chiakipenguin 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
chiakipenguin 英語 → 日本語

That means your photos have more of a chance of sticking around and being associated with a certain place or object. Groups within the city-wide ones, as pictured above for Shenzhen, the city that’s home to Dingus, the startup that created Photocus. So you can create a specialized group within your city, say for “The Cutest Pet I’ve Ever Seen” or whatever takes your fancy.

Photocus has versions of its app for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone, which all look quite similar, using the large tiles mode of interface that was pioneered by Flipboard (and, by the way, we’re on Flipboard here). From the app you can share images to Facebook, Tencent Weibo, or Sina Weibo – which are also the third-party login options.



Photocus には、iOS、アンドロイド、ウィンドウズ・フォンのそれぞれのバージョンがあり、どれも画面は似ており、Flipboard が始めた大きなタイル方式のインターフェースを採用している(話はそれるが、我々の記事は Flipboard で提供している)。このアプリから、画像を Facebook や騰訊微博、新浪微博へ共有することができる。これらは別サイトへのログインのオプションによる機能だ。

chiakipenguin 英語 → 日本語

The plan to bring this source of data to market now is really driven 100 percent by our customer base. Our customers are usually enterprise level providers who take our data, do the analysis and insights and then pass it on to brands… This particular source rose to the top of the list as being an in-demand source; a very specific brand ‘ask.’ And I think we don’t completely understand what’s driving that yet, but 30 percent of our client base is international, and even domestically many clients are representing international brands that are very interested in the worldwide conversation about their brand, and not just the US and European discussions.



chiakipenguin 英語 → 日本語

Does Gnip plan to expand to more Chinese services in the future? While Chris couldn’t name specifics, he did note that Gnip “plans to have broader coverage in China.” He notes that there are different conversations taking place on different networks, and that the idea that one social network could cover the entire conversation is “not realistic.”

As we mentioned a couple of weeks back, there are over 1000 Sina Weibo enterprise accounts for overseas. That’s certainly one sign that companies want to engage in conversation with Chinese users. “The appetite for more and more diversity in terms of conversation is growing,” says Chris.


