菱沼重義 (elephantrans) 翻訳実績

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dare to resist unpopular assignments, such as collecting levies,
implementing costly ‘target-hitting’ programs, or completing other
delegated tasks. More often than not, when townships and village committees
disagree, it is the village cadres who come out on the losing side.

Consider assessing levies, a recurring source of conflict between townships and
villages in the 1990s. This thankless task put elected cadres in a difficult position,
insofar as they had to choose between fulfilling orders from above and keeping
financial burdens down for fellow villagers. This dilemma, combined with perennially
low compensation, made office-holding in some villages so unattractive that some
cadres refused to complete their terms.




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We spoke with Dick James and Jim Morrison of chip teardown firm Chipworks, and they pointed out that in previous chips this number has typically started with an "N" and referred to a Samsung part number on the die.

They wonder whether this new "K" identifier could indicate that the chip is being made by TSMC instead of Samsung. A transition from Samsung to TSMC has long been rumored, although the latest rumors indicate that the move will be made with the A8 chip rather than the A7.

Additional photos reveal a clearer view of the text on the rear of the device showing placeholder model and regulatory identifiers of X1234X, as well as a clear view of the rear camera system with dual-LED flash.


私たちはチップ解体会社であるChipworksのDick James氏とJim Morrison氏と話した。彼らは、以前のチップのこの番号は典型的にSamsungの金型の部品番号を示すNで始まったことを指摘した。



elephantrans 英語 → 日本語

The original A6 chip carried a model number of APL0598, with the A6X found in the fourth-generation iPad carrying an APL5598 model number, demonstrating how Apple varies the first digit for members of a given A-series family and increments the second digit when transitioning to a new family.

Apple's pattern of model numbers can be seen even more clearly in the A5, which has seen several different variations over its lifetime. That chip debuted with an APL0498 model number, with a later die shrink carrying an APL2498 model number. Yet another version of the A5 appeared earlier this year in a tweaked Apple TV, with that chip carrying an APL7498 model number.



Appleのモデルナンバーのパッターンは、A5の中にもっとはっきりと見て取れ、その製品寿命に亘って幾つかの異なるバリエーションが見られる。そのチップはAPL0498のモデルナンバーでデビューし、後の金型の縮小でAPL2498となった。けれども、A5の他のバージョンが今年始めに風変わりなApple TVの中でチップモデルナンバーAPL7498として出現した。

elephantrans 英語 → 日本語

The township, the Party branch, and an array of social forces constitute the local
power configuration in which village committees are embedded. We have
underscored the independent effect of each of these factors, but they can also work
together to impede democratic governance. Strong clan ties combined with a
powerful criminal sector can contribute to conflicts between a Party branch and a
village committee; Party cadres, after losing a village committee election, may
turn to township allies or the underworld to maintain their position as top person in
the village. Improved electoral procedures have enhanced access to power, but
elected cadres cannot escape the broader political and social context in which they



elephantrans 英語 → 日本語

at other times, it means the Party secretary and other Party branch members are encouraged to run in village committee elections at the first opportunity. As a sure-fire way to reduce the size of the village payroll and mitigate tension between branches and committees, this initiative has been implemented. Overlapping membership, along with joint or consecutive meetings of the two organizations, can blur whether concurrent office-holders are responsible to their
constituents or their Party masters. Some researchers have even begun to
wonder whether overlapping membership might lead to a return of unfettered rule by
Party branches thus making village elections close to meaningless.



elephantrans 英語 → 日本語

will they stand with villagers when Party superiors instruct them to do otherwise?

Since the turn of the century, Party penetration of committees has taken a new, more institutionalized form, which, according to Sylvia, strengthens over-representation of Party members and is a sign of the Party’s intention ‘to re-concentrate its power in rural areas’. In 2002, the Central Committee issued a circular that endorsed ‘concurrent office-holding by village chiefs and Party secretaries’ and ‘merging the Party branch and the village committee’. This policy sometimes takes the form of village committees being elected first, and some of their members being placed on Party branches later;




elephantrans 英語 → 日本語

The Law promised 4 democracies: election, decision making, management, and supervision.
Whereas grassroots elections alter access to power, the latter three elements change the way power is exercised. However, of the four, access to power has attracted the bulk of the
attention. Most studies have centered on the introduction of elections, how elections
have been conducted, how the quality of elections can be enhanced, and voting
behavior of villagers. might it be useful to assess grassroots political reform from a different perspective?
In the next sections, we evaluate the configuration of power in rural China using an
approach that always keeps in mind the difference between accessing power and
exercising power.



elephantrans 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

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elephantrans 英語 → 日本語

As can be seen in the diagrams included below, the handset is expected to resemble the iPhone 5, with the same 4-inch screen, home button, and FaceTime camera on the front of the device.

The alleged blueprints also suggest Apple's next flagship handset, referred to unofficially as the "iPhone 5S," will have relatively the same design as its predecessor. Meanwhile, the schematics show a low-cost iPhone that would be a hair wider and taller than the "iPhone 5S."

As for the thickness, the documents suggest that the low-cost iPhone will be about 0.8 millimeters thicker than the next flagship iPhone. Its back edges would also be rounded off, much like Apple's iPod classic.



