vielen Dank für Ihre schnelle Antwort und Ihre Kulanz. Mir ist klar, daß es in einem solchen Lieferprozess mehrere Fehlerquellen geben kann. Wie geschrieben, bitte ich jedoch um Verständnis, daß mir als Endkunden die Details egal sind. Wie auch immer - ich schätze Ihre faire Reaktion und Ihre Mühe sehr. Zumal die Differenzen zu keinem Zeitpunkt mit dem Produkt als solchem zu tun hatten. Denn meine ersten Versuche haben ergeben, daß die Mühle genau das tut, was sie soll: unkompliziert Kaffee mahlen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Your item has just arrived in USA.If there would be no problem with customs inspection, the item would be delivered to you in about 3 days.
Tour’s been great, Brian’s very pleased he hasn’t has many photos of him taken. He’s busy in the back of the bus writing new songs, something about Bob Dylan and Led Zeppelin and Neil Young in the same band. We don’t know what he’s on about. We’ll leave him be for now… We haven’t seen him in anything but sunglasses for the last three days. At least Ray Ban is very pleased. More to come, this will updated WAY more frequently now that we’ve stolen it from Brian. Though he may arise from his tomb of 60’s and 70’s records and write something odd here. Right On.
世界中から欲しい物が、インターネットで簡単に買う事が出来きて、しかもアイテム数が沢山ある。このサイトでの買い物がすごく楽しいです。 こんなに素晴らしいサイトはなかなか無いと思う。 因みに、このサイトはもうすでに友達にも紹介しております。
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Guten Tag.vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage.Dat ist eine Überraschung, das die Packet schon nach Japan zurückgeschickt ist.Weder ich nur natürlich Sie hatten keine Fahrlässigkeit, deswegen verstehe ich nicht, warum sie zurückgeschickt ist.Vorläufig frage ich nach der Untersuchung am Anfang nächster Woche, wenn es möglich ist, können Sie noch Mal fragen, ob Sie die Packet zum Kunden schicken können?Wenn die Packet nach Japan zurückkommen würde, würde ich mich gern wieder mit ihnen darüber besprechen.Ich hatte keine Absicht dahinter, aber es tut mir leid für die Umstände.
GermanyThe cancellation is done.In case the item would be delivered to you, please refuse it.Thank you for everything.Good luck to you!
Thank you for the quotation. I currently negotiate with other traders.Can I pay the same price with using PayPal?Besides, I wonder the quality of the item.Current trader sent me once a item which is bad quality, after they change the person in charge.Can you offer us a good one?I will be waiting for your reply.
Ok, please write on the Google form when you get back.I will reply you promptly.
現在ebayに出品中の"Tour Issue RBZ "P"Version 8.0 Head"を購入させていただく事は可能ですか?出来れば10個欲しいですが、なければある分全て欲しいです。ご検討いただければ幸いです。もしよければ、送料込の値段をご連絡ください。宜しくお願い致します。
Could I purchase 'Tour Issue RBZ "P"Version 8.0 Head' which you currently offer on ebay?If it possible, I would like to get 10 of them. But if you don't have so much, I would like to have all what you have.I appreciate your consideration.Also, please inform me the price (inclusive shipping cost) if you know it.Thank you.
Okay I will send invoice, you want the other items as well that you stated yesterday
Launched in 2009, Wintercheck Factory is a design and manufacturing company based in Brooklyn, which produces American-made, design focused, multi-functional products for living at an economically-mindful price point.Wintercheck Factory creates high-quality, useful products for consumers who value ingenuity and accessibility. Starting with furniture and expanding to include soft goods, every product is designed by Wintercheck Factory and produced by one of the dozens of US-based manufacturers the company has built relationships with over the past three years.
・Please use the words which is stated on our web site when you want to describe something on our commodities or explanation.・If you are asked to modify or delete the statement about us on your web site from us, you must obey it as much as you can.・You are not allowed to do anything which make other people confuse with other EC shops.・You must not present untrue information about us.・You are not allowed to make any further commission contract with other companies.・When you get questions or requests on the sword (ken katana) please inform us as soon as possible.
If you can admit those conditions, you may allow to make contracts with our members.Thank you for your understanding.Beside, please tell us the appropriate sizes of the pictures to put them on your web site. It takes a while but we prepare for it.It is not simple to explain the price of the sword, but if you want only the Shirosaya (the sham which you can stick the sword in it), we can offer it from 13000 dollars.We need 6 month to 1 year to make them.If you only want Shirosaya, we can prepare it for 6 month. But if you want to have more improvements on such as saya or gaku, it might take 1 year to make those.
Important historical facts can be recalled in Belo Horizonte, in the Brazilian Football Museum. The sporting public has a chance to meet a real sport “mineiro” memorial, which is located in the biggest football stage of the state, the “Mineirão.” The idea was to set the stage for the Confederations Cup and the World Cup in Brazil, and allow the “mineira” population and tourists to the rescue and preservation of sports history (The Museum is near the stadium too!)