Thank you for your email and for providing this information. I have adjusted your item(s) per your request to reflect the price that you have paid. You can view this completed online with your account under MY ACCOUNT > INBOX. Please confirm that the prices are correct before placing a shipment request. If any other information is needed when you request shipment – you will be contacted via email. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Best Regards,
Overall, AU is judged to have a plastic contamination level similar to the Caribbean Sea, but lower than the Mediterranean Sea. Australia, the research notes, uses nearly 1.5m tonnes of plastic a year, with only 20% of it recycled.The study warns that plastics, if ingested by fish, “can affect the health of food webs, which include humans as an apex predator”.Julia Reisser, lead author of the report, told Guardian AU she was surprised to see such large quantities of plastics in Australian waters.“Since the 1970s, we’ve been aware of the issue of plastic pollution when it comes to large vertebrae animals such as turtles and seabirds, but these particles are also affecting the little fish and plankton,” she said.
全体的に、オーストラリアの樹脂(ビニール)汚染レベルはカリブ海と同等だと判断されるが、地中海よりも低い。オーストラリアは、研究ノートによれば、年間1.5トンの樹脂を使用し、再生率はその20%に過ぎない。この調査は、樹脂(ビニール)を魚が摂取した場合、食物網の安全に影響を及ぼし、その頂点に立つ人間も例外ではない。報告書の主要執筆者であるジュリア・レイサー女史は、Guardian AUに対し、オーストラリアの海に、これほど大量の樹脂(ビニール)があることに驚いていると語った。「1970年代から私達は、亀や海鳥などのような大型の脊椎動物に関する樹脂汚染の問題に気づいていましたが、樹脂の粒子は小魚やプランクトンにも影響を及ぼしています。」とレイサー女史は述べた。
Pourriez-vous svp m'indiquer le lieu de livraison car je n'ai rien reçu et mon gardien d'immeuble n'a rien réceptionné non plus. Cdt
This tracking information was sent and received within the state and the tracking number was nothing to do with me.As the seller does not respond and it was an expensive item, I opende the case. Of course, I have not received the item by now.You can find the the seller's support is strange from the unatural content of above message from the seller and the information of the carrier. It is my first time to be scammed and lose $5000 and I feel very anxious every day. Please arrange a refund as soon as possible.
I received the message one week after the successful bid., the content of the tracking information was totally wrong. I decided to see how it was going. Two days later, the tracking number was sent again through eBay sytem. infromation was also totally wrong. The delivery address was not mine and it was not the wrong delivery.カスタマー・サービス 様こんちには。確認なんですが、私は注文No.SZ334310441の商品を返品依頼も交換希望の連絡をした覚えがありません。何かの間違いでしょうか?それとも手続きミスでしょうか?在庫が確保出来なかったとかでしょうか?私は対象商品を是非購入したいです。ご確認お願いします。
To customer service Hello,I would like to confirm about the following issue.I did not contact you to aske you to return or replace the item No.SZ334310441. Is this an error or a mistake in a procedure ? Or did not you have the stock ? I would like to buy the item by all means. Please check the detail. Sincerely,
This is a second reminder that we need information from you about thenon-receipt claim you filed in order to continue with our investigation. Weneed to know if you would like to continue with your claim or cancel it nowthat you have the tracking information below that shows the package wasdelivered to your address.Please review this information carefully and confirm that you did notreceive the package. Please respond to us by logging in to your PayPalaccount, going to the Resolution Center, and clicking the Resolvebutton.You can then choose to cancel or continue with your claim.
観光庁とJNTOは、グローバルビジネスで活躍する企業・政府のトップ層を視聴者にもつシンガポールのニュース専門チャンネルCNBCと提携し、「調和」をコンセプトMICE開催地としての日本のプロモーション映像を制作した。ハード(会議場等整った設備)とソフト(おもてなしの心)といった、最新技術と伝統文化が調和している日本の象徴的な映像を通じ、人と人を結ぶネットワーキングの場にふさわしい国として日本を紹介している。現在CNBC AsiaおよびCNBC.comでCMとして放映されている。
Japan Tourism Agency and JNTO produced a promotional video of Japan as MICE venue with the concept of 'harmony' in cooperation with CNBC, a Singapor's news specialized channel which has companies exectives and government top leaders as its audiences. It introduces Japan as a country which is appropriate for netwroking opportunities to connect people through Japan's iconic images that latest technology and traditional culture are in harmony, showing hard aspect (conference halsl with good facilities)and soft aspect(hospitality). Currently, this video is shown on CNBC Asia and as a CM.
