zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Some industry insiders feel that Shanda will blaze a new trail in a quick move from New York to Shanghai. It raises the prospect of huge IPOs in the future – such as, say, the Alibaba Group, or its Taobao or Tmall divisions – avoiding the US altogether, rather than being orphan stocks. (Note that only Alibaba.com is listed, in Hong Kong: HKG:1688)

Peter Schloss, an experienced internet executive in China who was the CFO of TOM Online when it got its US IPO, said recently on Twitter:

Is Shanda the first of many US-listed Chinese internet companies that will go private and then re-list later on the Chinese stock markets? I say yes.



中国で経験豊なインターネット企業役員で、TOM Onlineがアメリカで上場した時に同社のCFOであったピーター・シュロス氏は、先日ツイッターで次のようにつぶやいている。


zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

" India, which has emerged as the second largest mobile market in the world, stands at the cusp of another revolution – mobile internet.

With a fast growing economy, a large youth population and access to cheaper and faster data, there is a unique opportunity to build services ground up for mobile, especially in a country where the first screen for most is a mobile device. We are delighted to partner with SoftBank, whose vast experience in this area will help us build and invest in services for India."

Atsushi Taira, the CEO at Bharti SoftBank Holdings Pte. Ltd who was previously an SVP, strategic business development at Softbank Corp said:




Bharti SoftBank Holdings Pte. LtdのCEOで、ソフトバンクの元副社長*および戦略事業開発担当の大蘿淳司氏は次のように語った。

訳注:元副社長としましたが、SVPには次長によっては副社長、専務、常務などの意味もあり、色々と調べてみましたが、my Spaceの元社長という以外では、確実なところがわかりませんでした。申し訳ありません。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Vetter Streamlines the Idea Generation Process

Canvassing ideas and then getting feedback can be a pain in the ass. But the internet world isn’t short of solutions. Some might use Facebook questions while others use Twitter with hashtags, or even Google spreadsheets/forms to collect ideas. But Taiwan-based start-up, Vetter, feels that it has a better method to collect, rate, and compile good ideas.

Vetter is a web-based solution for managers to engage with their team members on problem-solving. Anyone invited to the group on Vetter can submit ideas on any problems posted by the “boss.” And any team member can also rate the quality of the ideas on a scale from one to five stars.





zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Like most electronics malls in China, the Zhongguancun shopping centers are multi-floor monstrosities filled with hundreds of small vendors who are often selling a particular brand or multiple brands of a particular product. They are a PC nerd’s fantasy — in one mall, you can probably find twenty different retailers that are just dedicated to selling CPU cooling units, for example — but they’re a branding nightmare, as almost none of the stores are official. In fact, Beijing’s biggest officially branded tech store — the Apple store — is on the other side of the city.



zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

A shift to more branded stores would be a mixed blessing for consumers, who may or may not welcome the chance to buy from official shops. On the one hand, official branded shops are seen as more trustworthy. Their goods aren’t likely to be fake, and returns are generally easier than when dealing with a third-party vendor. On the other hand, though, larger branded shops means fewer choices, and probably higher prices, especially since most branded shops we’ve been to don’t allow haggling, which can save the skilled consumer quite a bit of money in the Zhongguancun malls now (though unskilled hagglers may just as easily find themselves overpaying for everything).



zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Founded in 2009, Happy Elements which is a top-ten gaming vendor on Facebook platform over the past two years operates in both Beijing and Tokyo. The company has been making gaming titles distributed through 15 of the world’s most popular social platform, including Facebook, Tencent Pengyou, Tencent Qzone, Mixi, Gree, Cyworld, Daum, StuVZ, Kaixin001, RenRen and so on. It claims to own 2.5Million daily active users on Facebook, the #2 and #3 popular games on Mixi in Japan.

The Beijing-based company has also extended its reach into new territory by unveiling three mobile titles in Japan.

Happy Elements raised US$ 5 million from DCM in middle 2010.


2009年に設立されたHappy Elementsは、ここ2年間フェイスブックでトップ10にランキングされるゲームベンダーで、北京および東京に事務所をおいている。同社は世界で最も人気のある15のソーシャルプラットフォーム(フェイスブック、騰訊朋友、騰訊QZone、ミクシー、グリー、サイワールド、Daum[ダウム]、StuVZ、開心001、人人網、等など)で配信されるゲームを制作している。フェイスブックでのデイリー・アクティブ・ユーザーは250万人で、ミクシーでは2番目と3番目に人気のあるゲームを提供しているという。


Happy Elementsは2010年中頃にDCMから500万ドルの資金調達をした。