
Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

They had now to reckon with Plancus. In April the governor of Gallia mustered his army and made a semblance of intervening in northern Italy on the side of the Republic.On April 26th he crossed the Rhône and marched south-eastwards as though to join Lepidus, coming to within forty miles of the latter's camp.Lepidus encouraged him.But Plancus feared a trap--he knew his Lepidus;and Laterensis warned him that both Lepidus and his army were unreliable.So Plancus turned back and established himself at Cularo.There he waited for D. Brutus to come over the pass of the Little St. Bernard. If Plancus had by now resolved to join Antonius, his design was subtle--to lure Brutus to his ruin without the necessity of battle.


今や彼らはPlancusを考慮に入れなければならなかった。4月、 Galliaの統治者は兵を召集し、共和国側の北イタリアに介入する風を装った。4月26日、彼はRhôneを超え、東南方向へ進軍し、あたかもLepidusと合流するかのようにLepidusの陣地の40マイル圏内までやって来た。だがPlancusは罠を恐れた。彼はLepidusを知っていた。LaterensisはLepidusもLepidusの軍隊も信用が置けないと彼に警告した。そこでPlancusは引き返し、Cularoで地歩を固めた。そこで彼はD. Brutusが Little St. Bernard峠を超えてくるのを待った。Plancusがその時までにAntoniusと合流する決心をしていたのであれば、戦う必要なくBrutusを破滅させるためにおびき寄せるという彼の計画は巧妙だった。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

•to offer best prices to our customers (and you of course) we only buy special offers from B-office.
•Sometimes it is 3+1 or sometimes 5+1 or even 4+1. It depends on what B-office is offering.
•If you wish now 4-pack, we need to order NORMAL PRICE cartridges and they are more expensive. The price is what we already told you - Please look downwards to the mail where we marked in red what we wrote to you already

•Today we talked with B-office if in some European country there is an offer with 4-pack at special price. We will receive an answer Monday or Tuesday and inform you immediately. ok?

•if we cancel the actual order and invoice
•if you want to wait till we have special price 4-pack information


• お客様に(もちろんあなたにも)最良の価格を提供するため、私達はB-officeの特価販売だけ購入します。
•ある時には3+1、ある時には 5+1、4+1のこともあるでしょう。それはB-officeが何を提供してくれるかによります。



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

He did not wish to be--nor could he have subjugated the strong Caesarian sympathies of officers and men: they followed Lepidus because Lepidus was a Caesarian. The troops introduced Antonius into the camp, the Tenth Legion, once commanded by him, taking the lead. Lepidus acquiesced. One of his lieutenants, a certain Juventius Laterensis, a Republican and an honest man, fell upon his sword. Lepidus now penned a dispatch to the Senate, explaining, in the elevated phrases now universally current, how his soldiers had been unwilling to take the lives of fellow-citizens. The letter closed with a pointed sentence, surely the reply to Cicero's firm rejection of his earlier proposals for peace and concord.


彼はCaesar派の士官や兵士らの強い共感を望んでいなかったし、それを意のままに操ることもできなかった。つまり、LepidusはCaesar派だから士官や兵士は Lepidusに従っていたにすぎなかった。Antoniusが陣に投入した部隊第10レギオンが、ひとたび彼の指揮下に置かれると主導権を握った。Lepidusはしぶしぶ従った。彼の副官の1人でJuventius Laterensisとかいう共和派の正直な男が彼の刃にかかって果てた。Lepidusは、今や広く認められている高尚な文体で元老院に報告書を書き、自分の兵士らがいかに仲間の市民の命を奪うことを嫌がってきたかを説明した。手紙は辛辣な一文で締めくくられており、間違いなく、彼の早期の平和と協調への提案をCiceroが頑なに拒否したことへの応酬に違いない。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Brutus went to consult Pansa, only to find that the consul had succumbed to his wounds.Brutus had none.That was not the worst.Octavianus was to be discarded as soon as he had served the purposes of the enemies of Antonius.The Senate chose a commission to effect that salutary economy. Octavianus was not among its members--but neither was D. Brutus. Antonius might be destroyed--hence ruin to the Caesarian cause, and soon to Caesar's heir. It did not require to be demonstrated by the advice which the Caesarian consul Pansa on his death-bed may--or may not--have given to Caesar's heir. And now on others beside Octavianus the menace from the East loomed heavily. The Republicans in the Senate showed their hand.


