I recognized that the papers were the ones on which I had listed all the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about him.
Does this video have the song called xxxx recorded not as a live version but as a sheer music clip?
現状維持では 後退するばかりである。
Seeking to maintain the status quo only leads you to go backward.
Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.
Allowing users from all over the world to participate in translating makes multilingual translations possible. As of today, translations in 16 languages are available through Conyac and even more languages will be added whenever a new translator with an unregistered language joins the website.
世界中の人々にこの翻訳サービスのユーザーとして参加してもらうことによって、誰もがいつでも多言語翻訳を簡単に利用できるようになるのです。 今日現在、16カ国語の翻訳がこのConyacサイトを通して利用できます。さらに未登録言語の翻訳者がこのウェブサイトに参加することによって、また新たな翻訳言語が追加されその利便性は増々高まることと信じています。
The low birth rate threatens to squeeze the economy by shrinking the labour force,which could weigh in on its GDP and leave fewer workers to support a growing nunber of pensioners.(Reporting by Yoko Kubota;Editing by David Fox)
The fertility rate,or the average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime,rose to 1.37 in 2008,up 0.03 points from the year before but still far from the estimated 2.07 needed to maintain a populaion.
Japan's fertility rate inched up for the third year in a row in 2008,but its ageing population still shrank,with 51,300 more deaths than births,a report from the health ministry showed on Wednesday.With a population of 127.6 million,Japan faces serious economic consequences as it expects over a quarter of its citizens to be aged over 65 by 2015.The population is expected to shrink by a third within 50 years if current trends continue.
Not a bad commute by anyone's standard.
In this system, we can grasp business achievements in integrated perspective and promote the business standardization of the company. We have built the system with a view to aiming at the improvement of productivity and the elevation of group management in the whole group.
Rose filled the living room, or parlor, as it was called in those days, with prints of the great artworks she had seen in Europe durning her travels and studies abroad.
Knowledge of ignorance of their own unskilfulness is vital for mediocre beginners to make a step forward on the way to the advanced level.
According to some experts, "globlization" emphasizes the idea of "one world" in which people share common values and lifestyles. In contrast, "internationalization" refers to close interaction between different countries based on mutual understanding and respect for each other's distinct language and culture.
Are "globalization" and "internationalization" the same?Globalization refers to the process of joining the people of the world into one society.Currently, however, the word "globalization" often is used to mean economic integration among countries that includes international trade, direct foreign investment, migration of workers, and the spread of technology.Nevertheless, it can also refer to cultural, social, and political interaction as well.
Nicaraguan Sign Language (ISN; Spanish Idioma de Señas de Nicaragua, Portuguese Idioma de Signos Nicaragüense) is a signed language spontaneously developed by deaf children in a number of schools in western Nicaragua in the 1970s and 1980s. It is of particular interest to the linguists who study it, because it offers a unique opportunity to study what they believe to be the birth of a new language.
ニカラグア手話語(内部ステートメント番号;ニカラグア手話語のスペイン語版、ニカラグワ手話語のポルトガル語版) は、1970年代と1980年代にニカラグワ西部にあるいくつかの学校に通っていた聴覚障害の子供たちによって、誰から教わることもなく自発的に作り上げられてきた手話言語です。それは手話言語を研究している言語学者にとってこの上なく興味をそそられるものです。なぜなら、彼らが新しい言語の誕生だと確信しているまさにその成り立ちをつぶさに研究できる滅多にないチャンスを提供してくれるからです。
I remember thinking, “Has my dad lost it? What’s going on here on my lunch bag?” Every day there would be a new saying, some would take up the entire bag. My friends used to love it. They would laugh and couldn’t wait to get to school and see what my dad wrote next.
「父ちゃん、あれどこにやっちゃったんだろ? ボクの弁当袋に異常事態発生!」なんて、慌てたこともあったっけ。 毎日、弁当袋に父ちゃん語録メモが入ってた。時に、袋に入りきれないくらい。ボクの友達もそれを楽しみにしてた。彼らは笑いながらも、学校に着いて父ちゃんの新作語録を見るのが待ちきれなかったもんだ。
・自分は(俳優名)が大好きなので、彼が出演している映画は結構見に行きます。(俳優名)の出演作と言えば、(映画名)などですね。・楽しくおしゃべりできる人ならだれでもOKです。卓球が好きな人や洋楽大好きっていう人ならなおさらです。 友達になりませんか?
One of my favorite actors is xxxx(actor's name).I hardly fail to see the movies where he is acting.Talking of his movies, his famous ones are xxxx, xxxx(movie's title), aren't they?As long as we can enjoy chatting, whoever is very welcome. Much more are those who like playing ping-pong or listening to Western music.Why not make friends with each other?
I'm now very much into western pop music.The pop artists whose songs I love listening to are , among others, xxxx, xxxx, xxxx, and so on.By the way, these days I'm paying great attention to xxxx .If you are also a western pop fan, I love to make friends with you.Since I can understand English so-so, it's OK whatever nationality yours is.
It will live now to you
「それは、もはやあなたの思いのままになるだろう」「それは、もはやあなたの支えなしには生きて行けないだろう」この "It" は何なのでしょう? というか、この訳に全く自信はありません・・・
Thank you for your email. It is a good email!I think the new 5-column seating will be Ok. (Probabaly, in 1 column the partner will be the person behind, instead ofthe person next to you.)We'll talk about it in class. Sincerely,
この度は、メールありがとうございました。 とても内容のあるメールでした。今回の5座席縦列についてはなかなか良いと思います。(1座席では、連れと並んで座れずに前と後ろとに離れてしまうでしょうからね)この件については授業で話し合おうと思っています。敬具