A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.
人は死に、国は興り滅びるかもしれないが、思想は生き続ける。hito (man) ha sini (die), kuni (nation) ha okori (rise) horobiru (fall) kamosirenai (may) ga (but),sisou (idea) ha iki (lives) on (tsudukeru).
Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot. by Charlie Chaplin
人生は大写すれば悲劇だが、遠写すれば喜劇だ。 チャーリー・チャップリンjinsei (life) ha taisha (close-up) sureba higeki (tragedy) daga,ensha (long-shot) sureba kigeki (comedy) da.Charlie Chaplin
You can't make omelet without breaking eggs.
たまごを割らなきゃ、オムレツは作れない。tamago (egg) wo waranakya (if you don't break a), omuretsu (omelet) ha tukurenai (can't make).
As long as the sun shines, hope shines.これはそのまま直訳できると思います。
The Roomba is a robotic vacuum cleaner made and sold by iRobot. The Roomba was introduced in 2002;[1] several updates and new models have since been released. As of January 2008, over 2.5 million units have been sold.
Roomba (ルーンバ[1]) は iRobot (社[2]) のロボット型掃除機です。Roombaは2002年に発表され、それ以後何度かの改良[3]やモデルチェンジ[4]を経てきました。2008年1月の時点では、250万台以上が売れています。[1] "ルーンバ" is a Japanese Katakana form of the product name. You may use this, or you can simply stick with the English name.[2] "社" simply means "company". Although it is not necessary, It is more formal in Japanese writing to put this character after the company name.[3] "改良" simply means "improvement". If you wanna stick with the original English sentence and use "update" instead, you can replace this word with "アップデート". Although, "アップデート" may only be common over people who works in IT or Engineering fields.[4] Rather than saying "new model", Japanese people oftern use "モデルチェンジ(model change)". It does not sound that good in English but it is a common 'Japanese English'.
My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.