私は、今年の5月にワーキングホリデービザで渡英します。その際、もし現地での仕事が見つからなければ、日本の個人事業主等から仕事を請け、仕事ができれば…と思っています。業務内容はWeb関係のデザイン、プログラミング等になります。こちらの「What work and studies can you do?」の項目を見る限りは、大丈夫なのかと思ったのですが、心配になり問い合わせさせていただきました。
I am traveling to UK on TIER 5 (YOUTH MOBILITY SCHEME) in this coming May.If I can not find any job there, I would like to take a job from a private company in Japan.I like to do a job related to web design or programming job.I am writing to you now because I am not sure of getting a job there after I have read "What work and studies can you do?" item.
http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/visas-immigration/working/tier5/youthmobilityscheme/workingandconditions/If possible, do I have to apply for something in UK?I will not get a job from a company in UK.
I am sorry that I have failed to offer you a product with functions you are expecting.My address is below.Will you return it in the method you like.To return it, please fill "1000 yen for clock (repair)" in the item name column.Also be sure to include all documents. The present is yours.As soon as I receive the item, I will refund the amount.I feel terribly sorry for this matter but please do not hesitate to contact me whenever you need something others.
現在取付予定が1台だけなので、とりあえず今回は1個でお願いします。ちなみに3個注文したらどれくらい割引してもらえるのでしょうか?ワルキューレのトリプルツリーはありますか?あるのなら写真を、~のメールアドレスに送ってください。どんな車両のtriple treeがあるかなど、リストも欲しいです。
I need only one unit this time because I am planning to install just one unit.If I order three, how much will you give me a discount?Do you have any triple tree for Valkyrie?If you do, will you send me the photo and the list of types of triple tree at the address below?
I put one panelist on the spot asking for an example. Sorry, wasn't trying to be jerk, but was genuinely curious to know what this subgenre might consist of. An example could be Aron Namenwirth's paintings of Hillary Clinton and Osama bin Laden as barely-formed pixelated imagery.
その場に一人パネリストを追加して、例を挙げてもらうよう頼みました。すみません、悪気が有るわけではありませんでした。本当にこのサブジャンルに何が入っているのか知りたかったのです。例えばこのAron NamenwirthがHillary Clinton 、Osama やbin Ladenを画素イメージでくっきりと描いた絵などが入っているかどうかです。
Data stored in the server can be available in a mobile environment.When manuals are in need on site, they are available anytime using an ipad.Manuals in need can be accessed from the server.Sales persons can share and show the latest information to their customers. They say that a printing company's future depends how much order they can get from local customers.This questionnaire tells you the possibility of survival of the printing companies.
My plan is to finish it off as soon as I can and once finished I would like to invite you and fellow producers to come and use the facilities and the take a vacation as well - a working holiday if you like. Sound good?Yes, I like the EP idea, please go ahead.I love Tom Yum Kung, did you know it is also the best cure for the morning hangover?I hope to upload Fata to soundcloud today and send you the link.
それをできるだけ早く完成させて、完成したらあなたとあなたの友達のプロデューサーを施設に招待して、使ってもらおうと思ってます。もしお好みでしたらバケーションやワーキングホリデーとして使ってもらうのもいいでしょう。はい、EPのアイデアいいと思います。すすめでください。わたしはTom Yum Kung好きです。知ってましたか?二日酔いざましにも最高なんですよ。soundcloud にデータをアップロードして、そのリンクを送ります。
Thank you for contacting us, this is regarding with the last email that we received, please be informed that we have try to call you back as our Japanese staff not available at the moment , please log in to our chat service to be able to assist you in any issues you might have .We appreciate your patience and understanding over this matter.For further queries or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us via chat support.http://www.○○○
お問い合わせありがとうございます。私たちが受け取りました先日のメールに関してです。日本語スタッフにあなたに電話させるよう手配しましたが、現在スタッフの都合が合いません。 現在の問題についてサポートさせていただきますので、ログインしてチャットサービスを御利用ください。今回の件につきまして、ご迷惑をお掛けしておりますが、御理解くださるよう御願いいたします。さらに質問には、チャットサービスにて対応させていただきますのでお気軽に連絡願います。http://www.○○○
Have you ever had such problem before?For example, you didn't have much time left but you had more slides to show, or you had a plenty of time left but you had no slides left.Our study made it possible to condense remaining slides into one slide or to break them into each slide.Please see the system which automatically adjusts slide pages according to the time left, with an interface to select slides to adjust.
