています。ゼンマイを巻き過ぎると繊細な内部構造が永久に壊れる恐れがあります。オルゴールのネジを巻き過ぎてはいけません。You Tubeにビデオを投稿します。円満な取引のためにご質問がある場合はお問い合わせください。非常に繊細な製品なので、送料は少し高くつきます。オルゴール発送時には2枚の梱包材で包みます。オルゴールがしないように梱包材を持つ2つの箱で出荷されます。また、保険がかけられています。
The bag measures 36 in. x 90 in. and can accomodate a person up to 6 ft. 6 in. tall. ng. The included cotton sheet is removable, allowing for 4 different sleeping bag configurations. By separating the bags, the sleeping bag can be used as a standard bag and the liner can be used as a lightweight sheet. When the bags are zipped together, the system can be used as a heavier single sleeping bag or spread out to make for a comfortable bottom layer. Removable lightweight sheet included Machine Washable Contoured design keeps head on bag & bag off face No snag patented zipper Roll Control™ makes storage easy No tie patented closure Size of bag is 17" x 10" x 10" Carrying bag is included
この寝袋のサイズは36インチ(0.91m)、90インチ(2.28m)、最高身長6フィート 6インチ(1.98m)が入れます。内部のコットンシートは取り外し可能で、4種類の使い方があります。寝袋を取り外すと普通のバッグとして、裏地は軽いシートとして使えます。寝袋をジッパーで組み合わせると、さらに重みのある1人用の寝袋あるいは快適な底敷として使えます。取り外し可能の軽いシート洗濯機で洗濯可能外形に密着したデザインでしっかり頭を包み込む動きがスムーズなジッパーロールコントールで収納が楽々閉める時にひっからない寝袋のサイズ17インチ(43.18cm)X10インチ (25.4 cm)X10インチ (25.4 cm)持ち運び用バッグ付き
Indonesia Twitter Users Getting Verified: An Inside Look at How that HappensIndonesia is fifth in the world in the amount of users it has on Twitter. Jakarta has even been called the Twitter capital of the world with numerous trending topics coming from the Indonesian city. We previously reported that Twitter was translated into Bahasa Indonesian by the community, managed by handpicked moderators at Twitter Translation Center. Now apparently Twitter has been giving some of the account verification duties to local moderators as well.
「承認済み」のインドネシアのツイッターユーザー その内実インドネシアはツイッターユーザーが世界で5番目に多い。様々なトピックの集まるジャカルタはツイッターの都とさえ呼ばれている。我々は以前、ツイートが選ばれたモデレーターの運営する翻訳センターによってインドネシア語に翻訳されていることを伝えた。今やツイッターはアカウントの承認作業をも現地のモデレーターに託した。
One of the moderators from Indonesia (who asked not to be named) shared that moderators had been given the responsibility of screening a list of those Twitter users from Indonesia who have many followers. As I understand it, Twitter has 606 users on the list to be verified for now.
Although there is no specific minimum amount of followers needed to get verified, he hinted that those who are famous or widely followed are the ones who will be initially verified. The process of screening by the moderators will be by checking the website listed at a user’s bio (it must be a personal website, and cannot be a profile like About.me urls, or any other for that matter), and then they will look to see whether there is a Twitter widget or a link pointed to their Twitter account on the website. Last but not least a user has to have a Wikipedia page, and a link from the Wikipedia page to the user’s website or Twitter account will be a big help too.
It’s interesting to hear how this process works, although we don’t know if this is the way Twitter does things in other countries or not.
Grab Data and Build Your Infographic in Minutes, Using PiktochartPiktochart is a Malaysia-based startup that focuses on helping customers build infographics fast. Like really fast. I first saw the beta product in Beijing when I met the founders, Goh Ai Ching and Andrea Zaggia. It looks sweet and promising. Eventually, they entered Startup Arena for our Startup Asia Singapore conference and I knew I had bring them in. They won fifth place, which isn’t too bad for a product that was only just ready to demo back then. Now Piktochart is ready for the anyone who loves create interesting graphical presentations.
