Hello,I have trouble. I asked to deliver the item to Japan but it was delivered to US instead.I did not ask to deliver to the address in US.I want to you to pay the shipping cost to send from US to Japan.
The shipment of your ordered item will be delayed until February 22 or later because we must order that item from the maker.I am sorry for the delay. Thank you for your patience.You ordered two pieces but we have only one in stock. If you don't mind, we can send you one piece. If you must have two, I am afraid to say but you must cancel your order.
トップページ当社業務内容1.輸入品の販売2.輸出販売3.国内メーカー雑貨等販売4.自社商品企画 5.卸売業挨拶M-Front Co.,Ltdのモットーは、「顧客第一主義」です。 事業開始以来、品質へのこだわりはもちろんのこと、お客様の多様なニーズに合わせた商品を提供して参りました。今、私たちは、世界を取り巻くグローバル化の大きな波、そして、お客様の厳しい目に直面しております。 しかしながら、私たちには、小さな会社ならではの強みがあります。
Top pageOur business1. Import and sale2. Export and sale3. Domestic sale of general items4. Product design5. WholesaleDear customers,The motto of M-Front Co.,Ltd is "Customer first".Since the first day of the establishment of company, we have been providing our customers with products meeting with the various needs from customers. Now we are experiencing the world-wide globalization trend and are under the stern eyes of customers. We are a small company but we have the advantage of its size.
1996年日本製、セガ・オールスターズ ウォールプレートVer.2 非売品です。ソニック等のイラストが印刷された看板です。大きさは直径約30cm、缶バッチの様な形をしています。17年前の製造されたものです。希少なもので、未使用品なのですが、スレや凹み、歪み等があります。 日本でも非常に珍しいモノで、早い者勝ちです。あなたのコレクションの一つに、是非ご検討下さい。
This is a Sega all stars wall plate ver 2, which was made in made in Japan in 1996 not for sales but advertisement. Characters such as Sonic are printed on that.It looks like a pin badge with a diameter of 30 cm.It was made 17 years ago and rare to find. It is not used but has some scratches and dents and distortions, etc.Even in Japan it is very rare to find. First come first served! Why don't you add this item to your collection?
After that, SNOWSTEEZ was born as a information site for Snow board in July 21, 2005 taking over information contents from SNOWTRIB.Now SNOWSTEEZ is the center of all Snow board sites which the management group of SNOWSTEEZ runs. The management group of SNOWSTEEZ are volunteers including people from a related industry.
Sorry for my slow response.Are you on a a new year's vacation now?I confirmed the photo attached.Can you take some pictures without the cap attached to the tip of sensor?Is there any brand name or product number on the side of sensor?I prefer nothing is printed. Is it possible?How much does it cost to send 100 pieces?Also let me know the unit price for 10 pieces and 100 pieces respectively.
お世話になります。商品を受け取ったのですが・・明らかに故障しています。ひどい状態で、修理も出来ない状態でした。NIKON サービスでも確認済みです。明らかに商品ページとは異なります。返品しますので、商品代・送料・返送送料のご負担お願いします。返品先の住所をお知らせください。宜しくお願いします。
Hello, I have just received the item but...Apparently it was broken.It was in such a bad condition and it was not repairable. A NIKON service shop also confirmed this condition.The item is far from the one listed on the item page.Therefor I will return it to you. Please refund the price paid, the shipping fee and return shipping cost.Please let me know the return address.Thank you for your reply.
I appreciate that you sold me a good item of the title last time very much.They sold well and all have gone.I want to buy item of the title again. Do you have that in stock?If you have, I want to buy it at the same price at which I bought before.I am looking forward to hearing from you. Will you let me know if you have items besides the title's item? I may buy one if I like it.I am looking forward to hearing from you.
I understand that production of G10 is behind the schedule.Will you send the rest of items first?For G10, you can send after you complete production but would you to pay the shipping cost?I was told that I can buy items at the wholesale price with no NOQ when I buy at your web site. So, let me place an order later.
