Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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4 Seek roles that require some form of technical competence.

5 As far as possible, shift your career toward a field with constantly changing technologies or regulations.

6 Because you are not threatened by unfamiliar information, you might excel in a consulting role (either internal or external) in which you are paid to go into new situations and pick up new competencies or languages quickly.

7 Research supports the link between learning and performance.

10 Time disappears and your attention intensifies when you are immersed in studying or learning.

Allow yourself to “follow the trail” by scheduling learning sessions during periods of time that will not be interrupted by pressing engagements.


4 何らかの専門的能力が必要とされる役割を捜しなさい。

5 あなたのキャリアをできるだけ、常に技術や規制が変化する分野に転換しなさい。

6 よく知らない情報に脅かされていないのだから、(内外を問わず)コンサルタントとしての役割に秀でているかもしれない。その役割によってあなたは新たな状況に進み、新たな能力や言語を速く習得するための収入を得られるかもしれない。

7 研究調査が学習と成果の関連づけを支える。

10 あなたが研究や学習に没頭している時は時間は瞬く間に過ぎ、あなたの集中力は増す。 


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語


4 The more you understand how marshaling strengths leads to success, the more likely you will be to create success in your own life

6 Don’t let your Maximizer talents be stifled by conventional wisdom, which says you should find what is broken and fix it. Identify and invest in the parts of your organization or community that are working. Make sure that most of your resources are spent in the build-up and build-out of these pockets of excellence

7 Keep your focus on long-term relationships and goals. Many make a career out of picking the low-hanging fruit of short-term success, but your Maximizer talents will be most energized and effective as you turn top potential into true and lasting greatness



4 考えをまとめる能力がいかに成功に導くかを知れば知るほど、人生の中で一層の成功を生み出すことができるようだ。

6 最大化の能力が、壊れたものを見つけて修理するという世間一般の通念で抑圧されないようにしよう。自分が働いている組織やコミュニティーの一部を特定してそこに投資しよう。自分の資金の大部分は卓越性を高め構築するために使われるということを確認しよう。

7 長期的な関係と目標に焦点を合わせよう。多くの者は短期間の成功の低い位置にぶら下がった実を取って出世しているが、最大化の才能は、最大の潜在力を真の持続的な偉大さに変えた時、最も活気づき効果を生む。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

9 Seek roles in which you are helping people succeed.

In coaching, managing, mentoring, or teaching roles, your focus on strengths will prove particularly beneficial to others.

Because most people find it difficult to describe what they do best, start by arming them with vivid descriptions.

10 These measures will help you spot strengths, because the best way to identify a strength is to look for sustained levels of excellent performance.


1 Look for jobs in which you are charged with acquiring new information each day, such as teaching, research, or journalism.

2 This can be as simple as a file for all the articles you have clipped or as sophisticated as a computer database.


9 人が成功するのを手助けする役割を捜す 


なぜなら大部分の人は、 生き生きとした描写を身に着けて自分がベストを尽くしていることを描写することが困難だからだ。

10 これらの方策は、力を測定するのを助けてくれる。なぜなら力を特定する最良の方法は優れた業績のレベル維持を模索することだからだ。


1 指導、調査、ジャーナリズムなど毎日新しい情報を獲得することを任されるような仕事を捜しなさい。

2 これは自分がその中に綴じ込んだ全ての記事と同じくらいシンプルで、コンピューターのデータベースと同じくらい洗練されているかもしれない。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Those who had just now held Antony in contempt were alarmed, while the fears of others were changed to courage. The edicts of the decemvirs were torn down with derision. The Senate, wholly at a loss what to do and fearful lest Octavian and Antony should form an alliance, secretly sent two of their number, Lucius and Pansa, to Brutus and Cassius, under pretence of attending the games in Greece, to urge them to lend all the assistance possible. It recalled from Africa two of the three legions under Sextius, and ordered the third to be given over to Cornificius, who commanded another portion of Africa, and favoured the senatorial party, although they knew that these legions had served under Gaius Caesar,


たった今Antonyを軽視していた者は心配になり、一方他の者の恐れは勇気に代わった。10人委員会の法令は物笑いの種になり撤廃された。元老院はOctavianとAntonyが同盟を組むと困ると恐れ、ギリシャの競技を観戦に行くという名目で密かに仲間のLuciusとPansaを出来るBrutusとCassiusに元に送り、限りの救いの手を差し伸べるよう促そうとした。元老院はアフリカからSextiusの指揮下にあった3レギオンのうちの2レギオンを呼び戻し、3番目のレギオンはアフリカの別の部隊を指揮していたCornificiusの指揮下に入るよう命じ、元老院の派閥が有利になるようにした。元老院はこれらのレギオンがかつてGaius Caesarに仕え、