Piktochartでデータを掴めばあっというまにインフォグラフィックの出来上がりPiktochartはマレーシア所在のスタートアップでユーザーのインフォグラフィックを速くすることに特化している。本当に速く。私は北京で創始者のGoh Ai ChingとAndrea Zaggiaに出会い、製品のβバージョンを見る機会を得た。心地良く頼もしく見えた。やがて、彼らは我々が開催したスタートアップアジアシンガポールコンファレンスのスタートアップアリーナに参加し、私が彼らをその場に導いたことを知った。彼らは5位を勝ち取った。当時、製品のデモ版しか持ち合わせていなかった割には悪くない結果だ。今、面白いグラフィックプレゼンテーションを作ろうとする人々はPiktochartを使えるようになった。
Whenever I’ve done this in the past, it has taken a lot of time. Time that I might have saved if Piktochart were available then.Logging into Piktochart can be done via Facebook or Twitter, which makes it easy to get started. The interface is simple. You select a theme and dive straight into building your infographic. The interface looks a like a stripped-down version of Photoshop or Keynote. So for folks who aren’t familiar with the functions, it might look a little messy. But once you get used to it, it’s ok. The usual font, color, layer options are placed at the top. On the left, you can find all the necessary shapes and graphics for your infographic.
Australian incubator Innovyz seeking Asia Pacific tech entrepreneursIf you’re a tech entrepreneur from the Asia Pacific, Innovyz wants you. The incubator is starting a 12-week startup accelerator course called Innovyz START that will offer mentoring, cash, credits from Microsoft and PayPal, and more.The program is based on the TechStars Global Accelarator Program (similar to JFDI.Asia), providing mentorship, interactive learning, networking, and a chance to pitch to investors and venture capitalists.Ten participants from Asia Pacific will be picked. They must be doing business in ICT or web 2.0.
豪インキュベーターInnovyz、アジア太平洋で技術起業家を探すInnovoyzがアジア太平洋の技術起業家を探している。同社はInnovyz START12週間スタートアップ促成コースを開始する。そこにはマイクロソフトやPayPalから提供される指導法、現金、信用などが含まれている。このプログラムはTechStars Global Accelarator Program(JFDI.Asiaと類似)に基づいており、メンターシップ、インタラクティブ学習、ネットワーク、投資家やベンチャーキャピタリストへの売り込み方法が含まれている。10の参加者はアジア太平洋地域から選ばれる。対象者はICTもしくはWeb2.0でのビジネスを行なっていなければならない。
They will receive AU$6k (US$6.3k) per director (up to a three), free tuition in the program, and AU$85k (US$90k) in perks, including AU$65k (US$68) in Microsoft Azure credits and AU$10k (US$10.4) in PayPal transaction credits.Successful applicants will have to move to Adelaide from 28th May to 17th August, the duration of the course. Applications close on 20th April.Check out their website for more information.
参加者はディレクター1人あたり(最高3人)6000豪ドル(6300米ドル)を受け取り、学費は無料、臨時収入としてMicrosoft Azureカードで65000豪ドル(68000米ドル)、PayPalからの送金で10000豪ドル(10400米ドル)を受け取る。合格者はコースが開かれる5月28日から8月17日までアデレードに滞在することになる。申し込みは4月20日まで。詳細は同社のウェブサイトを参照のこと。
The Challange will be held on all seven continents, and even in space. It is platform agnostic, meaning, the final product can be a mobile, desktop, or web app.Indonesia tech blog DailySocial and the US Embassy Jakarta are the co-organizers along with NASA.The following challenges will be presented this year: Open Data Challenge — KeplerThe challenge is to help NASA either a) make Kepler data more accessible or b) create something amazing with it. It could be an app that better visualizes the data, an interface that presents the data in a new way, an infographic that helps understand the data in a new way, or more.
