no102301栃木市は日光へ向かう街道の宿場町、巴波川の水運で栄えた商人町として栄えました。街には当時のお蔵や白壁の街並が残されており、江戸時代の風情を色濃く残しています。 佐原(千葉県・香取市)佐原は利根川水運を利用して「江戸勝り」と言われるほどに栄えた街です。現在でも江戸時代の家屋敷のまま家業を引き継いでいる商家も多くあり、「重要伝統的建造物群保存地区」に指定されています。 大多喜(千葉県・大多喜町)徳川家康の有力武将であった本多忠勝が作った城下町です。
no102301Tochigi city prospered as a post-town on the road to Nikko and also as a merchant-town that thrived on the trade thanks to the water transportation system of Uzumagawa river. The town keeps the streetscape with storehouses and white walls and shows the scenery of Edo. Sawara(Chiba prefecture, Katori city)Sawara is the town called "Edo Masari"(superior to Edo), thanks to the transportation by Tonegawa river. Even now, there are many merchants who take over family business. The city is designated national "Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings". Otaki(Chiba prefecture, Otaki city)This is the castle town developed by Tadamasa Honda who was the powerful commander of Ieyasu Tokugawa.
no101906Hiroshima prospered thanks to Rijo castle. Although the city was devastated by atomic bombing, it was restored miraculously. Osaka castle (Osaka prefecture, Osaka city)Osaka castle may be called as the first-classe castle constructed by Hidayoshi Toyotomi. Osaka had prospered even before the construction of the castle, but the prosperity of Osaka after its inaugration is proved by the history of the town which keeps its position as the economic center of Japan.
no101905織田信長が尾張に加え美濃を制覇して、天下布武を明らかにした場所として歴史的にも重要なお城と街であります。岐阜の街の賑わいは織田信長の楽市楽座そのままの雰囲気を感じる取ることが出来るでしょう。 広島城(広島県・広島市)広島城は毛利輝元が築城したお城です。鯉城という別名で有名なお城で、プロ野球広島カープの名前もこの鯉城という別名が由来となっています。
no101905The castle and the town is historically important as the place where Nobunaga Oda conquered Mino region in addition to Owari and showed his willingness to unify the nation by force. The vibrant town will make us feel an atomosphere of free markets and open guilds of Nobunaga Oda. Hiroshima castle(Hiroshima prefecture, Hiroshima city)Hiroshima castle was constructed by Terumoto Mori. It is also known with the name of "Rijo". The professional baseball team "Hiroshima carp" was named after Rijo castle(litteraly means "carp castle").
no101904仙台の華やかさと活気とは伊達者であった伊達政宗の治世から連綿と続いているものと感じられます。 松本城(長野県・松本市)現在の松本城は石川数正が築城したお城です。深志城という別名で親しまれており、この名は戦国時代の小笠原氏治世のころからの名称です。現存する最古の城として国宝に指定されています。中信(中部信州)の中心都市として松本市は今でも賑わいを保っています。 岐阜城(岐阜県・岐阜市) 岐阜城は織田信長が築城したお城です。。
no101904The town makes us feel that its gaiety and animated feeling continue from the reign of a dandy ruler,Date Masamune. Matsumoto castle(Nagano prefecture, Matsumoto city)The current Matsumoto castle is constructed by Kazumasa Ishikawa. It is also known as "Fukashi castle" which is the name from the reign of Ogasawara clan in the sengoku(civil war) era. The castle is designated national treasure as the existing oldest castle in Japan. Matsumoto city still enjoy its prosperity as the central city in Chubu and Shinshu regions. Gifu castle (Gifu prefecure, Gifu city)Gifu castle was constructed by Nobunaga Oda.