Hokkaido Convention Promotion Council held "Hokkaido MICE Fair" on November 20 at Marunouchi JR Tower Hall & Conference in Tokyo.This is the continued attempt since the previous fiscal year to introduce various informations related to MICE session in Hokkaido targeting MICE related business representatives. This time, five council member cities of MICE: Sapporo, Asahikawa, Hakodate, Kushiro, Kitami, participated in the fair and each representative explained about MICE session situation, as well as informations about most recent accomodations, after-convention, and convention support system using videos and images for the presentation.
Hello,Thank you for your reply.I e-mailed you to let you know that there was a lack in the number of the goods. And we got a sincere response from you. However, I have forgotten what was written in your e-mail. I failed to make sure of the content.I am very sorry.
$ 19 eachNormally I have stock in USA and ship to Japan for $ 85 a carton of 40Right now I have stock in HK ready to go to USA and I can send you a carton of 40 pieces tomorrow, shipping is more at $ 130You can send money via paypal to abcd@gmail.com40 x 19 = USD $ 760 + 130 = 890or call us with a credit card amex mc visa discoveror wire money to our bank I can send info(For shipping purposes please specify address type: ・ Residential or ・ Commercial)(Authorized Signature、 Date、Print、Title)
各19ドル通常はアメリカに在庫があり、日本へは40個のカートンを85ドルで配送いたします。現在、アメリカへの配送準備の出来た在庫が香港にありますので、明日40個のカートンを送ることができます。送料は少し高くなり130ドルになります。ペイパルアドレス abcd@gmail.com宛に送金できます。40個 x 19 = 760ドル + 13ドル = 890ドルAmex、MC、VISA、Discover等のクレジッドカードご利用の場合はお電話ください。銀行振り込みの場合は情報をお送りいたします。(配送のために住所の種類がご自宅か、店舗かをご記入ください。)(承認された署名、日付、印刷、タイトル)
QI sent a payment for down payment on BTO guitar #7040 today. Please order with the specification on the file attachment. What are the differences between the version up "2 System" with the previous one? AI put the Guitar on order for you yesterday, The # 2 system has the ability to adjust the volume of certain strings. Three different sensors on the bridge work to change your sound if you want too. It comes from the factory set just like a normal guitar. and it has instructions if you want to change. IE some singers that play alone play their own bass line and can have the low E and A volume turned up slightly to make it stand out more. The Spec sheet is turned in as it shows on that #7040
質問今日、カスタムメイドギター #7040 の頭金の支払いを送金しました。添付ファイルのスペックにより、オーダーしてください。更新版の2 Systemの更新前のものとの違いを教えてください。答え昨日、お客様のためにギターを注文しました。# 2 systemは、あるストリングの音量調節能力を備えています。ご希望の時に、音を変えるためにブリッジワーク用の3つのセンサーも装備されています。普通のギターと全く同じように出荷時設定で入荷します。すなわち、単独で演奏する奏者は独自のバスラインで演奏でき、ローコードでの演奏が可能です。EとAの音量を際立たせるために音量がわずかに上がります。#7040の説明に示されているように仕様書が同梱されています。
A leather bags and accessories are handmade by master artisans committed to a tradition of superior craftsmanship, superb functionality and timeless American style. Everything that bears the Ghurka mark is designed and built to provide a lifetime of use and enjoyment.Our name comes from the A soldiers of the Himalayas who since the days of the British Raj have been known throughout the world for their bravery, loyalty, and cheerful indifference to all difficulty. Our story begins at an antiquities auction in the early 1970s where our company’s founder Marley Hodgson, fueled by his love of history and leather craft, bid on campaign gear made for a A regimental officer stationed in India during the early 1900s.
熟練の職人の素晴らしい技能によって作られた手作りのレザーバッグとアクセサリーです。優れた機能性をもつ不朽のアメリカンスタイルのバッグです。グルカのマークを持つ製品はすべて一生使い、楽しむためにデザインされ作られています。グルカとうい名前はヒマラヤの兵士から来ています。グルカは、イギリス統治時代より、その勇敢さ、忠誠心、またあらゆる困難にも明るくめげないことで世界中にその名を知られています。弊社の歴史は、1970年初頭のアンチックオークションで、創立者のMarley Hodgsonが、歴史愛好と革工芸品への関心に刺激されて1900年初頭、インドに駐留していた連隊長のために作られた軍事用品を入札したことに始まります。
Inspired by the rugged elegance and workmanship of the 75-year-old leather, Marley made his first Ghurka bag, a leather knapsack, for his young son. It is still used daily by his granddaughter.Today, through our flagship stores at 781 Fifth Avenue and 65 Prince Street in New York, as well as select retailers around the world, A continues to cater to what Marley called the "quiet confidence and adventurous spirit" of our clients. Our assortment of iconic designs and new classics are individually numbered and registered, making each Ghurka bag unique.