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

and although they suspected everything of his, but their embarrassment drove them to this, since they even appointed, awkwardly enough, Octavian as general with Decimus against Antony, for they feared lest he should unite with Antony.But Octavian excited the army to anger against the Senate both on account of its repeated indignities towards himself, and for requiring the soldiers to undertake a second campaign before paying them the 5000 drachmas per man which it had promised to give them for the first. He advised them to send and ask for the money. They sent their centurions. The Senate understood that the men had been advised to this course by Octavian and said that they would make answer also by deputies.



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From a business point of view, privacy should represent an opportunity for cloud providers to promote brand image and differentiate services.
However, privacy challenges require the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders to cover multidisciplinary approaches benefiting all areas of society.

PETs can ensure that breaches of the data protection rules and violations of individuals’ rights are not only forbidden and subject to sanctions, but are also a technically daunting undertaking.

These can be used as best practices by service providers in order to ensure compliance with legal frameworks for personal information protection.

Cloud security is set to form a major part of SG 17’s future





将来的には、クラウドセキュリティーがSG 17の作業の大部分を形成すると見込まれています。

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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

who did not separate even when they were discharged from the service but, in order that they might not be exposed to the assaults of enemies, preferred for the sake of strength to settle together in groups upon the conquered territory, rather than to enjoy their own homes singly. This is what Octavian wrote to Lepidus and Asinius. But the first soldiers of Decimus fell sick by reason of excessive eating after their famine, and suffered from dysentery, and the newer ones were still undrilled. Plancus soon joined him with his own army, and then Decimus wrote to the Senate that he would hunt down Antony, who was now a wanderer; certain small naval actions having already taken place.



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Octavian sought the consulship , applying to Cicero privately, whom he urged to become his colleague, saying that Cicero should carry on the government, as he was the elder and more experienced, and that he himself desired to enjoy the title only, as a means by which he could dismiss his army in a becoming manner, and that this was the reason he had previously asked the honor of a triumph. Cicero, whose desire for office was excited by this proposal, said to the Senate that he understood that a negotiation was on foot among the generals commanding the provinces, and he advised that they should conciliate the man whom they had treated with disdain and who was still at the head of a large army,



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Such was Cicero's passion and want of decorum in reference to Antony. He confirmed again, to the two legions that had deserted from Antony, the 5000 drachmas per man previously promised to them as the rewards of victory, as though they had already conquered, and gave them the perpetual right to wear the olive crown at the public festivals. There was nothing about Octavian in the decrees, and his name was not even mentioned. He was forthwith disregarded as though Antony were already destroyed. They wrote to Lepidus, to Plancus, and to Asinius Pollio to continue the campaign so as to come to close quarters with Antony. In Italy Octavian, although he considered it an insult that Decimus, instead of himself,


それがCiceroの熱意であり、Antonyに関して礼儀の欠如だった。CiceroはAntonyから離脱した2つのレギオンに対して、勝利の褒美として以前約束した通り1人当たり5000ドラクマを与え、公の祝祭日の時にはオリーブの冠をつける永遠の権利を与えることを再確認した。布告にはOctavianに関しては何も記されておらず、Octavianの名前さえ触れられていなかった。Antonyはすでに完全に打ちのめされていたが、Octavianは早くも無視されていた。元老院はLepidus、Plancus、Asinius PollioにAntonyの弊社の近くに来るために軍事行動を継続するよう手紙で指示した。イタリアでOctavianは、自分の代わりにDecimusがAntonyと対決する大将として選ばれたことを屈辱だと考えたが、

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was chosen general against Antony, concealed his indignation and asked the honours of a triumph for his exploits. But being disdained by the Senate as though he were seeking honours beyond his years, he began to fear lest if Antony were destroyed he should be despised still more, and so he desired the reconciliation with Antony, which Pansa on his death-bed had recommended to him. Accordingly, he began to make friends of the stragglers from Antony's army, both officers and soldiers, enrolling them among his own troops, or if they wished to return to Antony allowing them to do so, in order to show that Antony was not moved by implacable hatred against him. Having encamped near to Ventidius, he made him anxious,



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