I bought the speaker of JBL from you the other day. However, when I received it, it was damaged.The brandreth part has been damaged to the speaker by about five centimeters. And there is damage in both of all speakers. I can not receive it in this condition. Can I send it back to you, and receive the repayment?I hope to hear from you.
てぃーだスクエアは、ウェブ&リアルプロモーションを世界に発信するソーシャル・イノベーション・カンパニーです。人と人を繋ぎ、新しいコトやモノが集まり、インターネットとリアルの場所から同時に情報を発信していく。ぜひ、一度、実際にご来店いただき、新しいメディアの「融合」された形をご体感ください。●商品サンプル&マーケティング商品サンプルの配布 + インターネット上での商品レビューの掲載。アンケート結果・感想を属性別に収集。
Tida-Square is a social innovation company that provides the world web and real promotion. We tie to the person the person, create new something, and provide a lot of information from Internet and real world at the same time.Please come to the shop, and experience new "United" media!- Commodity sample & marketing1.Distribution of commodity sample2.Publishing of commodity review on the Internet.3.Result of the questionnaire and impression collected according to attribute.
I always appreciate for your support. Both content of the address and the ZIP code is correct.It has reached this address accurately up to now. My best regards.
C'mon! Just once around the block! I'll be your best friend! How about I give you five bucks? No fair! I bet your mom would let me. What's the big deal? I have dreams, you know! Fine. Let me drive the bus! I'm back! You didn't let the pigeon drive the bus, did you? Great. Thanks a lot. Bye!
来て!ぐるっと一周しよう!君は僕の親友だね!5ドルあげようか?不公平だよ! 君のお母さんだったら僕にさせてくれるだろうに。何か問題あるの?僕には夢があるんだよ、知ってるでしょう? いいよ。バスを運転させてよ! 戻ったよ!君は鳩にバスを運転させなかったんだよね?すばらしい。 ありがとう。じゃぁね!
Hi! I'm the bus driver. Listen, I've got to leave for a little while, so can you watch things for me until I get back? Thanks. Oh, and remember:... ...don't let the pigeon drive the bus! I thought he'd never leave. Hey, can I drive the bus? Please? I'll be careful. I tell you what: I'll just steer. My cousin Herb drives a bus almost every day! True story. Pigeon at the wheel! No? I never get to do anything! Hey, I've got an idea. Let's play "Drive the Bus"! I'll go first!
やぁ!僕はバスの運転手だよ。聞いて!ちょっとここから離れるけど、戻ってくるまでこれを見ていてくれる?ありがとう。おぉ、でも覚えておいて!...鳩にバスを運転させてはダメだよ!僕は、彼が決していなくならないと思ったよ。ねぇ、僕にバスを運転させてよ! 運転させてくれる?注意するからさ。僕はね・・・: ただ、運転するだけなんですよ。僕のいとこのHerbは、ほぼ毎日バスを運転しているよ!本当だってば。鳩の運転手!違う? 僕は何にも出来ません!ねぇ、良いこと思いついたよ!バスの運転ごっこをしよう!お先に!
Hi everyone, I'm Brian Krueger with CollegeGrad.com and this is the Job Search Minute. Okay, you just had a great interview, now what? Step number one: Thank yous. Request a business card from each person you meet with. Then send out an e-mail thank you within 24 hours. Did you forget to ask for a business card? Call for the primary contact and ask for the email address and correct spelling of the name of each interviewer. Step number two: Letters of recommendation. If you did not provide them in the interview, send them out a day or two after the interview as reinforcement of your value.
皆さん、こんにちは。CollegeGrad.comのブライアン・クルーガーです。そして、このビデオはJob Search Minuteです。よろしいですか、あなたは今重要な面接がありました。何をすべきでしょうか?第1:感謝すること。出会った人々から名刺を受け取って下さい。そして、24時間以内に感謝のメールをその方に送って下さい。もし名刺をもらうのを忘れたら?まず電話をして、相手の名前の正しいスペルとメールアドレスをたずねて下さい。第2:推薦状。もし、推薦状を面接時に渡さなかったら、あなたの価値を高めるために、その1日か2日後に推薦状を送って下さい。
...on whether this company is a good fit for you, and will show the employer that you are serious about the position. For thousands of how to and advice videos on any topic, visit monkeysee.com.
Dads can't read a book by themselves. And dads really need to be kissed good night at bedtime. There are so many things dads can't do, it's a wonder they make it through life at all! But dads can't give up. No matter how tired a dad gets or how hard life gets, a dad never quits. Thanks, Dad! Happy Father's Day!
お父さんは自分たちでは本は読みません。そして、お父さんには寝る時間にお休みのキスが必要です。お父さんには出来ないことが沢山あるのに、上手く切り抜けているなんて驚きです。 でも、お父さんは絶対に諦めることは出来ません。お父さんはどんなに疲れたって、人生が辛くたって、お父さんは決して投げ出しません。ありがとう!お父さん父の日おめでとう!
There are lots of things that regular people can do but dads can't. Dads can't pitch a baseball very hard or hit one very far. When dads play hide-and-seek they always get found, but they have a hard time finding you. They aren't very good wrestlers. Dads lose at checkers and cards and almost every other game. Dads like to go fishing but they don't like to go alone. And they need extra practice baiting the hook. Dads don't seem to be able to drive very fast. Dads seem to have trouble holding on to their money. Dads can't see you hiding your lima beans at dinnertime or feeding them to the cat. Dads like to give baths but they can't help getting all wet.
