please inform yourself by the Ministry of Economy of Japan. We don´t have receive any information from them. Mit freundlichen
日本の経済産業省から情報を得て下さい。我々に、そこからの情報はありません。Mit freundlichen
UKIt has come to our attention that you have been sending order and/or shipment confirmations to A buyers. Please note that this is no longer necessary due to Charge When Ship Functionality and is considered a violation of our Charge When Ship policies. As soon as you confirm shipment of an order, we notify the buyer and include all the shipping information you have provided with the confirmation. If you are dispatching items by a traceable method, we request that you include your tracking information when confirming shipment. In order to prevent buyers from receiving multiple notifications, we ask that you refrain from sending separate confirmation emails.
イギリスあなたが買い手に、注文や発送の確認を送っていると聞きました。Charge When Shipの機能性には、このことはもはや不要であり、Charge When Shipのポリシーに違反していることをご留意下さい。注文の発送を確定すれば、我々は買い手にお知らせし、あなたが確認に伴って提供した発送情報を全て伝えます。追跡可能な方法で、商品を送っているのなら、発送を確定するときに、追跡情報を添えて下さい。買い手が雑多な情報を受け取ることを妨げるために、別個の確認メールの送信はお控え下さい。
We also remind you that URLs, links to web sites and email addresses, including external links which may divert sales to another website or sales process, are not permitted in e-mail communication to A customers. Please review your outgoing emails, including your signature blocks, for compliance with this policy.
The package has been shipped to you. It should arrive in about 10 days. Shipping cost me $47.25 US, but you can wait to refund me that until the package arrives.
FAQ:1.How quickly will I see the results of treatment?Most clients experience few cm of reduction in circumference after a single session, with increasing results after each visit. The results may vary with different tissue structure, treatment area, age, metabolism, medications, and changes in hormones. Proper diet and increased physical activity will certainly improve and help to maintain the results.Between 8 and 12 sessions, you will be able to appreciate the results from the third session on.WarningDear user ,Thanks for using our company's products,in order to fully make use of the products , we sincerely suggestion follows:
4.Pregnant women 5.Medical Plastic parts , or parts with artificial in filling inside.6.People with metal inside the body (include metallic tooth)7.Patient with skin inflammation or with edema.8.People with an abnormal immune system.9.Numb or intensitive to heatTechnical SpecificationFAQ3.How does it feel?Most clients consider the procedure painless and comfortable.There may be, however, a slight discomfort due to the specific noise experienced, but it poses no harm and disappears as soon as you are not in contact with the applicator. You may also experience a little warmth during the treatment.It is very normal if you experience with this aboved problems in which is doing the treatment of Real 40Khz cavitation
4.妊娠中の女性5.医療用プラスチック部品や人工部品を内部に詰めている方6.体内に金属を所持している方(金属歯を含む)7.肌に腫れや水腫をお持ちの方8.免疫システムに異常をお持ちの方9.熱に麻痺あるいは敏感な方技術上の詳細FAQ:3.どのような感覚ですか?ほとんどのクライアントが施術を痛みなく、快適に感じています。しかし特有の雑音に、わずかな不快感を生じる可能性があります。しかし、塗布具と離れれば害なく、不快感も消えます。治療の際は、少々暖かく感じるかもしれません。Real 40Khzキャビテーションの治療で、上記の問題を体感するのは至って正常です。
4.Applied gel on skin needed nursing , the electrode probe move slowly on skin, if there is too much fat , you can increase the output intensity.5.The machine will pause automatically if the setting time is over .6. Clean the leftover with hot towel,use warm towel to clean the work head.Caution for RF1.Beautician should wear insulated gloves during operation.2.Do not wear any aglet,both for the beautician and the users3.The electrode probe must be fully in contact with skin.4.Do not make the RF electrode stay on any part without moving ,Keep it moving on skin slowly.5.Skin around eyes and forehead is very thin, the RF output intensity should be relatively weakened.
6.Applied gel on skin needed nursing , the electrode probe move slowly on skin, if there is too much fat , you can increase the output intensity.7.The machine will pause automatically if the setting time is over .8. Clean the leftover with hot towel,use warm towel to clean the work head.FAQ:2.Is repeat treatment required?Generally, one treatment per a single area is usually adequate to achieve the required results. And we suggest that you had better have 8 and 12 sessions.Normally it is a Long lasting treatment.However, maintenance of this fat loss is dependent on a healthy diet and exercise.
