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[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] たくさんのソーシャルメッセージ交換アプリが存在するが、その中でもHike独特の機能は、SMSに対応していることだ。海外ユーザーはHike2SMSを使い、そ...

India’s Hike App Goes Global, Ready to Zap Messages Across Android, iPhone, WP

The India-made messaging app Hike, which we previewed back in September, has made good on its promise to launch internationally. And to make it even more accessible, Hike app is now ready to greet the world with new apps for iPhone and Windows Phone (WP) joining its original Android version. The act of going global wasn’t as easy as flicking a switch. Kavin Bharti Mittal, from the Bharti Softbank (BSB) incubator that guides Hike, tells us that the app “started rolling out to five countries every day as part of our ‘around the world in 20 days.’” Today the process was complete. He says that the app – which takes on rivals as diverse as BBM, Whatsapp, Line, and WeChat – initially proved so popular that it put a big strain on their servers, and so “launching in a phased manner” made more sense. That also explains why it was a bit late in arriving. One unique feature of Hike – among such social messaging apps, anyway – is that it also supports SMS, allowing its global users to do Hike2SMS and Indian users to fire back with SMS2Hike. Kavin says that, in feature phone-loving India, approximately half of the usage is via SMS, but, in general around the globe, folks are predominantly messaging when on wifi or mobile data plans. Of course, going into more markets will also result in meeting users with many different demands. While Hike is quite minimalistic, it might find people want features that they’re familiar with from Line or WeChat, like video messaging or themed sticker/emoticon packs. Hike will be adding new things, Kavin says, but he’s remaining tight-lipped on what that entails. He adds: There are lots of new features coming in 2013. Hike will be very different by end of first quarter. Building on our philosophy of less is more we will always keep user experience prime, which also answers a question we get asked usually – whether we will serve ads in hike to monetize. We won’t. Ads, we feel, are bad UX.

Well, at least there won’t be ads. Judging by Hike’s reception on Android, where it has mostly five-star reviews on Google Play from users around the world, it’s off to a good start with its new audience.
3_yumie7 さんによる翻訳

遡って9月に予告したインドのメッセージアプリHikeは海外へ進出するという約束を果たした。一層アクセスしやすくするためHikeアプリは元のAndroid版にiPhone用、ウィントウズフォン (WP)用の新アプリを加えて世界に扉を開く。
海外進出というのはスイッチを切り替えるような生半可なことではなかった。Hikeを主導するインキュベーターBharti Softbank (BSB)のKavin Bharti Mittal氏は「アプリは弊社の<20日間世界一周>の一環としてえ毎日5ヶ国で本格展開を始めています。」と述べた。今日そのプロセスが完了した。同氏によると、BBM、Whatsapp、Line、WeChatなど様々なライバルを持つこのアプリは当初非常に人気が高いせいでサーバーに負担がかかり過ぎたため、段階的にローンチする方が理にかなっていたという。この説明で、ローンチがいささか遅れたのも納得できる。

ということで、少なくとも、広告は載せないようだ。世界中のGoogle Playのユーザーのレヴューでほとんど5つ星がついたAndoroid版Hikeの高い評価から考えれば、新たなオーディエンスと共にHikeは順調なスタートを切っている。

Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
3_yumie7 3_yumie7