このBSモデルは”CLASSIC Series”という呼び名です。現在はすでに生産終了されているモデルです。日本の松本市の工場で、ギター職人の手作業で1本1本丁寧に生産されています。100%日本製です。今は日本は深夜ですので、ラッカー塗装がニトロセルロースラッカーかどうか明日メーカーに確認しご連絡します。このモデルは今、日本でも新品も中古も見つけるのは困難です。お客様はとてもラッキーだと思います。プロの配送業者により完璧な梱包で安全に配送します。今しばらくお待ちくださいませ。
This BS model is called "CLASSIC Series".This is EOL(end of life) model. Guitar craftsmen at Matsumoto city in Japan produce each guitar by hand in a careful manner.It is midnicht in Japan, so I will contact to the manufacturer tomorrow to verify whether it is lacquer-finished or nitrocellulose-coated and then give you back. This model is rare item which is very difficult fo find either brand new or used one even in Japan. I thing you are very lucky. The item will be deliveryed by a professional delivery company with the perfect packing. Thank you for your patience.
ta47602キューピーハーフ【卵のコク】「たまごおいしさ製法」により、卵のコクでキユーピーハーフのおいしさを引き上げました。 【粒子を細かく均一化】「マイクロエマルション(超微粒子)製法」により、粒子を細かく均一化することで、植物油を減らしながらも、マヨネーズのおいしさをそのままに保つことができます。 【カロリー50%カット】脂質含量を半分以下にし、カロリーを半分(※)にしました。
ta47602Kewpie Half[Rich egg taste] By "egg taste preserving manufacturing method", we have improved palatability of Kewpie Half with rich egg taste. [Particle fine equalization] Equilizing paricles with "micro emulsion(super particulate)manufacturing method" we could preserve the taste of original mayonnaise taste. [50% Caloric cutting ] We have reduced the lipid content less than half and reduced its content in caloris in half. (※)
ta47601"Selection of five popular seasonings in Japan"Introducing caloric-reduced-related seasonings such as caloric-off mayonnaise and cholesterol-reduced oil
As the condition of the product is worse than I expected,let me give it some thought.Is it difficult to sell it approximatively 50 euros?
Please re-examine my account.CauseAbout the delayThe internal investigation revealed the the delay was cause by our messy handling.About the wrong productThey said that a person in charge made a mistake in filling out the form. MesuresWe will increase the number of employees and also separate the employees of that of purchase and that of shipping. In addition, we will enhance the reconfirmation of the shipping schedule and internal double-check.
ph35309▼あらすじ江高校剣道部顧問の石田虎侍(コジロー)はやる気も無く、明日の食費にも困る貧乏教師だが、ある日、先輩の石橋から女子剣道部員の団体戦の練習試合を持ちかけられたことをきっかけに部長の千葉 紀梨乃と新入部員の男子生徒(中田 勇次、栄花 段十朗)と共に女子部員の勧誘に乗り出す。 そして様々な事件を経て、剣道道場の一人娘で凄腕の 川添 珠姫、栄花の彼女で初心者の 宮崎 都、幽霊部員から復帰した 桑原 鞘子 の3名が加わり、試合に向け練習に活気づく剣道部。
ph35309▼The plot of the storyKojiro Ishida, the adviser of Kento club is little motivated and poor teacher who even does not have money to buy the meal of the following day. One day, he was invited to play a practice game of team tournament by his senior Ishibashi and decided to inviste girls members together with the captain Kirino Chiba and new members(Yuji Nakata, Danjiro Eika). After happening various events, three people (Tamaki Kawazoe who is the only daughter of the chief of Dojo of Kento and good at Kendo, Miyako Miyazaki who is Kendo beginner and the girlfriend of Eika,Sayako Kuwagara who came back to the club after a long interval) joined the club. The club was pumpled with Kendo training for the tournament.
ph35302▼あらすじ姉が日本一のモデルになることが夢である小学6年生の綾瀬千早は、転校生・綿谷新に「自分 のことでないと夢にしてはいけない」と諭される。そんな新の夢は、競技かるたで名人に なること。普段は大人しい新が真剣に札を払うその姿に衝撃を受けた千早は、幼なじみの真島太一も巻き込んでかるたの魅力に引きこまれていく。聴力に優れた千早の才能に、そしてかる たを一緒にできる友達ができたことに新は喜ぶが、卒業後はみな別の道を歩むのだった。
ph35302▼PlotA sixth-grade student Chiharu Hayase who dreams of the day when her sister becomes the greatest model in Japan, was admonished by a new classmate Arata Wataya. Arata dreams to become a great karuta player in competitive karuta. Chihara was shocked to see that alway quiet Arata was seriously touching the cards of karuta. So she begins to be attracted to the charm of karuta together with her childhood friendTaichi Mashima. Arata is glad to know that Chiharu has an exceptional hearing ability and that he gets a new friend with whom he can play karuta. However they go their separate ways after graduation.
