I bought a pair of shoes recently. I love the design very much. But the size was too big to me, so I would like to exchange it.I bought the shoes in size US10 and please exchange it to the size US9.
First of all, I want to explain to both of you that I am explaining this not because of that I don't want to refund, just because I want both of you to understand the situation.So far, the price you entrusted is 100 dollars, and the price I paid is 150 dollars including the shipment to Israel. The balance is 20 dollars, so can you understand that it is not meeting your commission?Now I'd like to make sure if the following expences should be paid from the commission.
Thank you for your answer. I am still not good at reading long sentences, so please give me little more time. lol
In addition, please tell me about the inventory condition.
I will get this packaged later today and get an invoice sent off to you.
Please tell me about all of the bilongings. Could you please discount the postage?
Could I have an invoice for my order yesterday? Please send it to me as soon as possible. Thank you in advance of your help.
I appreciate your integrity very much. The post office was totally wrong. You sent it to me with packing in very strong wrapping. I sent it in a hard package too. I'd like a refund by Paypal when the package arrives.
I am sorry for being late to contact you and caused you inconvenience.The product arrived by way of Florida.I am glad to have this nice and valuable thing.Thank you very much.
$90.00 for the bowls the rest is the total accurate shipping if this is to much we can cancel auction i cant help the cost of shipping i dont make the shipping prices
$90.00 はボウル代で残りは正確な配送料の全額です。もしこれが高すぎるのであれば我々はこのオークションをキャンセルできます。私が配送の価格を作っている(決めている)わけではないので私には配送料はどうすることもできません。
figuring out how to sell these, I checked out all the competition out there and decided to make this the absolute best auction out on Ebay. $3.99 will be the cost of each one of these sleeves with the 3 rares and 2 other cards. I made Thousands of plastic packs. There is nothing else out there any better, with this kind of quantity and quality. The shipping anywhere in the world is $2.99 as a flat one time payment. Also if you buy 10 you get 1 for free. **Please indicate how many you would like and i will send you a invoice.
これらをどのように売るか決めるため、私は他で行われている全ての競争をチェックしてきましたが、この確実に最も良いオークションであるEbayで売ることに決めました。$3.99 は3つのレアと2つの他のカードを含むこれらのパック1つの価格です。私は数千ものビニールパックを作りました。この量と質を持ち合わせ、さらにこれより良いものはこれ以外どこにもありません。配送料は1度のお支払いにつき世界のどこへでも$2.99です。また、もし10個買えば1つただでもらえます。**いくつ欲しいか示して下さい、納品書兼請求書(インボイス)をお送りします。
#○○の商品に関して、8月19日に値引き交渉のメールをしました。それに対して8月20日にあなたからI can refund you $15.00 each unit after the sale is complete.という返信をもらったため、同日この商品を2つ購入し、既にPayPalにて支払い済みです。今後どのようにして$30の還付がされるのか教えてください。
I sent you an E-mail to ask if it's possible to have discount about the product, #○○ on 19th August. To this E-mail, I received your answer sais "I can refund you $15.00 each unit after the sale is complete." on 20th August, so I purchased 2 of the same product and already paid on the day. Please tell me how the refund of $30 will be refunded.
I waited for the product arrives, but it doesn't seem to be arriving at all. It is untracable by the tracking number either.Please refund me my money.
You'd have trouble not tripping over them.