no101903 熊本城(熊本県・熊本市)熊本城は加藤清正が築城した天下の名城と言われるお城です。このお城の石造りの城壁は緩やかな曲線を描いて迫り出しており、城郭へ登って取りつく事が出来ないよう巧みに設計・構築されています。熊本の街はお城に守られて落ち着いた雰囲気と華やかさとが共存していると感じられるでしょう。 仙台城(宮城県・仙台市)仙台城は伊達政宗が青葉山に築城したお城です。青葉城という別名が歌の題名に入るなどして、仙台城というよりも青葉城という名が全国的には有名です。
Kumamoto castle(Kumamoto prefecture, Kumamoto city)Kumamoto castle is a fine castle constructed by Kiyomasa Kato. The stone castle walls is well-conceived and designed making a light carve so that nobody can climb to them for the attaque. You can feel that towns protected by castle have calm and vivid atmosphere. . Sendai castle (Miyagi prefecture, Sendai city)Sendai castle was constructed by Masamune Date at Mt. Aoba. As the name "Aoba castle" was given the title of a song, The name of "Aoba castle" is nationally more famous than Sendai castle.
no100904秋月(福岡県・朝倉市)筑前の小京都として知られる秋月は周囲を山に囲まれた盆地にあり秋月氏の城下町として栄えたところです。四季折々の風情のある街の姿を愛でようと全国から人々が訪れています。 飫肥(宮崎県・日南市)飫肥の街並は早くも昭和52年に国の「重要伝統的建造物群保存地区」に指定された所で、飫肥を訪れると過去にタイムスリップしたと錯覚するほどに昔の街並が美しく保存されています。
no100904Akizuki (Fukuoka prefecture, Asakura city)Akizuki, which is known as Shokyoto in Chikuzen area is situated in a basin sorrounded by montains. It is a place prospered as a castletown of Akizuki clan. Many people visit the town to enjoy the town which has the benefit of the year in their seasons. Obi(Miyazaki prefecture, Nichinan city)Obi's townscape was designated the nation's "Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings" as early as 1977. When you visit Obi, you can see the old streetscape kept in a careful manner enough to confuse that you slipped back to the past.
no100903津和野(島根県・津和野町) 日本の小京都といえば角館と並ぶ有名な街です。津和野盆地の小さな街の風情は、古(いにしえ)の日本の原風景とも言える雰囲気を醸し出しています。 中村(高知県・四万十市)土佐の小京都と言われる中村は前関白一条教房が京より下向して京に模した街作りをしました。街は碁盤目に広がり京にちなんだ町名があり、戦国時代の戦乱から逃れた街並は京の風情を色濃く反映したまま現代に至っています。
no100903Tsuwano(Shimane prefecture, Tsuwano city)It is Japan's Shokyoto city as famous as Kakunodate. The streetscape of the small town in Tsuwano Basin creates an atmosphere of original Japanese landscape. Nakamura(Kochi prefecture, Shimanto city)Nakamura, which is called ShoKyoto in Tosa is developed imitating Kyoto by Norifusa Ichijo, ex-Kanpaku(chief adviser to the emperor) who moved to the town from Kyoto. The streets are set out neatly in a grid and several town's name were taken from Kyoto. The streetscape that could escape from maelstrom of war remains heavily tinged with old Kyoto's scenery.
no100902今でも当時の面影を色濃く残す街並は京都との繋がりの強さを物語ってくれます。 津山(岡山県・津山市)日本の小京都を代表する街はどこかと尋ねられれば、まず津山を挙げていました。津山は山陰と山陽との中ほど美作地方の中心として古くから栄えた街で、その繁栄が中国地方の小京都と言われる由縁となりました。 山口(山口県・山口市)大内氏が作った西の京が山口です。山口を本拠とした豪族の大内氏は京にも強い影響を持ち、その栄華を示そうと山口に京都に勝るとも劣らない街作りを行いました
no100902Even today, the streetscape that is heavily tinged with an air of that time tell us the strong link with Kyoto. Tsuyama (Okayama prefecture, Tsuyama city)When I was asked where is typical Shokyoto towns in Japan, I named Tsuyama first of all. Tsuyama is the town prospered from ancient times as the center of Mimasaka region located between San-in and Sanyo districts. And this is why it is named ShoKyoto in Chugoku district. Yamaguchi(Yamaguchi prefecture, Yamaguchi city)Yamaguchi is the western Kyoto formed by Yoshinori clan. Ouchi, the local ruling family, also held a strong influence on Kyoto and developed the town as elegant as Kyoto in Yamaguchi in order to brag about his prosperity.