私はあなたからXを注文しました。再度まとまった数量を購入したいので、卸売価格で購入出来ませんか?以下の数量を購入します。支払いはPayPalで送金します。配送先は以下の住所です。配送方法はUPS Worldwide Saverでお願いします。送料を含んだ価格で、Aは70ドル、Bは85ドルで購入したいです。この商品は一時的に人気になっていますので、出来るだけ早くご対応願います。スピードが大変重要です。時期を逃すと購入自体出来なくなります。良いお返事をお待ちしております。
I ordered x from you.I want to buy X in bulk, so can I buy X at the wholesale price?I buy for the following quantity.I pay via PayPal.The shipping address is shown below.I like you to delivery them by USP Worldwide Saver.I buy A for 70 dollars and B for 85 dollars including the shipping cost.This item is very popular at least now. I need them as soon as possible. Please hurry up. Speed is extremely important.I may not be able to buy any if I miss the chance. I am looking forward to hearing a good news from you.
Accept please can you check it for me,I did send you an email on 23-01 2013 ask you about this items, can you have look again ,thank you.
I want to buy 50 pieces of this item at the unit price of 70 dollars.Do you have them in stock?If you don't have 50 pieces, I would like to buy as much as possible.Please send me an invoice via Paypal.Thank you.
May I ask a favor of you?I am sorry about that this time.I was not familiar with selling on ebay because I just started selling on ebay.I am deeply regretting for what I have.I have a wife and three children to support their lives.Could you erase the negative feedback?I am ready to give you a free gift.Will you please consider removing the bad feedback for me?I would appreciate your understanding my situation and saving my life.I really need your help.
Here is the sending address.Could you pay the shipping cost?Is it all right form me to send it by ○○ on a C.O.D. basis?
Sorry for my poor English.Can you lower the price? I don't mind your sending it to US address. Will you let me know the number of lot and discount rate so that I can think about how I should buy.
I requested the user information to verify your phone number. EMS shipping slip must have your phone number on it. Today I am going to pack it carefully and send it to you today.I don't know about the plastic bag because I have not heard about it yet. As soon as I confirm it, I will let you know.I am sorry to let you worry about.I have stop listing so that someone else does not buy it.
Great, both design and sentences are of good quality this time.Basically Mr. A is supposed to take care of his operation in Japan, so you will hear from him mostly but I also share information with him.As company A is a well known company in Japan in the image industry, I am sure you will hear good news. We are willing to discuss various things for him to succeed in Japan again. We are happy to support him.Japanese market is really unique, so let's have a deep discussion any questionable matters if any. We are wishing him a great success.
SNOWSTEEZの原点は、2001年2月に開設されたスノーボードコミュニティサイトSNOWTRIBEに遡ります。当初は掲示板を中心に運営されていたSNOWTRIBEですが、2003年頃からはスノーボードニュースや製品情報といったコンテンツを扱うようになりました。 SNOWSTEEZは、SNOWTRIBEからこれらの情報コンテンツを分割させる形で2005年7月21日に誕生した、スノーボードの総合情報サイトです。
The origin of SNOWSTEEZ is SNOWTRIBE, which is a snow board community site started in February 2001.Originally people used to run SNOWTRIBE mostly as a bulletin board but they have added more such as snow board related news and product information to its contents since around 2003. The information which SNOWTRIBE used to cover has been moved to SNOWSTEEZ and SNOWSTEEZ was born on July 21, 2005 to become a multi-intelligence site for snowboard.
お返事ありがとうございます。私たちはgreen lodge on farmへの宿泊を希望します。North Shoreに行くのは初めてでとてもワクワクしています。僕と妻と両親と娘の5人で行きます。私の娘は1才です。よろしくお願いします。
Thank you for your reply.We want to stay at green lodge on farm.This is the first time for us to visit North Shore and we are very excited.We five in total, myself, my wife, parents and my daughter will go.My daughter is one year old.Thank you.
Please email me if you have something you want from our shop.I will send you an invoice to your Paypal account in return.You can purchase items you like at a discount price.Our customers who have already used it love this item very much.I hope you trust me and buy items you like at a discount price now.Even if items are not available at my store, I can help you find items you like from all over Japan.I am looking forward to your purchasing at my store.