Genius Galileo Galileim from Toscana in Italy who was viewd as heretical and persecuted by Holy Office at the moment. This is a story about one of three Ferrari sisters whose ancester is the great man above mentioned. She was wanted by police as being falsely charged with a crime by a megacorporation Adoni Moon Company that try to dominate the world energy by monopolizing methane hydrate. However, she travels around the world with a huge mechanical flight "GALILEO" to look for the heritage of Galileo which is called "Galileo Tesoro".
The third daughter Hazuki is a girl of 13 years who loves messing around with the mechanics and she is a wild card for the story. She designed the Galileo and built it clandestinely in the basement of her house. It is amazing that she creats such a huge machine as if it were a plastic model and in addition it loads weapons like missiles although she is just a private citizen(if not, it would not become a good story...) It is oddly cute that the main system of the Galileo is based on goldfish-shaped holography and it changes into a rifle-raising shape at the scene of a fight.
In the story, a gold fish appears frequently and this is one of the key words.Yasuomi Umetsu made a original draft and also direct the film. Mr. Umezu reminds people of strong-looking characters such as OVA "Mega zone/PartII" and "KATE", but I felt that the characters of this story were more friendly and cute-looking.
Currently "Wizard Barristers Benmashi Cecil"directed by Mr.Umezu is broadcast. I feel that there is something common between Cecil, the main character in this story and Hazuki. (For exemple, the motorized-bycycles they ride are similar.). It seems that they were produced at the same time. It is interesting to compare two movies when Blu-ray Discs of the movies will be released and I strongly recommend to do so.
This is a story of Spirit World Warriors (異界士 Ikaishi) who hunt human life-threatening supernatural creatures called a youmu. The main character Akihito Kanbara looks an ordinary high school student, but in fact he is the offspring of Yomu and an immortal "half-youmu"(半妖 Hanyo) . Mirai Kuriyama, the heroine of the story is a first-year high school student who wears glass well. But she is also a World Worrior who has the ability to change her blood into a blade. She attacks Akihito as the practice to defeat a Yomu called the Hollow Shadow.
However, she always makes a blunder and falls light on the eardrums. On the contraty, Akihito who likes a girl with glasses waits hand and foot on her. Normally, she may be above the reach of sympathy of others, but being trapped in deep poverty and can not even wears and eats sufficiently, Akihito often buys her lunch. There are varous serious aspects such as "fate" and "trials"that both of them have, but in a good sense the plot develops in a non-serious way. This is a piece that one can watch with relatively easy mind.
ly77504京野菜の定義1. 京都に都が置かれていた明治維新以前からの生産されていた歴史を有する野菜の品目。 2. 京都市域のみならず、京都府内全域で生産されている野菜の品目。 3. 筍を含む。 4. キノコ類、シダ類(ぜんまい、わらび等)を除く。 5. 種の保存の為にのみ栽培されている野菜の品目。又は、栽培されていないものの種が保存されてい る野菜の品目。及び絶滅した野菜の品目を含む。
ly77504Definition of Kyo-Yasai(Kyoto vegetables)1. Vegetable produces produced since before the Meiji Restoration, when Kyoto was the capital of Japan. 2. Vegetable produces produced not only in Kyoto city, but also all the area of Kyoto prefecture. 3. They include bamboo shoots.4. They do not include mushrooms, ferns(wild fiddleheads)5. Vegetable produces cultivated just for the preservation of the species or vegetable produces whose species are not cultivated but are preserved. They also include the vegetable produces extinct.
ly77503八つ橋キティ本来三角形の八つ橋に、手足を付けてあげたのは作った人の優しさでしょうか?このキティは緑色のため、抹茶味の八つ橋がモチーフになっている模様。皮から透けた餡子の部分を、キティの顔の輪郭として利用しています。■京都名物3. 京野菜京都の伝統ある野菜達京都は昔から海が遠かったことや、寺院が多くで精進料理(仏教の宗教的理由で肉や魚を食べないため、野菜・豆・穀物で作った料理のこと)が盛んだったため、独自の野菜の品種が発達しました。それらの野菜を、京野菜と呼びます
ly77503 Yatsuhashi( cinnamon cookie) KittyIs it tender-heartedness of the creater that puts arms and legs to the originally triangle-shaped Yatsuhashi? It seems that this green Kitty is inspired from green tea flavor Yatsuhashi. Red bean paste seen through an outside rice powder sheet is used as a coutour of the face of Kitty. ■Kyoto's Specility 3 Kyo-Yasai (Kyoto vegetables)Traditional Kyoto vegetablesIn ancient times, Kyoto was located far from the sea. In addition, there are many temples in Kyoto and Shojin-meals(dishes prepared by vegetables, beans and grains. In temples, meat and fish are prohibited for the buddhist' religious reasons) was popular. For these reasons, Kyoto's own vegetable breeds were developed. These vegetables are called Kyo-Yasai (Kyoto vegetables).
