Updating Discovery for Social Games on Facebook With Algorithms, Better New User Experience
August 4th, 2011
The reason Ryan shies away from a Games destination on Facebook, like the version currently available, is that users expect to see lists of the 10 most popular games on destination sites because that’s what they’re used to seeing in the App Store or Android Marketplace. Ryan says these lists tend to be self-fulfilling, and the idea of Facebook dictating to a new user what they should or shouldn’t play goes against the platform’s philosophy of social discovery.
Ryan氏が現行ヴァージョンのようにFacebook上でユーザーを特定のゲームへと仕向けることを避ける理由は次のようなものである。ユーザーはディスティネーションサイトにおいて人気ゲーム上位10選のリストを見ることを予期している。なぜならそれがApp StoreやAndroidマーケットプレイスで見慣れているものだからである。そしてFacebookが新しいユーザーに何をプレイすべきで何をプレイすべきでないかを指図するという考えは、ソーシャルディスカバリーについてのFacebookプラットフォームの哲学に反するものである。
Even so, he admits that there needs to be a better new user experience available to those just now entering the social games ecosystem on the platform, though Facebook hasn’t found that answer yet.
As it stands, a new user can stumble on the destination site through the Games tab (which has made several moves around the default Facebook view in the last six months) or by clicking on a Games-related post in the Facebook.com landing page like the one pictured above. The developer-oriented Facebook+Games page is also functions as a discovery tool for games new to the platform.
Beyond the end of 2011, Ryan says the team will continue to look at new games platform features that will work for Facebook. By studying other games ecosystems like Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, or Kongregate, Ryan says there may be lessons to learn that could contribute to better discovery systems.