If the customer does not collect the item, it will be returned to sender (if possible) after 18 days.
Mail that needs to be returned to the sender generally travels with first class post, or with our Special Delivery™ post if originally sent via that service. We send any items that don't display a full return address to our National Returns Centre, where our colleagues open the items under secure and confidential conditions to find the information. This process can take some time to complete, so we recommend that senders always put a full return address on the back of their mail, and include a contact name, address and telephone number with the contents.
お客様がお荷物を受け取りにならない場合、荷物は(可能であれば)18日後に送り主へと返されます。送り主へと送りかえされる荷物は、通常ファーストクラス郵便で、特別郵便(Special Delivery™ )で送られた場合は、その方法にて送られます。National Returns Centreでは、送り主の住所が表示されていない場合でも、スタッフが安全かつ機密の条件の元に荷物を開け、必要な情報を見つけます。この行程は時間がかかりますので、送り主はいつも荷物の裏に送り返す場合の住所を、また、連絡の可能な方のお名前、住所、連絡先を記載する事をお勧めいたします。
If we cannot find the sender's address and the item contains goods with a value of £46.00 or less, we will dispose of it to avoid an unnecessary build up of items at the Centre. I'm afraid we can't keep records of disposals due to the large number of items the National Returns Centre has to handle every day. However, we do retain anything of value, as well as anything sent via our Special Delivery™ service, in the hope that we can reunite the item with the sender.
We recommend you contact the senders and ask them to provide their own postal administration with the posting details.
We have a Universal Postal Agreement with all our international partners, which means all enquiries and claims relating to international mail must be initiated by the senders in the country of origin.
Please see the Universal Postal Union's website at for further details regarding this.
Where applicable, the postal administration in the item's country of origin will liaise with Royal Mail to investigate the loss. They will then respond to the senders directly, just as soon as their enquiries are complete.
I hope you have found this information useful and that this explanation resolves your enquiry. Please accept my apologies, once again, for any inconvenience caused and if there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know.