ly63604ハロウィンディズニーランド用!爪の先までディズニーワールドにどっぷり浸かります。ハロウィンシーズンディズニー用!ハロウィン仕様のディズにーに合わせて、こちらもハロウィン。パリ旅行用 イギリス旅行用日本人観光客であることも、さりげなくアピール。キャラクターキャラクター好きな日本人。更に細かい作業が得意で、手先が器用な日本人。キャラクター柄のネイルもお手の物です。ポケモンかわいい!M&M'S®これでM&M'S®のチョコをつまみたい!キティとマイメロディ
ly63604HalloweenFor Disneyland!You will be immersed in Disney World from head to toe. For Halloween season Disney!In tune with Halloween spec Disney, this is also Halloween's design .For a trip to ParisFor a trip to UK It also appeals that you are Japanese tourist. CharactersJapanese like characters. Japanese are good at detailes works and are clever with their hands. We are well-versed in character design manicuresPokemonCute!M &M, S®Let's pick up M &M S® Chocolate with this manicure! Hello Kitty and My melodies
私は、*店長の*です。この度は、【知的財産権侵害】【返品リクエストへの対応遅れ】上記による、当店の過失により* * *へ多大なご迷惑と、信用の低下を招いた事を深く深くお詫び申し上げます。ご指摘をありがとうございます。私はまず、アマゾンパフォーマンスチームより要求の、未承認の返品リクエストに全て答えさせていただきました。現在はお客様から、回答を待ってる状態になります。返金要求があれば、速やかに返金に応じるつもりです。又、返品に関しては、最後まで責任を持ち対応致します。
Hello, I am ...... , the store manager. Intellectual property right violation, Delay to deal with the return request We deeply aplogize the we have brougt so much trouble and the erosion of the trust to * * *due to the negligence above. We appreciate your indication.First of all, I replied to all the return requests of unauthrized products demanded by by Amazon performance team. Now we are waiting the response from our customers. We will deal with the refund request as soon as we receive the claim for refunds. We will also responsibly deal with the return request till the end.
アマゾン マーケットトラッカー設定マニュアルマーケットトラッカー(在庫連動アラート機能)とはアマゾンを仕入れ先とした販売において、アマゾンでの在庫切れやカート価格に変動があった場合にアラートで知らせる機能です。仕入れ価格が高くなったり、在庫がなくなった場合にアラートでお知らせしますので、すぐに終了をさせたり価格の修正をすることで、「購入されたのに在庫がなかった」、「仕入れ価格が高くなっていたのに気付かず、売れたのに利益が出なかった、赤字になった」等と言う事を防ぐことが出来ます
Amazon Market Tracker Settings ManualWhat is Market Tracker( Inventory-interlocking alert function)?This is the function that alerts an out of inventory or changes of cart price when you purchase stocks from Amazon and sell them on Amazon. When the purchase price gets high or some products are out of stock, you will be notified immediately by alert. By terminating the sale immediately or modifying the price, you can avoid some cases like " the product is ordered but is out of stock" "As I did not notice the increase of the purchase price, although the product was sold it was not profitable and left me in the red".
以下のフォーラムで返信ありがとうございます。要望は以下の通りです1. Aのリンクをクリックして別窓(ポップアップ)でAudioPlayerを開きたい2. 最初のページの下に表示されるPlayerは不要(別窓だけで利用したい)3. Player関連のJSはポップアップするページだけで読み込みたいサポート対応外の要望なら申し訳ありませんメールで沢山質問してしまい申し訳ありません。以下のページのCの項目を並び替えたいと考えています。どのファイルを編集すれば良いか教えてもらえますか?
Thank you for your reply in the forum below.The request is as follows:1. I want to open AudioPlayer by clicking the link A in a new browser window(pop-up window). 2. The Player showed at the bttom of the home page is not necessary( I just want to use it in an another window). 3. I want to load Player related JS only in pop-up page. I am sorry to ask you many questions in this e-mail. I am thinking to sort the items of C in the following page. Could you let me know which file should I edit?
【ゲーム紹介】 魔法学校に通う少女。 でも、あまり魔法が得意ではありません・・・。 魔法の練習に付き合うことになった相棒の猫。 でも、その練習方法とは・・・。 【操作方法】 操作は、キャラをタップするだけの簡単操作です。 タップのタイミングで遠くまで飛ばそう! また、アイテムを手に入れることで、さらに遠くまで飛ばすことができます。 【注意】 ゲームを削除し再インストールした場合、獲得したアイテムは初期状態に戻ります。 再インストールの際は、ご注意下さい。
Game introductionThis girl who studies at Magic school is not very good at the magic. Her partner cat has to keep her company to study magic. Let's see how she learns magic. The method of operationThe operation mehod is easy. Just tap the characters. Cash them as far as possible with proper timing. You can cash them to further distance by getting items. NoteIf you delete the game and re-install it, the items you have already gottton go back to the initial state. Please be advised of it when you re-install the game.