Brutusは執政官が傷のために亡くなったかどうかを知るためにのみPansaに相談しに行った。Brutusには何もなかった。それは最悪ではなかった。OctavianusはAntoniusの敵の目的が叶うや否や処分されることになっていた。元老院は健全な経済を達成するための委員会を選定した。Octavianusはその委員に入っていなかったが、D. Brutusとて委員ではなかった。Caesar派の執政官Pansaが死の床でCaesarの後継者に与えた(あるいは与えていない)であろう助言が示される必要はなかった。今やOctavianusに加え他の者の上にも東方からの脅威がひしひしと迫っていた。元老院の共和主義者らは手の内を見せた。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Thanks for acknowledging the images . Pls advise , now these are fine to proceed with finishing .

Yes we can reduce the size for 2600 AH and 2585 AH but being an natural wood , size would not be consistent on this and would vary from pc to pc but would fall under same family . Overall we will reduce the same . Hope you understand .

Secondly , noted on labelling / barcoding .

1. No product will have barcode .
2. To make them pack as 5 pcs in inner would increase the cost by 0.10 Cent / pc . Pls confirm .
3. Yes we can put the life design code number and number of pcs in each box .
4. Noted we will put each in poly bag and will put the Life design code on each polybag .



はい、サイズを2600 AH、2585 AHに縮小することは可能ですが、天然の木材ですので、サイズは一貫しておらず、一つ一つ違っていますが、同じ部類に属します。全体的には同じように縮小いたします。ご理解頂きますようお願いいたします。



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Winter held up warfare in the north, with leisure for grim reflections.When Hirtius brought to completion the commentaries of Caesar, he confessed that he could see no end to civil strife.Men recalled not Caesar only but Lepidus and armies raised in the name of liberty, the deeds of Pompeius.At Rome the struggle was prosecuted, in open debate, veiled under the name of legality.There were more damaging charges than mere vice in public life--the lack of ancestors, the taint of trade or the stage, the shame of municipal origin.On the paternal side, the greatgrandfather of Octavianus was a freedman, a rope-maker; on the maternal, a sordid person of native African extraction, a baker or seller of perfumes at Aricia.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Of the wisdom of raising up Caesar's heir, through violence arms against Antonius, there were clearly two opinions.Octavianus marched on Rome. When Brutus heard of these alarming transactions, he protested bitterly. Whatever be thought of those qualities which contemporaries admired as the embodiment of aristocratic virtus (without always being able to prevail against posterity or the moral standards of another age), Brutus was not only a sincere and consistent champion of legality,but in this matter all too perspicacious a judge of men and politics.Victory could only be won by adopting the adversary's weapons; and victory no less than defeat would be fatal to everything that an honest man and a patriot valued.


Antoniusに対して準備された暴力を通してCaesarの後継者を持ち上げようという知恵には明らかに2つの意見があった。Octavianusはローマを行進した。 Brutusはこのような憂慮すべき行動を聞くと激しく抗議した。貴族的美徳の具現化として同時代の人達が賞賛した資質に対する考えがどのようなものであれ、(それらが常に後世の人々や別の時代の道徳的基準に優ってわけではない)Brutusは合法性の誠実で一貫した擁護者であったばかりでなく、人間や政策に対する洞察力がこのようにあまりにも優れていた。勝利は敵の武器を身につけることによってのみ得られる。そして勝利は敗北に劣らず、正直な人間や愛国者が尊重する全てにとって致命的なものであるかもしれない。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The Senate passed decrees;the Republic, liberated from military despotism,entered into the possession of its rights again: that is to say, behind the scenes private ambition, family politics and high finance were at their old games.Cicero and the ambiguous contest of the Republic against a recalcitrant proconsul occupy the stage and command the attention of history:in the background,emerging from time to time, Servilius and other schemers, patent but seldom noticed, and Balbus never even named.In Cicero the Republic possessed a fanatical champion,boldly asserting his responsibility for the actions of Octavianus.His policy violated public law--with what chance of success on a long calculation,or even on a short?



