Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 日本PCO協会はTSP太陽会議室で年次総会、特別セミナー、意見交換会を開催した 近浪弘武代表幹事は「フランクフルトで開催されたIMEXでは財政危機に陥って...

特別セミナーではTSPの伊藤恵一氏が『時代の変化とともに変わる「運営・安全管理」』と題して講演を行なった 伊藤氏はイベント運営や求められるものを1970年代からの変遷で解説。時代を追うごとに重視されるようになった安全管理について、事前の動員算定や動線計画など事前準備が重要である反面、イベント実施中に、計画を実情に合わせて対応していくことが大切、と説明した。また、東日本大震災の対応で明らかになった災害対応のポイントとして、マニュアルと実行力、さらにリスクヘッジと改善する能力をあげた。そして運営・安全管理が、イベントの目的である主催者のブランド向上につながる、と講演を締めくくった。
[削除済みユーザ] さんによる翻訳
Japan PCO association holded an annual meeting, special seminar, and opinion session in TSP solar conference room.
Hirotake Chikanami, the chairman, stated "In IMEX which was held in Frankfurt, even Greece which has fallen in to the financial crisis also exhibited by a large booth. That was impressive they worked for increasing of national power by promoting MICE. Japan should unite and promote MICE same as them. Let's realize the revival of Japan by MICE uniting Japan PCO association with related organization etc.
In the special seminar, Keiichi Ito of TSP gave a lecture with subject of "[Management of holding and safety] which is changing with the time".
Mr. Ito explains event management and the thing required by the changes from the 1970s. About the safety control which came to be thought as important with changing the time, while advance preparations, such as prior mobilization calculation, flow planning, etc., are important, he explained that corresponding the plan according to the actual condition is important during event enforcement. Moreover, as a point corresponding to the disaster which became clear in correspondence of the Great East Japan Earthquake, a manual, power of execution, and also a risk hedge and the capability to improve were stated. And the lecture was ended with stating that management and a safety control lead to the improvement in brand of the sponsor which is the purpose of an event.

Conyac で翻訳した結果

日本語 → 英語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)