yoppo (yoppo1026) Translations

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yoppo1026 Japanese → English
Original Text



当日は当協会石積会長が「東北経済の起爆剤 見本市都市 仙台の実現!」をテーマとした特別講演を行なった。


Practical Use of Exhibition Seminar to learn from the affected area

On March 17, "Practical use of Exhibition Seminar to learn from the affected area of the Great East Japan Earthquake" was held at Dream Messe Miyagi West Hall (Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture). The seminar was sponsored by the active promotion committee of Japan Exhibition Association Women and co-sponsored with the general foundation Miyagi Industry Exchange Center that is running the venue, Dream Messe Miyagi.

On the day, Mr. Ishizumi, the president of the association gave a special talk with the theme of "Making Sendai as a trade fair city - detonator of Tohoku economy!".
And the symposium was held with the theme of "Disaster prevention in the perspective of women".