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

If they followed Cicero there was no telling where they would end. When Republicans both distrusted the politician and disapproved of his methods, the attitude of the Caesarians could be surmised: yet Caesarians themselves were divided in allegiance, for Antonius, for Octavianus, or for peace. The new consuls had a policy of their own, if only they were strong enough to achieve it. Public pronouncements on matters of high policy, however partisan in tone, cannot altogether suppress the arguments of the other side, whether they employ to that end calumny or silence: they often betray what they strive most carefully to conceal. But certain topics, not the least important, may never come up for open debate.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The tweaked design can be found on the end of the motherboard that has traditionally powered the camera and flash in previous generation models. But while the ribbons holding the part were two separate pieces inside the iPhone 5, those components have been connected to form one piece in the new component.

With Apple rumored to be working on expanding the iPhone lineup, it's unknown exactly what anticipated device the purported iPhone component could be intended for. Possibilities include an "iPhone 5S" or low-cost iPhone, both of which are expected to be introduced this year. Another option could be a completely different iPhone design, potentially for a 2014 model.


変わったデザインは旧世代モデルでは従来カメラとフラッシュの電源を供給してきたマザーボードの端に見出すことができます。しかし、部品を支えているリボンは iPhone 5内部で2つの別々の部品であったのに対し、新コンポーネントではそれらのコンポーネントがつながれて1つになっています。

iPhoneのラインアップの拡張に取り組んでいると噂のアップル社ですが、話題のiPhoneのコンポーネントがどの予想される端末を対象としているのか正確にはわかっていません。iPhone 5Sか廉価版iPhoneもその可能性の中に含まれており、両端末共、今年導入されると期待されています。別のオプションは全く異なる iPhoneのデザインで2014年モデル向けの可能性があります。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Thursday's part leak only shows one corner component of the motherboard, so it does not offer an indication as to what processor or other parts might be included.

The pictured component was obtained by Japanese retailer Moumantai, which was also the source of previous leaks of alleged next-gen iPhone components. One part pictured last month showed an alleged "iPhone 5S" camera lens, along with an unidentified mystery part.

Another component shown by the same retailer claimed to feature the home button of an iPhone 5S, while a third was alleged to be the vibration motor intended for an unreleased Apple handset.



画像のコンポーネントは日本の小売業者Moumantaiが獲得したもので、同社は以前のいわゆる次世代iPhoneコンポーネントの情報流出の情報源にもなりました。先月画像が公開された部品はいわゆるiPhone 5Sのカメラレンズと正体不明の不思議な部品を示していました。

この小売業者によって示された別のコンポーネントとはiPhone 5Sのホームボタンを搭載していると主張しており、3番目は未発表のアップルのハンドセット向けの振動モーターだとされています。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Cicero must have congratulated himself on his refusal to be lured into a premature championing of the Republic. He resolved to wait until January 1st before appearing in the Senate. But Octavianus and D. Brutus were insistent--the former based on Etruria. As they were both acting on private initiative for the salvation of the State, they clamoured to have their position legalized. The offensive was therefore launched earlier than had been expected. Summoning all his oratory or the struggle against Antonius, eager for war and iimplacable, he would hear no word of peace or compromise:he confronted Antonius with the choice between capitulation and destruction. Cicero was spurred to desperate action by the memory


Ciceroは自分が共和国の時期尚早な擁護に魅せられることを拒否したことを喜んだに違いない。彼は元老院に現れる前の1月1日まで待つことにした。だが OctavianusとD. Brutus─前者はEtruriaを拠点にしていた─は屈しなかった。両者共国家の救済に個人的なイニシアティブで動いており、自分の立場が合法化されるよう強く要求した。その結果、彼らが思っていたよりも早く攻撃が行なわれた。彼の全ての演説、または戦争好きで若いし難いAntoniusとの軋轢を集めると、彼は和平の言葉や妥協を聞き入れなかった。彼は降伏と破壊の間の選択肢の間でAntoniusと対立していた。Ciceroは逃亡の記憶、(続く)