Any shipment cost for the material and the work, the printing of the same, etc is not included in this fee and is in charge to every artist who independently decides how wants to organize himself. Payment may be made via paypal or bank transfer. At the moment we receive the payment, you will be automatically inserted into the active session of participants till the completion of the first 40. After the close of the first exhibition session, you will be inserted on the next session that will be held the following month and so on. We would like to clarify that the collective we are organizing has no commercial purpose or financial gain,
Compatible with your needs, possibilities and desires, you can attend the show in person or you can send the work that will represent you. In this case, the work will be sent at your care to the location of Torre Branca where it will be guarded with the utmost care and security, because the structure is under a security service and is accessed with a lift conducted only by security staff. It will be on my and Carlo's care, in case you are not present, to represent you and your work. For your personal discretion, you can send your work with advertising materials to represent you (brochures, catalogs, business cards) that will be made available to the public.
あなたの需要や可能性、要望に応じて、自らショーに出席することもできますし、代表作品を送ることもできます。この場合、建物自体がセキュリティサービス下におかれ、セキュリティスタッフのみが運行するリフトで運搬されるため、最高の管理、安全で保護されているTorre Brancaの現地に、あなたの監督のもと、作品を送ります。私とCarloが責任をもって、あなたが不在でも、あなたや作品を表現します。あなたの裁量で、公に利用できるような、自身を表現する宣伝材料(パンフレット、カタログ、名刺)を同封することも可能です。
Ex-alt new Art organizes at the Torre Branca in Milan a collective of art, open to painting and photography. 40 artists will be selected on a national and international level and everyone can exhibit his work. The work can be selected directly by you, according to your taste and sent to us via e-mail for visioning, or you can send more than one work for visioning and let us select the deemed most suitable one and online with the hexibition. The work may not exceed the size of 30x40 cm. and must be accompanied by a release for the exhibition, as well as card indicating the title, the year of execution, the technical support, the measures, a brief description and some of your biographical sketch.
Ex-alt new ArtはMilanのTorre Brancaで組織された芸術団体で、絵画や写真を対象としています。40人のアーティストが国内・国外水準において選出され、誰でも自身の作品を展示することができます。作品は好みに応じて、あなたが直接選び、ビジョンニングのため電子メールで我々に送るか、2作品以上を送り、最も適した作品を我々に選定してもらい、ネット上での展示も可能です。作品は30×40cmの範囲内となり、タイトルや製作年、技術支援や手法、簡単な説明、あなたの伝記が書かれたカードに加え、展示公開されなければなりません。
Consequently, maximum of four members of your team have been invited for a meeting in Monaco on the 31th of July,2013, all expenses for transportation accommodation and feeding will be taken care of as soon as we meet the said requirement of Monaco Planning Authority which will be dependent to the scheduled meeting on 31th of July, 2013.I will let you know the necessary requirement of Monaco Planning Authority after our meeting with them on 19th July 2013 in Monaco .Your traveling details will be forwarded to you on or before the 26th of April 2013.Bear in mind that your expenses are paid (only transportation, accommodation and feeding) and limited to Four persons only.
Augustus Hare was a late Victorian travel writer, art historian and raconteur. The name captures a traditional Englishness as well as a whimsical quality. Our logo of a leaping hare symbolizes what we are all about: beautiful, magical, authentically English, special and increasingly rare. The aim of Augustus Hare is to create ties which adhere to the traditions of meticulous craftsmanship, are classically ‘English’ but occupy a space that is noticeably absent in today’s market: a tie which is neither dull and conservative, nor so assertive and flamboyant that the tie wears the man.
Augustus Hareは、ヴィクトリア時代後期の旅行作家であり、歴史家や談話家でもあった。その名といえば、物好きはもちろん、伝統的なイギリス人をもとらえてやまない。ジャンプしている野ウサギのロゴは、我々が関心を寄せているような、美しさや神秘、権威あるイギリス的なもの、特別だとか、ますます珍しいといったものを象徴している。Augustus Hareの意図は、今日顕著な市場の空白を狙うだけでなく、古典的な「イギリス」としての、細かな職人技の伝統に関わるつながりを生み出すことにある。このつながりは、鈍くも保守的でもなく、断定的でも、ネクタイが男性を着飾るような派手さも必要ない。
Each Augustus Hare tie is conceived as a work of beauty, using a colour palette that is neither plain nor brash, and is consistent with design that aims for elegant playfulness and subtle eccentricity.We are passionate about using English craftsmen. We have sourced woven silk from a mill in Suffolk that was founded by Huguenot artisans in the 1720s and remains run by the same family today. Our printed silk is hand screen printed in Macclesfield, the historic silk centre of the UK, in a mill that has been printing since the Eighteenth Century. Every Augustus Hare product is thoughtful, tactile and hand-touched.