Will you cancel my order because we can not sell none-packaged items?I will place an order for the following items insted.So, will you subtract 10 dollars from the amount?Will you please send them quickly? If you do not have all, please just send us as much as you have now.Thank you.
I hope it is ok for this one strap on this order.
Hello,I have asked for someone to call me back through your website but have not receive any call yet from your staff who speak Japanese.Will you let me know when I get a call?I am in a hurry.Thank you for your prompt action.
One of the robots is on the way. The manufacturer messed up and did not send the second one. I am getting them to send it out first thing tomorrow. Let me know if that is okay. If not, I will refund half your transaction.We're writing about the marketplace order you placed on 2/1/2012 with BumperNets. Unfortunately, BumperNets has not confirmed the shipment of this order, and we are not able to provide you with shipment details yet.
Movie music, it sounds a fantastic business.Must be a tough job but I believe you can do it well.I am looking forward to the completion.Anytime will do with me. Just tell me when you are ready.Thank you for everything indeed.
こんにちは商品は受け取りました、ありがとうまた追加オーダーしたいんですが少し問題があります〝LOWETTE w27〟のジッパーが壊れていましたまた、前回の商品でも〝ZATINY 008XR w30〟 のベルトループが付いて無かったZATINY は私も気づかなくて、出荷してクレームになりましたそちらでの出荷の際に何らかのミスかトラブルがあったと思いますがこの件に対処して頂けますか良い連絡待っています次回のオーダーも近日中に行いたいと思います敬具
Hello,I have received the items. Thank you.I would like to buy some more.But I have some problem with my previous order.The zipper of LOWETTE w27 was broken.The belt loop of ZATINY 008XR w30 was missing.That ZATINY was sent to my customer before I knew it and we have got complaints from the customer.I think you had some trouble on you side when you were shipping them. Will you investigate problem and take a preventive action?I am looking forward to hearing a good news from you.I am going to place an order shortly.Best regards.
To whom may concern,Thank you for your inquiry for our products very much.We are sending you documents shown below and sample products.SBO and NBD are selling well most among them. They are wonderful products, we devoted all our engineering skill into them.We are sure you will like it.We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
ラジオの仕様が下記のようになっていたので日本では聴けないのかと思っていました。日本では70.0mhzから90.0mhzが使われています。87.5mhz以下は調整しても聴くことができないですよね?Receive Frequency Wave Band: (87.5mhz~108mhz)私の車の写真を送ります。どうでしょう?装着できますか?TVの上下に付いているウッドパーツは商品には含まれていませんよね?
I thought that I could not use the radio in Japan according to the specifications described as below."Receive Frequency Wave Band: (87.5mhz~108mhz)"Japan's radio band range is from 70.0mhz to 90.0mhz.So, 87.5mh or less is out of the range.Here is the photo of my car.Can you install it, can't you?Are the wood parts attached on top and bottom part of TV included, aren't they?
Thank you for the correction.Don't worry about it. I have just found that something was missing. That's all :)I like the art work of the cover so much indeed. Beautiful! Thanks.One more thing. if possible, would you send me updated pretext and cover to me by mail?Because I want to see it and do what I can do to promote my music.I really want many many people to enjoy my music.
i am well and i hope you too.Did we not already write emails in the new year? man, the time is really very fast.Oh, i see, i have forgotten the "S" in Colors. Correct or do you mean any other mistake?Ok, i try to change then cover and the press text.....always i have any small mistake. Horrible. Sorry. I hope i can still change it.....I ask the distributor to change it. i hope is still possible.......Anyway-when is not possible, then is it not such big mistake. The most read not really the press text and read the mistakes on the cover. ;-)We spk soon.
Hello,I did not know I had to write an agreement.I want to cancel my order this time.So, will you refund as quickly as possible?Thank you very much in advance.