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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The sister of Octavianus had a son, Marcellus, by her consular husband; but Marcellus was born two years earlier. In 40 B.C. Octavianus himself, it is true, had contracted a marriage with Scribonia; Julia, his only daughter, was born in the following year. But there was a more important pact than the despairing and impermanent alliance with Pompeius, a more glorious marriage than the reluctant nuptials with the morose sister of Pompeius' father-in-law. Brundisium united the Caesarian leaders in concord and established peace for the world. It is a fair surmise that the Fourth Eclogue was composed to announce the peace, to anticipate the natural and desired consequences of the wedding of Antonius and Octavia.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Hey Kenichi, one of the R11s sold last night on ebay. I can do the 4 for 240 and the shafts too. So a total of 2240, I will send the invoice now. I will definitely let you know as soon as the putter arrives. Thanks for the business as always. Are you interested in any RBZ fairways? I have some 13 and 14.5.

Hey Kenichi, I just wanted to follow up and make sure thats OK. I have had a bunch of people asking me for these heads over the past day and just wanted to make sure you still wanted them.

Also would you be interested in two mint/new RBZs. One 9.5 and one 10.5. I could do them both for $1000.





3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

A definite claim was early made. Pollio's son Gallus (born perhaps in 41 B.C.) informed the learned Asconius that, as a matter of fact, none other than he, Gallus, was the wonder-child: no evidence that Asconius believed him. The Virgilian commentators in late antiquity with confidence instal a younger son of Pollio, Saloninus, who duly smiled at birth and conveniently perished almost at once. Yet the very existence, not merely the relevance, of Saloninus may be called into doubt; further, there is no reason to imagine that Pollio expected a son of his to rule the world, no indication in the poem that the consul there invoked was shortly to become a father.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

I am sorry for such a long awaited reply!! moms birthday was Saturday and we were planning it all week... my job is so so... I like it sometimes, but for the most part, I hate it. everyone is miserable usually and I'm happy, so they try to bring me down and I will not allow them to. ;)

so since we last talked, I have went on a different type of diet. I joined myfitnesspal.com and downloaded the app to my iPhone. you give ur weight and height and it decides how many calories you should have... it makes it simple because there is foods already in the program and you add them for each category... super easy!! I lost 8 pounds since last Tuesday (6 days!!!!) isn't that awesome?! ;D



それで前回お話したように、色々なタイプのダイエットを続けています。myfitnesspal.comに入ってアプリを iPhoneにダウンロードしました。体重と身長を入力すれば必要なカロリー数を決めてくれるんです。プログラムの中にすでに食事が入っていて、カテゴリーごとにそれを加えるだけなのでとっても簡単です!!先週の火曜日から8ポンドも減量しました(たった6日です!!!)これってすごくないですか?! ;D

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The child appears to be something more than a personification of an era in its infancy, its parents likewise are neither celestial. nor apocalyptic, but a Roman father with virtus to bequeath to his son, and a Roman matron. The identification of the child of destiny is a task that has exercised the ingenuity--and revealed the credulity or ignorance--of scholars and visionaries for two thousand years; it has been aggravated by a hazard to which prophetic literature by its very nature is peculiarly liable, that of subsequent manipulation when exact fulfilment has been frustrated or postponed.A string of Messianic candidates with spurious credentials or none at all may summarily be dismissed.