この挑戦は世界の七大陸はもちろん、宇宙でも行われる。いかなるプラットフォームに依存せず、意味がある最終的な製品はモバイル、デスクトップ、またはウェブアプリの形となるだろう。インドネシアの技術に関するブログ、DailySocialとジャカルタ駐在のアメリカ大使館はNASAと並んで共同主催者となる。次の挑戦は今年行われる。オープンデータへの挑戦— ケプラーNASAを助ける挑戦としては、ケプラーのデータにアクセスしやすくする、それに関する何かすごいものを作るの2つだ。それはアプリの形を取るだろう。データをビジュアライズし、データを表示するインターフェイスやデータの理解を助けるインフォグラフィックも新しい形を取るだろう。
Handheld Hardware for Citizen ScienceThe challenge is to develop plug-in hardware that can be used for any one of NASA’s citizen science missions, such as the creation of a spectrometer, photometer, or other instrumentation. A solution could include an open source framework to allow a variety of external sensors to interface with common smartphones. Sensors could measure atmospheric conditions, the radioactive environment over time, electromagnetic interference, or a variety of other conditions.
Size of the Earth AppDevelop an app that facilitates a set of cooperative observations from which the app can determine the size of the Earth. An ingenious Greek astronomer named Eratosthenes, living about 2500 years ago, not only knew that the Earth was round, but was able to accurately determine its size! You and a new friend can do the same, with the assistance of this app! NASA Planetary Data System InterfaceDevelop a tool for citizen scientists, educators, and students to access NASA’s Planetary Data System data sets, which is available here.
HTML5 App to access NASA Earth Observations websiteDevelop a stand-alone HTLM5 tablet app that would reach a large number of citizen scientists using Earth Science Data from the NASA Earth Observations (NEO) website. The website currently provides access to a wide array of missions and instrument data, and the ability to statistically analyze the information. It is focused on Earth Science, but will be extended to include planetary systems datasets in the future.
Preliminary Design for Open Data APIScope out and design the hooks and actions necessary for application developers to interface with NASA datasets through an API. NASA has thousands of publicly available datasets, ranging from deep-space radiation readings to geospatial imaging of the earth’s surface. While an API exists at data.nasa.gov to read these datasets’ metadata, there is no standard way to access the data itself.
Open Data APIの予備的なデザインAPIでNASAのデータセットを表示するためにアプリ開発者に必要なかぎと行動を探ってデザインせよ。NASAは、右中の彼方の放射線の解析から地中の地理空間情報に至るまで数千ものデータセットを公表している。data.nasa.govではこれらのデータセットのメタデータを読み込むためにAPIを使用しているが、データへのアクセス方法には標準の方法はない。
Create Semantic Data Descriptor FileThe challenge is the creation of a semantic XML/RDF method for describing the contents of NASA datasets. NASA has thousands of publicly available datasets, ranging from deep-space radiation readings to geospatial imaging of the earth’s surface. Currently, there is no standard way to semantically describe the contents of a dataset in a way that is both easy to understand and machine readable.
58’s Housing Vertical Taofang.com Raising US$10M in Series ATaofang.com, the housing vertical affiliate of China’s classified ads site 58.com announced today raising US$ 10 million in its Series A round of financing from undisclosed investors.Founded in June 2008, Taofang.com has a sharpened focus on aggregating online information related to resold apartments for both sellers and buyers or lenders and renters. 58.com acquired the service in July of last year in an effort to ramp up its presence in online housing service market.
58の不動産専門サイト Taofang.com シリーズAラウンドで1000万ドル投資調達中国の広告サイト、58.comの不動産専門サイトのTaofang.comは今日、正体を明らかにしていない投資家からシリーズAラウンドで1000万ドルの投資を調達したと発表した。2008年6月に設立されたTaofang.comは中古マンションの売買、賃貸の情報に特化を進めている。58.comは、オンライン上の不動産市場でのプレゼンスを強化するために昨年7月、同社を買収した。
The funding will go towards product and technology enhancements as the site’s traffic and usage are picking up.Taofang believes that the new funding will help the Beijing-based company gain more attraction among house-owners and property agents.
Tencent to Work Around ECommerce, with Express Delivery Service?Let’s be frank, Tencent has been on an investment spree since last year with a swath of cases in ecommerce storefront, to name a few, Gaopeng in last February (probably the most notorious one), OKBuy in last May, Kela.cn in last June, 51buy.com (formerly known as Icson.com) and so forth. See chart 1 for more on Tencent’s investment moves in last year.