普通の人に出来ても、お父さんに出来ないことは沢山あります。 お父さんは、野球で球を速く投げることも、遠くへ打ち返すことも出来ません。お父さんは、かくれんぼをすると何時だってすぐに見つけますが、あなたのように上手に隠れることは出来ません。お父さんは、カッコ良いレスラーでもありません。お父さんは、チェッカーやカードなど色んなゲームに負けてしまいます。お父さんは、釣りに行くのが好きですが、独りで行くのは苦手です。なぜなら、針に餌をつける作業をやらせるためです。お父さんは、レーサーのように運転出来るとは思えません。お父さんは、お金を管理にとっても苦労します。お父さんは、あなたが夕食時にライマビーンを隠したり、それを猫にあげている事に気づいていません。お父さんは、風呂を入れさせるのは好きですが、自分も濡れてしまいます。
Polish fans have high hopes of a home victory and a festive soccer tournament as the Euro 2012 party starts in Warsaw.
Yeah. That was a good one, right? That was a tough one, right? Yeah. Yeah. So, why should we hire you? I need some extra money to pay off some gambling debt. Do you really? Hey, how are you? Oh! That sounds great. Okay, you're saying?
My dad makes time for me, even when he's busy. Our dad takes us camping... ...and he lets us set up the tent. My favorite date is going to the park. He teaches me about life. My dad lets me be his helper. He's not just my dad, he's my friend. I think I have a great dad. This Father's Day, Scheels encourages you to think about and thank all the special dads in your life.
僕のお父さんは忙しくたって、僕のために時間を作ってくれるんだ。お父さんは僕らをキャンプに連れてってくれて、テントまで張ってくれたんだ。だから公園に行く日は何時だって楽しみなんだ。お父さんは僕に人生を教えてくれる。お父さんは僕にお手伝いをさせてくれる。「お父さん」というか「友達」に近い存在だと思う。本当に、自慢のお父さんだよ。今年の父の日、Scheels は最高の父の日をお手伝いします。
I keep my scroll. should I get one more to give my scroll a rest? that is my questionamanda
No need to apologize since I don't even speak Japanese. I know some French and that is it. For you I will be more then happy to give you 50% discount on regular priced items in hopes that it will help you to prosper. I look forward to seeing your site up and running in August so please send me a link when you are ready to.I look forward to hearing from you again!
Yes i told you before that will did not know each orders before and how can will be families with the LinkedIn and LinkedIn account is my private government official to my politic party,so will can not have a talk there or discourse anything there .You did not send you email address to me.
さっきステッカーの印刷屋さんに電話して値段聞いてみました。ボンネット前面サイド部分 ガラス面含まずリア部分 ガラス面含むデータや写真があれば作れるとのことです。残念ながら今、僕は車持っていないからステッカーを貼ることはできないよ。東京ではあまり使わないから、車は邪魔でしょうがないです。僕もステッカー貼るならエヴァかな。秋ごろにエヴァ映画が待ち遠しいです・・個人的にこのゲーム頼んだけど、こんなのはどうですか。この商品は買わない?最近はこのアニメにはまっています。あとCDはこちら
I just called sticker shop, and asked the price. The front side of bonnetThe side part without glass areaThe rear side part within glass areaThe shop said that they were able to make it if there were data and photograph. Unfortunately, I cannot seal any stickers because I don't have a car. I live in Tokyo now. The car is not necessary in Tokyo. I want to paste the sticker of Evangelion. I am impatient in the movie of Evangelion screened to the this coming fall. How about this though this game asked personally?Do you buy this commodity?I am absorbed in this cartoon recently.CD is here.
I havnt gotten the item back. What does your tracking number say? I don't know what ems is man.
今年5月には、東京は神楽坂に66店舗目となるサロン「NailQuickアリス 神楽坂店」をオープンし、大変好評です。「不思議の国のアリス」をコンセプトにした同店では、店内をアリスに関するさまざまな小物やポスターで装飾し、メルヘンな雰囲気を演出。ネイリストも、アリスをイメージしたフリル付きの白いエプロンを着用する。アリスの衣装を用意し、着用して記念撮影ができたり、着用したまま施術を受けるなどのサービスも。
"NailQuick Alice branch of Kagurazaka" that became the 66th store at Kagurazaka in Tokyo was opened in May this year. And, it is very popular. This shop makes "Alice in Wonderland" a concept, and the inside of a store has a lot of small articles and posters that appear in this story. It is very a fairy tale. Nail artists wear a white apron that images Alice with the ruffle. There are Alice's clothes in the inside of a store, and can it be possible to take a picture, and receive service by wearing it.
NailQuick - popular nail shop where the former TV announcer was opened. NailQuick is a popular nail shop that the former TV announcer manages and this shop develops more than 60 stores with the Japanese whole country centering on Kanto. Especially, it is acknowledged for the technology of the Calgel, only a special nail artist who has the license uses 100% pure Calgel, and the nail is served. We have a lot of staff who have a brilliant prize. And, they keep improving their technology.
I do not have enough money now, so it is not possible to buy this. However, I am interested in this and tell me the price, please. If its price is low, I want to buy this at once.