どのAugustus Hareのネクタイも、誰もが認める美しさで、平淡でも厚かましくもない色合いと、高級感ある遊び心にかすかな珍妙さを兼ね備えた、一貫したデザインを保持している。我々は、英国の職人にこだわっています。1720年代のユグノーの職人が設立し、代々家族によって受け継がれている、サフォークの製粉所のシルクを用いています。我々のシルクの柄は、イギリスの歴史的なシルクの中心地、マクルスフィールドで、18世紀より印刷をし続けている製粉所でのハンドシールドです。全てのAugustus Hare製品が思想豊かで、手で触れます。
Only one category of the handmade English tie has eluded us: the silk knit tie. The tradition of knitted silk began in Italy and has steadfastly remained there. For knit ties (which we love) we have gone to the finest mill in Milan where a former monk presides over the looms. Augustus Hare knit ties, in silk and cashmere, round out our range.
手作りの英国ネクタイのカテゴリーの内1つだけは、我々の手が及んでいませんでした。シルク編みのネクタイです。編みシルクはイタリアに始まり、固定的にその地でつくられていました。編みネクタイ(我々が好むような)については、前任の修道士が機を統括している、ミランの最も優れた製作所にまで出向きました。Augustus Hareの編みネクタイは、シルクとカシミアで、我々の範囲は完全なものになりました。
4) You sent the WRONG lens, you sent me a Sigma 28-80, the diaphragm is closed and stucked and the AutoFocus is not working.You sent me 4 lenses and 3 of them are wrong or useless, I already paid for them + S&H and another 60 USD for customs so I invested $208.50 USD + $60 USD for customs in those lens and 3 of them are not as described and the worst thing is that I can't use them or sold them. That's the reason that I open 3 cases, one for each lens that you sent me and is useless.
4)このレンズは違います。Sigma 28-80が送られてきましたが、絞りが閉じて固定されており、オートフォーカスが作動しません。送られてきた4つのレンズの内、3つは間違っていたり、使い物になりません。既にそれらとS&Hに支払っていて、カスタムにもう60USDを払っているので、これらのレンズに208.50 USDとカスタムに60 USDも投資しています。内、3つは説明されたものではなく、ひどいものは使い物にならず、売却しました。こうした理由で、3つはケースと使えないレンズ1つは開封しています。
The rediscovery of civil society, I have suggested thus far, is an important development in both contemporary political theory and practice. Especially when we understand civil society as a third sector out side of and anchoring both state and economy, the theory of civil society reveals powerful means of enhancing democracy and social solidarity. These functions have been relatively neglected by political theorists concentrating on state and economy. Renewed interest in civil society, however, coincides with new expressions of scepticism about state institutions. Anti-state sentiment in many parts of the world has helped to create conditions for dismantling state enterprises, regulatory and planning functions,
that have long been associated with governments.While civil society can promote democracy, social justice, and well-being in ways I have outlined, there are limits to what what citizens can accomplish through institutions of civil society alone. ★While state power must always be subject to vigilant scrutiny by citizens alert to dangers of corruption and domination, democratic state institutions nevertheless have unique and important virtues for promoting social justice.I assume that no critics of state institutions today deny that states are important for policing, adjudicating conflict, and enforcing basic liberties. Nevertheless, many consider state institutions as necessary evils which ought to be kept to
contain many social and economic problems, many conflicts, injustices, and harmful inequalities, these are more properly addressed by voluntary co-operation in settings of private enterprise and civil society than by means of state regulation. It is wrong to use state institutions to try to produce substantive social outcomes in the way of resources use, income distribution, or the allocation of social positions. Aiming to do so, moreover, is likely to produce irrational or inefficient consequences. Minimizing the reach of state institutions is thus the social ideal. The communitarian argument differs from the libertarian in its positive concern for substantive values of caring, solidarity, and civic virtue.
While communitarians endorse the value of liberty, protection of liberty is but one among several principles that ought to guide moral and principle life, and may be overridden for the sake of promoting values of community. Communitarian morality, aim at fostering and nurturing substantive ends of mutual aid and shared cultural symbols and practices. As grounds for preferring institutions of civil society to state institutions to realize the ends of mutual aid, caring, and social justice, some communitarians suggest the following. State bureaucratic institutions that provide social services, redistribute income, regulate economic activity, and so on, break down and distort local communities because they