75年間の古い皮の材質の堅牢な優美さと職人芸に刺激されたマーレーは自身の最初のグルカバッグである若い息子のためのレザーのナップサックを作りました。このナップサックは、彼の孫娘により今でも毎日使われています。今日、ニューヨークのプリンス通り5番街781番地の弊社本店や世界中の選りすぐりの小売店を通して、 Aはマーレーが弊社のお客様の「静かな自信と冒険的精神」と呼んだものを提供し続けています。弊社の象徴的デザインとニュークラシックなデザインの品揃えは個別に番号がつけられ登録されており、グルカのバッグを比類ないものにしています。
It is early morning in Japan. Yes, I love Furoshiki, because they are very cute. The color of the image is a little lighter than the real item. The shooting of the purplish color is very difficult. Currently I only have an online shop, but I would like to have a brick-and-mortar shop in the future. I have a lot of things to do, but I am preoccupied with unaccustomed care of my baby. Rome is one of the place which I woule love to visit one day. I think so whenever I watch a travel program on TV. About the handling of the product:It is machine-washable. Please iron when it gets wrinkled. Do not bleach it out. Avoid tumbler dry or soaking in water.
We cannot arbitrarily assign values to your packages. Once we have this information, we will be able to proceed with your ship request. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your patience during the review process necessary to complete your ship request 000. Unfortunately, our review process has taken longer than usual. We want to let you know that we are still working to process your shipment in a manner that is consistent with U.S. export regulations. We will send you an email to let you know when we have completed the export review process and released your shipment to the carrier.
クリップパイプ: ウインドウの見たままを流し続ける連携手法コンピュータ上でアプリケーション同士の連携を行う方法は,ファイル形式の変換やコピー&ペーストなどの手段があるが,どれも連携のための前準備が必要であったり,連携後の編集に支障が生じたりと不便であった.提案手法では,切り抜いたウインドウの見たままの様子がリアルタイムで連携される.連携のための前準備は軽減され,連携元の操作が即時反映されるため,余計な作業に時間を割く必要がなくなり,ユーザは本来の作業に集中することができる.
Clip pipe: The cooperation method to continue to stream in watching a windowThere are some ways to cooperate applicacions on your computer such as file format conversion, copy & past etc, but all of those means require a preparation to cooperate or cause some trouble in editing after the cooperation, so we felt inconvenience. The technique which I am going to propose cooperate in the real-time what exactly you see on a cut window. As it reduces time to prepare to cooperate and reflect the operation of cooperative source immediately, it does not require any time for an extra work and users can focus on principal tasks.
Merci pour votre contact.Nous sommes vérifié la rupture lors que nous sommes vérifié avant de rammasage de l'article. Nous sommes préparé l'article, parce que c'est l'unique stock. Nous l'expédirions l'article avant le 26 novembre. Je vous remercie pour votre comprehension.
Merci pour votre achat.Lorsque nous avons vérifié le stock, nous avons trouvé que nous étions en rupture de stock. Nous vous adressons toutes nos excuses pour ce contretemps. Nous vendons les articles sur des autres boutiques sur lignes et nous vous assurons de prendre un soin particulière pour ne plus se produira un tel incident. Veuillez être assuré que nous n'avons encore facturé aucun prix, étant donné que c'était avant de l'expédition. Vous pouvez annuler la commande dans votre historique d'achat sur la page de votre compte. Nous sommes tout à fait desolés de ne pas avoir pu vous aider.
Hello, my post office decided that they were going to ship this item back to you instead of holding on to it for me to pick up. I have been on the phone with them for the past couple of days trying to get it turned around and shipped back to me. Unfortunately I do not believe that I was successful in making that happen. They acknowledged that this was their mistake and have offered to pay for return shipping back to me if they could not get the item back to me. I do believe that the package has been shipped back to you and if you do get it I would really appreciate it if you could ship it out to me again.