no100901いにしえの京都の風情を感じる街。日本の小京都8撰古(いにしえ)の京都の風情を感じさせる街を小京都と呼んでいます。日本全国の小京都から8つの街を選びました。今の京都とは風情の異なる古き佳き京の姿を思い浮かばせる街を歩いてみませんか?角館(秋田県・仙北市)小京都と言えば角館と津和野と言われるほどに、角館の街は小京都として全国的に知らています。 小浜(福井県・小浜市)小浜は日本海沿岸や大陸から京都への物産や人を運び込むための港町として栄えました。
no100901Town which makes us feel the old-world flavor of Kyoto- 8 selection of ShoKyoto towns in Japan-Towns which makes us feel old Kyoto's flavor are called Sho kyoto(litteraly small Kyoto) . We have selected eight towns from all over the archipelago. Why don't you walk through the streets of towns which remind us good old Kyoto, different from that of today? Kakunodate(Akita prefecture, Senboku city)The word "Shokyoto”remind us immediately Kakunodate and Tsuwano. Kakunodate town is nationally-known Shokyoto city.Obama(Fukui prefecture, Obama city)Obama prospered as the port town to transport key products and people from seacost of Japan Sea and China to Kyoto.
fr89505国指定名勝でもある松濤園は、明治43年に十四代立花寛治伯爵によって整えられました。松濤の名の通り、クロマツに囲まれた池庭で、座敷からの眺望を楽しむ観賞式の庭園です。のんびりとした時の流れと一緒に、歴史のおもむきにひたるのもいいかも知れません。 柳川名物に舌鼓。
fr89505The officially-designated historical site, Shotoen was maintained in 1910 by the 14th count, Kanji Tachibana. As shows its name, it is the garden with a pound sorrounded by black pine trees. It is a garden to enjoy the superb outlook from a parlor. It may be good to immerse yourself in the historical atmosphere with the lapse of relaxing time. Let's lick your lips with typical foods of Yangawa!
fr89501柳揺れる水郷・福岡県の柳川、いやしの旅をとことん楽しむ。新緑に揺れる柳を眺めながら、およそ1時間かけての川下り。福岡県の情緒ある水郷、柳川が誇る癒しの旅をご紹介します。柳に迎えられ、朱色の船で川下りスタート。 水郷として有名な柳川市。福岡県の南部、筑後地方の南西部に位置する都市です。柳川最大の名物がこの川下りです。400年前のお城を巡る川下りで巡るのは、およそ410年前に柳川城築城の際に人工的に掘って整備されたお堀。
fr89501Enjoy integraly a healing journey at a riverside town Yanagawa in Fukuoka prefecture. The one-hour scenic boat tour gazing into the overhanding green leaves of willows. Let me introduce a healing journey of the exotic riverside town Yanagawa in Fukuoka prefecture. Welcomed by willows, riding the bright red boat, our river ride started. Yanagawa city is known as the riverside town. It is located at the southwest area of Chikugo region. The biggest landmark of Yanagawa is this boat tour. We visit a castle constructed 400 years ago. We cruise to know a moat trenched artificially about 410 year ago when Yanagawa castle was constructed.
a Hello, I am sorry to notify you that the item which you ordered was judged as a combustible product with high-pressure gas and it was not allowed to ship out. I am very sorry for the trouble. As it is not shipped out yet, I accept you cancellation. How to proceed the cancellation Please log onto b. Request cancellation or return from your order history page. May the happiness be with you.
