Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

4.9 28 件のレビュー
日本語 (ネイティブ) フランス語 英語 スペイン語
3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Selection of two function modes
The unit shall be in ultralinear mode when UT is selected ( ultralinear connection will have the greater output power and the excellent drive and control).
The unit shall be in triode mode when TR is selected (triode connection shall have smooth, fine and rich sound)

Valve bias measurement
The user may use the ampere-voltage -ohm meter to make the measurement.
Set the meter to the level of DC1V, adjust the volume of the loundspeaker to minimum, insert the + and - poles on the meter to the + and - poles of ( BIAS, TEST, POINT )
respectively to measure the voltage by the meter.
The working point setup of this unit shall be 0.55V - 0.6V at the standard voltage of 110V.



計測器のレベルをDC1Vにセットして、ラウンドスピーカーの音量を最小にし、計測器で電圧を測るため、計測器の+、-極をバイアス、テスト、ポイントの+、-極にそれぞれ差し込んでください。このユニットの作用点の設定は標準110Vで0.55V - 0.6Vになっています。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Valve bias regulation
To replace the new valves, the user shall measure the bias of the four valves by the ampere-voltage-ohm meter. in case of deviation, adjust the variable resistance at each group of holes BIAS ADJ.(V1) BIAS ADJ.(V2) BIAS ADJ.(V3) BIAS ADJ.(V4)
by the proper tools. Turn it clockwise 0 reduce the bias, and turn it counterclockwise to increase the bias, until the bias of the four valves reaches 0.55V-0.6V at the standard voltage of 110V. Make the measurement and regulation once again after the thermal stability of the valves.

Poor power supply, no indicator on
Check the insertion of the power plug, the supply to the socket, the connection of the fuse, and power switch



新しいバルブと交換するには、ユーザーはマルチメーターで4つのバルブのバイアスを測定します。バイアス値が狂う場合には、バイアスを高めるため、適当なツールを使って各グループのホールの可変抵抗値をBIAS ADJ.(V1) BIAS ADJ.(V2) BIAS ADJ.(V3) BIAS ADJ.(V4)に調節してください。時計回りに回してバイアスをゼロにしてから、時計と反対周りに4つのバイアス値が標準110Vで0.55V-0.6Vになるまで回してください。


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The manufacture has set up the bias of this unit well before delivery, and mark (V1, V2, V3, V4) on the valves. Therefore, insert the valves correctly as per the numbers respectively marked on the valves and the casings ( V1, V2, V3, V4 ).
Take care not to make any wrong insertion, for the bias difference between the valves may cause the over-current of a given valve, burn it and result in the unnecessary damage.

Warning:don't put this equipment under the rain or in a damp place, otherwise it may cause the fire or electric shock.

NOTE:( Please cut off the power supply to this unit before switching ).

The warranty period for this unit shall be two years, and two months for the valve.


メーカーは配達前にこのユニットのバイアスを配達前に設定し、バルブの印を (V1, V2, V3, V4)きちんと確認していますので、印がついている通りにバルブとケーシング( V1, V2, V3, V4 )を正しく差し込んでください。




3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Octavian no longer held communication with the troops through the medium of others, and no longer asked them to wait, but assembled the army and came before them and related to them the indignities he had suffered from the Senate, and its purpose to destroy all the friends of Gaius Caesar, one by one: he admonished them also to beware against being transferred to a general opposed to their party and being sent to one war after another to be killed or set in opposition to each other. This, he said, was the reason why, after their common struggles at Mutina were ended, rewards were given to only two legions, in order to induce strife and sedition among them."You know, too," he said,


Octavianはもはや他人を通して軍隊と連絡をとったり、待つように頼んだりせず、軍隊を召集し、兵士より前に到着し、自分が元老院に苦しめられた怒りを兵士らに語り、Gaius Caesarの全ての友人を一人ひとり打ち破ることを提案した。また自分たちに敵対する将軍の下に配置転換され、次々に戦争に送られて殺されるか、或いは互いに敵対することがないように警戒するよう訓戒した。Mutinaにおける共通の奮闘が終わった後、元老院が互いに対立、扇動するよう仕向けるために2つのレギオンにのみ褒美を与えたのはそのためだ、とOctavianは語った。「君たちも知っているように、

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

"the reason why Antony was lately vanquished you have heard what the Pompeians in the city did to those who had received certain gifts from Caesar. What confidence can you have of keeping the lands and money you have received from him, or what confidence can I have in my own safety, while the relatives of the murderers thus dominate the Senate? For my part I shall accept my fate, whatever it may be, for it is honourable to suffer anything in the service of a father; but I fear for you, such a host of brave men. You know that I have been free from ambition from the time when I declined the praetorship which you offered me with the insignia of that office. I see only one path of safety now for both of us:



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

if I should obtain the consulship by your help. In that case all my father's gifts to you will be confirmed, the colonies that are still due to you will be forthcoming, and all your rewards will be paid in full; and I should bring the murderers to punishment and release you from any more wars."At these words the army cheered heartily, and forthwith sent their centurions to ask the consulship for Octavian. When the Senate began to make talk about his youth, the centurions replied, as they had been instructed, that in the olden times Corvinus had held the office and at a later period the Scipios, both the elder and the younger, before the legal age, and that the country profited much from the youth of each.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.5

I just received an email from M. They told me the order has been cancelled. I called them via telephone this morning and they told me they cannot process the order because the shipping address is a shipping company's address. I do not know how can they know it is a shipping company. Anyway, they told me they cannot process the order.
Do you mean ship the package to me and I ship it to Florida? How much extra cost will it be?
Please let me know if i understand you right.
I do not know how much will the shipping expense be from me to your Florida Company because i do not know the total weight of the package.
Please let me know how you want me to do.If sometime I did not reply you promptly, thank you for your patience



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Use your Individualization talents to gather and share real-life stories that will make your points much better than would generic information or theories.

9 You move comfortably among a broad range of styles and cultures, and you intuitively personalize your interactions.

Consciously and proactively make full use of these talents by leading diversity and community efforts.

10 Your Individualization talents can help you take a different approach to interpreting data.

While others are looking for similarities, make a point of identifying distinctiveness.

Your interpretations will add a valuable perspective.


1 Refine how you learn.

5 You will be energized by the challenge of keeping up.



9 広範な様式や文化の間を楽々と動き、直観的に交流を自分なりにアレンジする。


10 自分の個性化の才能はデータの解釈に異なったアプローチをするのに役立つ。




1 学習の仕方を改善する。

5 ついて行こうとするチャレンジによりあなたは生き生きとしてくる。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

For example, you might learn best by teaching; if so, seek out opportunities to present to others.

You might learn best through quiet reflection; if so, find this quiet time.

2 If there are distinct levels or stages of learning within a discipline or skill, take a moment to celebrate your progression from one level to the next.

If no such levels exist, create them for yourself (e.g., reading five books on the subject or making three presentations on the subject).

3 Be a catalyst for change.

Others might be intimidated by new rules, new skills, or new circumstances.

Your willingness to soak up this newness can calm their fears and spur them to action.

Take this responsibility seriously.




2 規律や能力の中に異なったレベルや段階があるのなら、1つのレベルから次のレベルに進んだことを祝う時間を持ちなさい。

もしそのようなレベルが存在しないのなら、自分自身のために作り出しなさい(例 その課題に関する本を5冊読む、その課題について3回発表する)。

3 変化のきっかけを作りなさい。