あるとき 男の人に出会った本当に偶然だったんだその男は何をするでもなくただそこに立っているだけのようだった「前に進め 悩め それが人生だ」僕はそう言われた事を今でも覚えているいつからだろうか 歩くことが怖くなっていた単純な事なのに難しかったんだ臆病な自分が嫌いで どうしようもなく嫌いで逃げ出したい気持ちを必死に抑えていたそんな時にあの男と出会った「前に進め 悩め それが人生だ」
One day, I met a man.I met him just by chance.It seems that he stand motionlesswithout doing anything "Step forward. Suffer. It's a life"I stille remember that he said so. Since when? I began to feel afraid of taking a step. It was so simple, but so difficult.I really hate my cowardice, really hate it. I fighted to keep from running awayAt that time, I met him"Step forward. It's the life".
すみません、このサイトの事がよくかっていないのでプロジェクトに気付きませんでした。わかりました、それでは名刺を依頼します! よろしくおねがいしますね。ちなみにあなたのクールなロゴはこのサイトで公開してます。
I am sorry. As I did not understand very well about this website, so I did not noticed about this project. I understand. I will ask you to create my name cards. Thank you. By the way, I publishe you coool logo in this website.
「お姉ちゃんも円さんを好きだって。そうね わたしも知ってたわ あなたと気持ち。お姉ちゃん...プロポーズ受けて。」「あんたバカなの?あたしとあいつがってことは あなたは一つ屋根の下で それを毎日見るってことよ。」「お姉ちゃん 私をみじめにしないで。」----------------------「いちこちゃんの信じたいほうで いいよ」
"You also love En-san. Yes, I know how you feel! Accept his marriage proposal!" " Are you sure?? The marrige with En means that you will have to see us every day under the same roof!" "Sister... Don't make me feel miserable!" "You can believe what you want to, Ichiko."
発送状況についての連絡です。2月4日に発送していただいたオーダーナンバー #3462のキャップがまだ届かないのですが、紛失の可能性はありますか?また、そちらで発送状況を確認することはできますか?通常、イギリスからの荷物は10日ほどで届きます。注文をしたキャップがどうしても欲しいので、届かない場合は代替品を送っていただくことはできますか?ご連絡をお待ちしております。
This eMail is to ask you the delivery status. The Cap (order nomber #3462) which was shipped out on February 4 has not arrived yet. Is there any possibility that it is missing? Is it possible for you to check the delivery status? Ordinally, parcels from UK arrrive within 10 days. I would like to buy the cap that I oredered at any cost., so is it possible to send me the replacement if it will not arrive? I am looking forward to hearing from you.
It has been a long time. Thank you for your purchase of my record player which I placed at auction. This time, I got recordds supported to the record player which you bought. It is a set of 16 discs and a compilation album of good old pop songs. There are already 3 bidders, But I am writing you to introduce it. I fyou do not bid thgouth eBay and buy direct from me, I will offer 5% of discount. I will send you an invoice to you PayPal account. Of course, you can bid through eBay. I am looking forward to do business with you again. As the post office close on Sundays and holidays, I will ship it out weekday.
This guitar is used, but there are no major scratch or paint peeling. On the backside of the body, the painting is partially distained. I will attache an image. Please check it. The previous owner of this guitar used it in a careful manner, so it is very rare that a gold top guitar keeps keep such a good condition. Neck condition, the rest of the frets and electric system are all in good condition. Pick guard was not attached. Fabricated year is not known. If this item is sold out, we will not get another one. We recommend you to consider the purchase as soon as possible.
The adress which I put is just the same adress that has been resgistered in your PayPal account. There is no mistake. I will attachd the image of the copy of the delivery slip. Please check it. Is this the address which you registered your PayPal account, right?If the customs office tells you " as shipping address is not known, we will return it to Japan", please tell them your right shipping address immediately. Please arrange so that the parcel will not be returned to Japan. It the parcel will be returned to Japan by any chance, we have to ask you to pay the shipping cost to Spain again. And no one want to do so.
We are very sorry that we could not get you back sooner because of the serious damage of our region for the heavy snow. We would like you to send the invoice joining the mount of the item sent on February 6 and that we placed an order today. We wil make a payment as soon as receive the invoice. Also, I would like you to pack the items carefully, as they are for the sales at our store. Best regards,